BYLAW - Relating to owners of Cabs REPEALED BY 1397~59 - 19430317 - 879~1942.. --' ' . . r--~~-.,~~~·-~~·----·'"'"···='"-~,'""...J.J=>f~-,..= .. m-?.·"'~~·•·--~-·_;_:---..:.:... __ ___;,~"-"-'~;.,.~~.;...-:~m ·:; Js--: . . . ~ ~,..,,,,.,._""=~"'~-=-~--~.._..:.__«~~~~~.-----= - BY,..LAW NUMBER llf REPEALED. SEE BY-LAW NO.,,./.J.l/~ of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora. RELATING !00 OWNERS OF CABS REGULARLY USED FOR HIRE, WHEREAS the _councils of Towns are authorised by T~ Municipal Act to :pass by-laws for licensing, regulating and governing, amengst others, owners of cabs, busses, motor and other vehicles used for hire within the Town and for revoking and cancelling the license. THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWI'I OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. (a) "Cab~ shall mean any vehicle used for hire for the con- veyance of persons within the Town. (b) "Drive-self Cab" shall mean any cab rented by the owner q;}/J· /- thereof and used and driven exclusively by the hirer for his own-personal use. The owner of any cab or drive-self cab shall not use or 2. .ttPA.£(1 r I operate the same or allow the same to be used or operated, without a license, from the Town of Aurora, which said license may be in the form "A" to this I I I By-Law annexed or in a like form, and such owner shall, prior to obtaining his license, pay to the Treasurer of the Town of Aurora a fee Dollars. Every owner of more than one cab or drive-self cab required to be licensed under this By-Law shall take out a separate license for each \ \ dab or drive-self cab. The owner or driver of every cab licensed under this By-law shall keep the interior and exterior of such cab clean,_ dry and in good re- pair and whenever the owner of any such oab receives notice, either give~ to him or his driver, and signed by the Chief Constable, that such cab is not in a fit or proper condition for use, stating briefly the items complained of, f [, I I, i' I 2 lffl;/d. such owner !!hall, within the tim.e ~entionad in such notice, put the same 4fP , in a fit and proper condition. Every such cab shall also be equipped with~ · an extra tire. The owner of avery cab in respect of which a license. has bean issued under this By-law,. shall, when required, submit· his cab for examination by the Chief Constable, or other afficar authorized b.y him, and no owner or driver shall, at any time, when his cab is not employed, prevent or hinder the said Chief Constable, or any officer authorized by him from entering the same or at acy time prevent or hinder him from enter- ing his garage or other building for the p~posa of inspecting the same. 6. Where any licensed owner dis~osas of his \ cab and dtj~)d ""'" ,, .... ,,r d ~ acquires another cab, he Shall submit the latter cab to the for approval before using the same. 7. :U:o licensed owner of acy cab shall employ acy person other than a licensed driver as the driver of his cab. s. When any owner employs a driver he shall, within two days thereafter, notify the Chief Constable that he has employed such driver, and when said driver quits his employ he Shall, within the said . If/:· flY ::::··· "'"" ... Cb! of ·~"·"· " ruoh •"•r'. •'"'"" ... -·= ... ~-. ;, ft f1· 9. Owners and nrivers of cabs licensed under this By-law ~ - shall at all times obey the orders of the Police. ~ 10. The license issued under this By-law to acy owner of any cab or drive-self cab, shall, forthwith after cab or drive-self cab ceases to be used for hire in accordance with the tenor and meaning of this By-law, be revoked and cancelled, ani the owner of any such cab or drive-self cab, shall, forthwith after his cab or drive-self cab ceases to be used for hire in accordance with the tenor and meaning of this By- law, turn in his license to the Clerk of the said CoYporation, ,---~·-'····~"-~~-~. ~··.,_· ··. -.. ·~--·-.. -.. -· .. -·· ... ·~~. .,' :-' $_d<-' -;. z:t~~'"l'•"'';...~..,.;,.&~_.....;.;. •. ~--"·~...:...........~-~-"''"'-~ i l_ I I ... 11. J1 The Chief Constable shall have supervision over all persons ,P~ this By-Law and over all. cabs, together with the equipment used fr' -3 ... licensed under by them, and it shall be the duty. of the Chief Constable; for licenses (a) To make all necessary enquiries concerning applications :;,' J1dftJ?.· as rD13¥ be requisite to secure a due observance of the law, and of 1 Y this By-.law, (b) To submit to the Mayor recolll!D3ndations for .. !rJ/.J. the revoking~ · or cancelling of' any license, together with his report thereon, (c) To ascertain by inspection and enquiry from time to time and as often as may be required by the MS¥or, whether the persons re-· f J1 ceiving licenses, continue to comply with the provisions of the law and of this • ,/JP . ~ By-law and whether any such persons have ceased to use their cab or drive-/ in accordance with the true meaning of this By-law. ~' J:f. I • (d) To prosecute all persons who shall offend against any /i/ . · self cab for hire of the provisions of tlla law or of this By-law. to be observing the provisions of this By-law, may be revoked or cancelled. JAtffil'.' /.~ . The license of any person found by the Chief.Constable not /<f·· 12. Any person convicted of a breach of any provision of this By-law shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convicting magistrate a penalty not exceeding (exclusive of costs) the sum of{!5o~Ji(Jty Dollars for each offence. Dated at the Town Hall, Aurora, this !J dS¥ of Maroh, 1942. Passed at th.e Town Hall, Aurora, this 11 day of March, 1942. MAYOR CLEEK /" ------· _______ ,/ ··,., I ! I ! l I: TOWJ.IT OF AURORA Cab Lie. No. C A B 0 W J.IT E R' S L I C E J.IT S E THIS IS TO .CERTIFY T-HA~. •• ••-• • • • • •. •. • •• •. • c. ••• o:t. • • • •. •• •••••••• ••••••••••• is hereby Licensed to lme,p an Auto-Cab for hire in the ToW!l of Aurora. This License to be in force from the date of issue or renewal thereof until the 31st day of December following. D9.ted this Received the swn of License Issued Renewed day of Dollars 194 • Clerk. ) for the above License. Treasturer. Renewed Renewed Signature in full of Licensed Person.