BYLAW - Appoint an Assessor - 19410707 - 86441i. ,, t: ·, ,, j \ 1\ of tbe Municipal Corporation of tre To.vn of Aurora. BY-LAW TO APIDINT AN ASSESSOR IDR THE ciJJNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE 'ID''Jq 0 F AURORA • 7iHEREAS it is recessary under the l',!unicipal Act, R.s.o. 1937, Chapter 266, Section 246, to appoint an Assessor for the Town of Aurora. THERE:FORE W.:E laDNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE COR?ORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLONS: 1. be and he is hereby appointed~~ tbe Assessor :lbr the 1'own of Aurar a. 2. '11ha t the said ld' /I, J -"7~ slnll prepare the assessJrent roll fbr the said To.vn and shall perform all ruch other dutie~. required of an Assessor under the rrovisions of The Assessrumt Act and any ot ber Act or Acts or otherwise, m1t il a successor is appointed. 3. That the said tv. ,¥J-"7.b..' shall be paid the su.m ,1/: of$ ,/2. ~-t), ~ amtually for the oomplete, sat is factory and faith-~- fu.l perfcrmanc e of his duties. Dated at the Town Hall, Aur o :ra, this 7 day of July, 1941 • Passed at the Ta.vn Hall, Aurora, this day of July, 1941, _,;.,.,_.,I LJ . . ~!AYOR CLERK