BYLAW - To Provide for Nomination of Candidates and Election of Members of Municipal Council - 19411201 - 86941BY-LAW l'fTJl!BER ~ f(/ of the lilunicipal Corpcr ation of the Town of Aurora, BY-LAW TO P:OOVIDE FOR TIDJ NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES liND FOR THE ELECTION OF THE lV!EMB&'tS OF THE ~!UNICIPAL COUNCIL AND OF THE REQUIRED TRUSTEES OF TIDJ SCHOOL BOARD FOR THE ENSUING TRRU OF OFFICE, WHE..B.EAS the Municipal Act provides that a rreet_ing of t// Deputy/ the electcrs shall take place for tre nomination :fbr Maqor, Reeve, Reeve, and Councillors in towns on the last ~londaq in December and that tbe Council may by By-Law provide that such meeting w.aq be held at half- past seven o'clock in the afternoon. ~ _ AND WHEREAS by the Provisions of Tre Public Schools Act, If:*,. the Board of an urban municipality may, by resolution of which written /· · notice shall be given the Clerk of the1~unicipalitypursuant to the said Act, require tl:e election of School Trustees to be held by ballot on the same daq as Municipal councillors are elected. THEREFORE THE NIJNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TO'I'a1 OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the meeting for the nomination of all candidates for I the Municipal Council md for the Aurora Public School Board for the ensuing '- term of office shall be beld at tbe Mechanics' Hall, Aurora, on JfJOnday, the 29th day of December, 1941, at 7,30 o'clock, D.S.T. in the afternoon, Jl. 2. That, if more candidates are nominated for an office than aA are to b:,_,:lected, the Returning Officer shall adjourn the :(ll'oceedings untiljr tl:e Fifth day of January, 1942, on which dey, an election shall be held and tre polls shall be opened in each polling subdivision between the hours of nine o'clock in the moming and six o'clock in the afternoon o.s.T. at the following place or places. r~·~,-~~-~·~~--~ j f -2 - Polling Subdivision Place Number 1 t/ttl.f~N.f' #PrE~. Number 2 CtJUNCI~ CHAHB&/1'. Number 3 /fJ!'C/1/l/IICf ,J//1.1-J- Number 4 r ,{',(1/V ,f' CP!f S #P«f ~ Number 5 /'//.L~R7'/.ff cF/?RHtr# That the following persons are hereby appointed Deputy Re- turning Officers and Poll Clerks to hold the said election and to take the vote, as required by The Municipal Act, The Public Schools Act, an.i or any other Act or Acts pertaining thereto, in the respective polling subdivisions as follmvs: Polling Sub-division De:Qu t;z Returnii¥?; Officer Poll C1erk Number 1 //. /?RH/7"/?tr~ .zJ. /lc2}~1VR.t.-O Number 2 ¥. /.,{ 77-?!'1-lf'R. #. /,t?.o/5 Number 3 1#-,L ..1 /.tf'/" 1/ fA/ .f. J.. J.tffl?r.H . WH. /?P/'C//)!"..1-.J.-. #P' A'r. 11// .L. .r p #. Number 4 Number 5 v#/?J. z;~n.E .r. ~ .frr..t?.P#/?N Dated at the Town Hall, Aurora, this / fJ;_ey of December, 1941. Passed at the Town Hall, Aurora, this/. Jt;;ey of December, 1941. Clerk \ . ~~ ~~- I . l j J