MINUTES - Special Council - 19900628MINUTES
NO. 33-90
York Region Board of Education Administrative Offices
Thursday, June 28, 1990
7:35 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor West in Chair; Councillors
Jones, Mcintyre, McKenzie, Ochalski,
Pedersen, Stewart, Timpson and
STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Chief Administrative Officer,
Director of Planning, Senior Planner
-Plans Administration and Clerk.
Acting Deputy Clerk absent on
Mayor West advised that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting for
amendment to the Official Plan with respect to the Bayview Residential
Neighbourhood Secondary Plan, OP-06-90, and for amendment to the Zoning
By-law for Cat-Tail Investments Inc., Z-27-89.
The Public Meeting procedure and the opportunities available for concerned
residents to ask questions of the proponents of the applications scheduled
for consideration were explained.
Mayor West requested that any person wishing to receive Notice of the
Passage of the proposed By-law under consideration should sign the forms
available before they leave the meeting.
The Clerk advised that the required notices for OP-06-90 were published in
the Banner/Era on May 27, 1990 and June 13, 1990 in comp 1 i ance with the
Planning Act (1983). The necessary signs were posted pn the property in
accordance with the rules of procedure. The require notices of Meeting for
application Z-27-89 were mailed in compliance with the Planning Act (1983)
by First Class Mail to addresses within 120 metres of the area as shown on
the last revised Assessment Roll of the Town of Aurora, to which the
proposed By-law would apply. The necessary sign was posted on the property
in accordance with the rules of procedure under the Planning Act (1983).
There were no disclosures of Interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act, 1983.
#422. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein.
AMENDMENT: Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution it was:
#423. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the resolutions pertaining to the new Town Civic Complex be
added to the Agenda under New Business.
The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED.
Planning Department Comments, Bayview Resi denti a 1 Nei qhbourhood Secondary
Plan; and
. ~ .. ~ ~'
Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 33-90
Thursday, June 28, 1990
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Proposal Z-27-89 -Cat-Tail Investments Inc.
The Public Meeting began with the Director of Planning reviewing the
contents of Reports PL90-088-205 and PL90-089-206 prepared concerning the
subject applications.
Applicant's Comments:
Mr. Kennedy, a Planner representing Cat-Tail Investments Inc. addressed
Council and stated he had no difficulty with the Planner's Report. Mr.
Kennedy stated there may be a few cosmetic changes after the Environment
Impact Study is received.
Mr. G. Templeton addressed Council on behalf of Old Park Holdings & Priestly
Limited. Mr. Templeton stated he was in general agreement with the
Planner's Report. He would like to keep options opened for another access
on Wellington Street East from the Commercial site. Also the Commercial
site and Office site may be built in two stages.
Mr. Singer, representing Priestly Limited stated that as Hartman House had
undergone a great number of changes he did think it was of a historical
value. He stated that Priestly Limited may be interested in donating the
house to the Town.
Residents' Concerns:
Hartman House;
lot sizes;
needs to be Environmental Studies;
access to conservation areas;
size of forest cut;
will there be replanting in area where trees were cut down;
traffic study need;
water-sewage capacity;
need of Secondary School site;
road over stream;
run-off of salt, etc.;
ecological carrying capacity of trail stream;
parking lot -in recreational area;
beaver pond to be destroyed;
need Heritage Impact Study -landscape;
access from development to Industrial Parkway;
Water Management Study;
detailed mapping of area for wildlife, trout stream, shrubs and trees;
Citizens Committee should be formed for supervisory purposes;
need mix type of housing;
road design;
Storm Water management;
data-base for area to be developed needed;
green space -establish what is there now;
affordable housing;
water -quality and quantity;
cold water stream survey;
Planning process;
grading-removal of topsoil;
location of townhouse blocks.
The Public Meeting Closed and Council's consideration began:
Planning Department Comments, Bayview Residential Neighbourhood Secondary
#424. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT an Official Plan Amendment be proceeded with, and additional
policies and/or constraints as may be recommended through an
Environmental Impact Analysis be incorporated; and
Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 33-90
Thursday, June 28, 1990
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THAT the following policies be incorporated:
1. Requirement for a traffic study to confirm the feasibility of
the residential densities proposed particularly on the Old
Park Holdings lands. The study should examine the impact on
the intersection of the collector street with Bayview and the
appropriateness of the land use combination with the provision
that reductions in density may be required depending upon the
outcome/recommendations of the study.
2. Policies which require that a comprehensive design concept for
the commercia 1 b 1 ocks and the open space b 1 ock be undertaken
prior to construction of any component. This policy should
encourage the retention of the "Hartman House", if possible
and outline measures to attempt to incorporate the house
within the development concept for the area.
3. A series of policies including the approaches suggested by
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and those being
developed by the Public Works Department in relation to storm
water management, erosion, sedimentation control, and
prohibiting pre-servicing.
4. A requirement that an archaeological
as a condition of draft approval
assessment be carried out
or prior to site plan
5. A requirement that a preliminary functional design proposal
showing road grades and typical development cross sections be
finalized prior to draft approval or rezoning.
6. Provisions to enable the Town to utilize Section 41 of the
Planning Act.
7. Policies respecting any other issue which requires additional
clarity as a result of public input received.
8. That topsoil not be stripped until lands covered by the plan
receives final zoning approval, subject to the guidelines
currently being developed in the Town of Aurora.
Proposal Z-27-89 -Cat-Tail Investments Inc.
#425. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT staff be authorized to prepare the necessary Zoning By-law and
third reading of the By-1 aw be held unti 1 the following concerns
are addressed and resolved:
1. Pre 1 imi nary storm water management, sedimentation and eros ion
control plans.
2. Preliminary functional design proposal showing road grades and
typical development cross sections.
3. Alteration to the draft plan to incorporate walkways.
4. Concerns of Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the
Ministry of Natural Resources.
5. Topsoi 1 remove in accordance with guidelines being developed
by the Public Works Department.
The Meeting recessed for 10-minutes. Council reconveyed.
Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 33-90
Thursday, June 28, 1990
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Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the
following By-laws for Third Reading:
3201-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2213-78 (Gateway Plaza
3206-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2213-78 (Beavertop,
Bayview Business Park, G.W. and E.J. Schmidt).
3207-90 Being a By-law to amend By-law No.2213-78 (Sergio
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time.
Town Civic Complex
#427. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Aurora has received three
submissions in the design/build competition for the new Town Civic
Complex, and:
WHEREAS it is deemed desirable on the part of Council to accept the
proposal of the consortia of Buttcon Limited and Allen and Sherriff;
THEREFOR be it resolved that Council:
1) Accept the design/build proposal of the firms of Buttcon
Limited and Allen Sherriff, in the amount of $8,689,000; and
2) Award a contract to the consortia of Buttcon Limited and Allen
Sherriff for the construction of the new Town Civic Complex;
3) Direct the Town's project management consultants, Marshall
Macklin Monaghan to issue a "Letter of Intent" to Buttcon
Limited indicating that the Town as the intention to sign a
contract with that firm for the construction of the new Town
Civic Complex; and
4) Direct the Town's project management consultants, Marshall
Macklin Monaghan, to prepare contract documents for the
project for execution on the part of the Town and the
successful design/build consortia.
On a recorded vote, the resolutions CARRIED.
VOTING YEA: Mayor West, Councillors Jones, Mcintyre, McKenzie, Ochalski,
Pedersen, Stewart, Timpson and Weller.
#428 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the financing for the new Town Civic Complex be undertaken as
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Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 33-90
Thursday, June 28, 1990
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1) THAT staff proceed to dispose of the lands known as the
"Wellington Street Residential Lands" by public tender and
that the proceeds of such sa 1 e be used for the purposes of
financing the construction of the Civic Complex;
2) THAT staff proceed to dispose of the lands known as the "Jack
Woods Farm" by public tender and that the proceeds of such
sale be used for the purposes of financing the construction of
the Civic Complex;
3) THAT the funds recovered from developers for the Town's
initial investment in the "Parkway Trunk Sewer" be
appropriated for the construction of the Civic Complex;
4) THAT cash on hand and funds available as follows be
appropriated for the construction of the Civic Complex:
Capital reserve fund:
Industrial Park reserve fund:
Contingencies reserve fund:
Industrial Park reserve fund:
Services reserve fund:
5) THAT funds required for construction of the Civic Complex in
excess of those provided for above be borrowed from the Town's
reserve funds and repaid with interest, at a rate to be
determined by Council, from the general revenues of the Town
or from such other sources as Council may prescribe from time
to time;
6) THAT Council provide for the disposal of additional Town real
estate assets as may be required to meet commitments for
financing the construction of the Civic Complex.
#429. Moved by Councillor McKenzie
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:57 p.m.