BYLAW - Early Closing of Hardware Shops REPEALED BY 1856~69 - 19410707 - 867~1941of ihe lJunicipal dorparahon of the Town of Aurar a. BY-LAW IDR EARLY CLOSING OF HARDWAI\E SHOPS WHEREAS a petition res teen presented to the Council rilf the Corporation of the To.vn of Aurora aslting for. the passing of _a by-law re- c]_Uiring the closiljg of all l:ardware sbops, sitmte within the i,runicipality of the TcMn of Aurora, every Wednesday, except holidays, at 1 P.I<,:. and every mon- day, Tuesday and Thur sda,y at 7 P.M, and the said Council is satisfied that such petition is signed by not less tl:an three-quarters in number of the occupiers of hardware s bops within the llunicipal i ty. THEI\1FOR'l THS COUciCIL OF 'l'H'' anHCIPAL CORPORATION OF '11cl8 TOWN OF AURORA El!AC TS AS FO LLDI'lS: - l. That all l:arclware srnps, sttuate within the limits of the I·Jun- icipali ty of the 'l'own of Aurar a, shall be c lased at one of-.,the clock in the after- ) noon on every Wedresday of every week after the coming into fo;ce·o-r-•this by-law and remain closed until five of the clock of the forenoon of the next following dey excepting, hoNever, that any of the s-aid hardware shopsshall be at liberty tore- main open on the afternoon of any Wedre sday in the week of which a statutory holiday falls. 2. That all hardware shops, situate within the limits of' the lilun- ic ipal it y of the To.vn of Aurora, shall be cl o secl at seven of the clock in the after- noon of every ilonlay,_ 'l'uesday and Thurscla,y of every week after the coming into force of ih is by-law and remain closed until five of' the clock of the forenoon of ths next following dey .-excepting, however, that any of the sa:id hardware shops shall be at liberty to remain open on any of the afternoons of tte said days when the next following '• . ; ' ' -2 - day js a statutory holiday. 3. This By-law shall o ome into effect on the /.J-: day_ of July, Dated at the TaNn Hall, Aurora;• thm Passed. at the Tawn Ha 11 ,Aurora, th m -+-,.J.:J MAYOR / 7 day of July, 1941. day of July, 1941. CLERK -. fiJ 1941.,