BYLAW - Building by~law REPEALED BY 1063~50 - 19410519 - 863~1941BY-LAW NUMBER
of 1he Municipal Ool'];l!li' ation of t re Town
of Aurora.
WHEREAS tlB Jllunicipa.l CoUllCil of the Corporation of the Town of
AU!"OI"a, deem it neoessai"y and eJq)edient to regtlate the erection, enla,rgement,
replir, removal and fire protection and genaral:cy-to provide for tre safety of'
blildings within 1he limits of the Oorpcration.
1. By-Law NWJb er 456 ani my otha r By-Laws or Seoti ons of By-Laws OI" amendments
therew ineonsisten t with the prov isl.ons of this By-La·.v are hereby repealed.
2. The Tonn of Aurora OI" its agents ehall not be liable, either directly or in-
dir eo t ly, :f' OI" a :qy loss OI" injury to life OI" • ]lro pe rty da e 1D 81J<J fa il ure o f con-
stlu ctionc,OI" during the oenstruct ion of any lu ildirg OI" structure erected under
the provisions of this By-Law.
in the/~' 3. The Clerk :Is and he :Is hereby appointed Bui ldi 1:1g Inspec 1Dr. He !113Q, when
opinion of Cou:neil, it appears. advisable, obtain expert advice.
4• The duties of Ell dl Building InspeetOI" sba 11 be:
To reoei ve Applications for penn its to. erect., al iar, enlarge or re!lDve a113
bu.ilding; to examine plans and specifications and file them fur future reference; to
issue Permits where therequiremmts of th:ls By-Law h9.vebeen eompliedwith; tore-
ceive :f'ees as rrescribed hereinafter; to inspect all lnildings and enforce there-
quirei!Bnts of' this By-Law; to keep a register If all Applications f<r Permits, Plans,
and !pacifications received, Permits issued, :f'ees colla::il'ted, inspeatiens made and . ~
notices isSiled; md generally to act mder the directions of the Coumil in all
' matters pertaining to wildings ·.vithin the limits of the Tonn. The Building InspectCJl'
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shall report on request, in writing, to the Couron, giving information upon the
above mat tars.
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4A. Any new dwelling house, being erected in a residential area of the Town of Aurora,.
shall conform to t!B class, type and value of the existing dwelling muses in such area.
~The CouD:Iil of the said Town slnll have the authority to designate what areas in the
said Town shall constitute residEntial areas. No p3rmits for the erection of any new
·iwe 11 i ng hous e in any res iden tial area sin ll be given by the Building Inspector unless
he is sat ls fied that the plans ald. spe ci :fie ati ons for any such new dwelling house con-
forms to the class, type and value of exls t:lng dwelling houses in such building area.
5. No· hlilding cr any. part or p:tqjection from off abuilding shall enc:roaeh on the
street in any manner, ncr shall any blilding or !9-rt of any building extend beyond any
building line which rray be defined an certain streets or Fts thereof declared by
By-Law or By-Laws to bs residential Streets.
s. No person smll conmenoe t!B erection or alteration or enlargement of any blilding
unU 1 he l:as lodged with the Building Inspector plans, sections and details showing
the aocomnodation, dimensions and character of the pro posed work, together withaa
Block Plan showing the position and levels with reference to the nearest adjoining
street, and aJ. so, a description of tlE> DRterials proposed to be 1Eed, and the estimated
cost of t!B building ];l'Oposed 1Xl be constructed. Ifthe Building Inspector is of the
opinion that the requirements of the By-Law are complied with, he shall grant a permit
on payment of the fees p!'escribed hereinafter.
In the case of minor work in which the in:ibrmation conveyed in the application
for a permit is m ft'icienUw;·:cOillple te, the filing at' plans and descriptions may
be waived am the discretion of the Build :lng Inspector, but no wall, structure, sign,
billooard or gasoline pu!IIp shall bs erected ar altered w:1. thout a permit.
SA. Where, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, the cost of any repairs or
alt.eration to a hlilding shall be equal 1Xl or greater than one-third of the value
of such building, sn::h repairs or alteraUons shall be considered are-erection of
such building ani tlE> provisions of this By-Law shall be complied with. In cases
• •
of mimr repa:lr s or al.terat!.Qns 1D a:ny building, where Sll<il repairs or alter ..
at ions shil.ll not be eq UiiJ. to or greater than one-third of the Talue of .. SU:oh
guilding, no permit be re<J!lired unier this By-Law. Tm value of aey blild-
ing, for which repairs or alterations are 1D be made, slBll rest with the building
Inspec1»r and the value, arrived at by him, sl:all be final.
7. 'l!he Permit, howeYer, ·I!IBQ be reveled by the Building Inspector shOuld he
setpEiltlY f:lnd a mterial. variation from the Original Pltms ani in:fllll!lat1on
mi tted, without having secured t m ns Permit therefcr.
·~ ~·
ing bas bean erecilled within six llllnths from the data of such Permit.
the buil/r" e. Permits shall becOIJB null and void Unless a. reasonable portion of
9 0 In case any deviation is msie dilrhlg the progress of the oonst:ruotion of a:ny
blilding from the Original Pla:tl3 thereof, particulars Of Sllch deviations shall be
. submitted w the Building Inepector and if he is sat is f1 ed that the provisions of
this By-law are oonformed w he shall iaSile a s~plementary Permit.
10. Aey removal of a blilding from the Plsi tion upon which it is situated shall be ),
considered as a l'e-arection of said bui:j.ding, and before such building is removed i!//P/
pa.rtioulars thereof shall be Sllbmitted to the Building Inspeotor, 81ld if he is fl
satisfied, that the ll'Ovisions of this By-Law ue oomplied.with, lie m8/l' issue a
Parmi t.
and be subject to the pl'ovisions of this By-law, 4f the cost of suoh repairs shall in ~· /
11. The repairs Of a building shall be co111iderad as a ra-eraotion of suob. building
the opinion Of' the Building Inspeotor ba Cl!le-third Of the whole value of such buildhlg.
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12. ~e ~ild:lng Inspector or his Ass i$ta.nt sl:Bll have the, right to visit, enter
or inspect, fl'Omtilll3 to time, a.ndat all raasonal:ll.a hours, my blllldingwhich is .1· . ,
being erected, al tared, eiJlarged, ra:tairad or removed without Permit, or aey build-fA , _J
' I ingwh:!ch the Bu.ilding Inspector l:Bs reaeon to believe to be, through sny cause,
in a dangerous defect iva condition.
13. Wherever sny bu. ilding or any plZ' t thereof is considered by 1he lluilding
Inspect or to be :In such a oondi t ion as to be dsnge:ro tiS to life or limbl, .· to be
in dangEIJiof b ah:g set on fire f'mm my d,ef'act in its construe tion, or when doors
or stairways :In any Public buildi:q;;,.omrch, tbeatre, varehouse, or factory, hotel
or lodging house are :l:nm.i'f:tc:l.ent :fbr 1ha escape of persons :Incase of fire, panic
or accident, Ul.a ON:ter or age:1t of bu.ildillg shall be DOtified :In writing 'IV
the Btlilding Inspeotcr specifying wherein such danger consists or wherein such
bu.ildillg is UllSafa ar defective. If the owner or agent neglects :tl:>rthwith to put
such lluilding in a safe oondi tion or pull down the dsngarous pa.rts thereof such
as will satis~ the ra~irements of the Bu.ilding Inspector, such wn'&i' or agent
shall render himself liable to the penalties of this lly-Law.
14. Any lnildi:cg or erection wh:!ch my be constructed, altered, repaired or
placed in contravEiltion otthis By-Law mybe pulled down or renoved at the ex-~~~
pense of tl:e owner thereof, hy or uniar the direction of the llu.ilding Inspector, . ·
subject to five dJw s' not :loa to the owner of the lnil.d. ing reqlliring him to pull
down er remove Sllch bu.ild!ng or erection.
15.· No persm slui.ll place sny lulliber, state chips, shavings, rubbish or a.ny
hlilding material whatever on the sidewalk cr foot-path or on a.ny part of the
Higb.wey, except when Pannit is granted by the Building Inspector to erect and
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maintain a fence or barricade as herein )!l'Ovided. Wren a portion of the
street is required for b-J.ilding operations, !nob. as to temporarily close the
sidewalk, there s:Mll be provided out aide tl:e barrie ada a plank walk four
feet wide with strong rail to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector.
16. No aminal or vehicle stall bs taken mros s the sidewalk exeept at points
where suitable crossings !ll"e )!l'Ovilled. lDlless the strface ar the sidewalk,
ourb and gutter is entirely protected b$ t"M>-inob. planks seoured together by
hoop iron ani the Ellds of the planks are ra1111)ed•
17. No personrshall estab1.1th or set ~.canyon or continue within the
limits of the Town of Aurora, a public garage, a dry cleaning plant or business,/
a tannezy, a place for boiling soap, cr a mnufactory of varnieil or fire"M>rks, /
or a,:ooal oil refinezy or other fac1Dry, which from its nature or the materials
used tJ:erem will bs dangerous in oausi~ or prol!Dting fires, llllless and until
he has obtained from the Town Coumil a Permit so to do, the plans of sal!B to
be. subject to tl:e app.'Oval oj the Inspector of :&uildings.
18. G!ll"~es for hire or gam wherever located erected after the pa.ssiiig of
this By-law, shall have tJ:e external walls constructed of brick or other
eq1ally fire resisting naterial; in such gar~es the boiler, :t.Urnaee, or other
he ati ng device shall be cu t of f fro m the gIll" age in s uch a ma:zmer as to prevent
gasolim fumes the l:oiler, fUrnace, s1Dve, or pther heating device.
19. scale of Fees to be ];aid to 1he Town Clerk for permits shall be as
New Bt.tildings,
Enlargement of . bl ilding.
Alteration or repairs
Advertising device
Gasoline Pump
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20. Aey ONna.r, builder <r other p~rson wID shall build or in the erection of ~-
ang blilding or part of a building or sh!l.ll remove or assist in removi:Q> aey building I'·
or shall repair or assist in repairing any building, which work bas not been approved
by tm Building Inspector or which shall in My ma.noor contravene tm Il"Ovisions of
this By-lam mall be liable 11:1 the penalties imposed by the sane.
21. Aey p!rson convicted of a breacjl of any part of the Provisions of this By-Law
shall forfeit and pay at the discuetion of the Convicting Magistrate, a penalty not
exceeding Fifty ($5o.oo) Dollars (exclusiwe of costs) for each offence, and in de-
faulf of payment of the said penalty and or ccets :fbrtmvith, the same may be levied
by distress, and sale of t lB goods end ·CI:rattels of the offender; and in case of there
being no distress found out of which !!lid penalty can be levied, the Convicting Mag-
istrate rray commit the offender 11:1 the conmon gaol of the County of York, with or
without hard labor, for any period not exceeding tt\enty-five days, unless the said
penalty ani costs (if any) including the cost of the said distress and of tl:e committal
and coweyance of tl:e. offender to tb3 gaol are rooner paid.
UPON A CONVICTION for a breach of any of the J:l"Ovisions of this By-Law the
Convicting Magistrate, besides impos izg a penalty under the next !2'eceding paragraph,
me,v order tlB offender 11:1 carry out the requiranents of this By-Law within a time to
be limited by the order and in default of the offender carrying out such order the
Building Inspector or other person duly authorized mall forthvi th, at the expense 0f
the Offender, tale Slch naan s 11:1 carry out the requ.lremen ts of this By-Law as shall
be necessazy, and the expense thereof with the costs may be reeovered by action or
distress, and in case of non:-pa.vnent thereof the same sl:rall be recovered in like
manner as Municipal Taxes.
22. Any details of desi€11 and oonstruction not covered by the provisions of this
By-Law shall be carried out in acoordan:l e with standard engineering J2'act lee as in-
terpreted by the specifications issued or as isswd and as revised from time to time
by the Canadian ~gineering standa-ds Associ ati. oo.
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23. Every building rereafter erecdled haVing cellars shall be IJl'OVided with
a founiation, the footillgs or lwest co1rs4/ of which shall be not less than
four feet bal.ON the finished gE"ade or goundline, the foundation 1D rest upon
finn solid ground and not upon fl.lled-in materi a1 or eoil containing an admix-
ture of organic matter. Founiations shall be J:l'Oportioned for the loads they
will have to carry in couple ted and ooo~ied bllildings, ani at the discretion
of tl:e Building Inspector footings and weeping 1:ile me,y be reqlired.
24. (a) All exterior or lild.visl.on walls ot buildings hereinafter erected,
shall be ot Sll.ffioient thickness to support the load to be carried, but in
no ease shill a brick, cement or hol\tow tile wall be less than 8;;J~c:lhes thick. I
(b), excepting pi.rty and fire walls, for all buildings of other
than the dwelling home ol ass not exceeding five s 1orpys or 60 feet in height
above the foundation, m& 1 have the upper two storeys not less 12 inchas
thiD.k, increasing .4 inches in thickness for each t'llll storeys or fraction thereof
below. No two s tareya increment shall emeed 25 feet in height •
(c) For orblildings of the dwelling house olasstha upper two jJ,
storeys shall be not .less than 8 inches 1hiok, inoueasing 4 inchas in thickmss ')! ·
for each m storeys or f:l:action thereof below •. No two storeys increment shall
exeeed 25 feet in height.
,; u
(d) In all buildings, except dwellings or frame buildings, party walls /,A
which shall serve as on bo 1h sides shall not be less t h9:n 14 inches !J}" '
thick, in tha upper t'l\0 storeys or upper 30 feet inereasing 4 inches in thick-I
ness for eaCh t'llll storeys or fraetion· th.eraof below.
;I'" (e) All other party walls smll be nqt less than l2 illcl:es thiek in the
upper three storeys or upper 35 feet increasing 4 inches in 1h ickness for each
two storeys or fraction the reo f below. _,A p,ti·
(f) Stone walls mall be 4 inc has thiCker than required for brick walls. r
I' '·. ,.,\ '·/~·\;}':'·~
(g) Fauniation walls of a:l 8t~ storey buildings other Ulan of framed. 1~P.j/.
buildings, sl:all be 4 inches thicker from the footing to the first line of joist~
above tm grade line than required. for the remainder of the wall. ~
(h) ll'ouniationwalls of one storey-briok dwellings, maybe of nine inches,.
in thieknass with piers in wall 41;" liy 18" not more than tan feet apa:rt.
(i) Party walls llllSt be eorrted to the roof boards of the same material am ~;//~~·
thickness as wall is below top eeiling joist. r '
(j) All walls of oolid construction must be of same material and thickness //f!,/-
to 1Dp of timrs resting on same and. l'' led.EJ~ fOr fire stop between all suoh timber~
to l" above. .
(k) BriekhollON wal:conatruction nay be ano'lled.whsnths Building Inspector/~ j
issatlsfieitbat !l'Oper b>ndlngand approved ties will be used. so as to ensure
pro15r stability.
(l) TJ:e minimum tilick!ll ss of a rubble stone
bearing vall shall be sixteen /(fv· .
inciB s.
be at
' ; /J!J)~ (m) In all buildings other than dwellings, walls of sold. construction lllWit~. ·
least four inchls mavier thanreQ!lired for said. dwellings.
25. Walls of roughcast buildings shall be covered with one-inch boards, tl:en · ·
' ' ;I
paper and strapped with one-inch board lU. two inch boards, then latl:ed and plastered,
provided that if metal lath is used. the strapping mey be one-half inch by two-inch
26. Walls of frame blildings intended to be fi!lishedwith briclt veneer shall be ,. ? ~·.
covered with one-inch boards then p;Lper before briCk is placed in position, such
briclt to be l:eld in place with t1ve inch nails driven in1D stuis every fifth oourse
in hsight and. not l!llre thm thirw-two incl:es apa:rt in width.
Zl. In all buildings used for lumm habitation an ceilings ani bo lh
-11. ,.,.
partitions shall be la tbed am plastered or eCV'ered With approved wall board,
The plastering shall :not_ be less t lnn three-eighths of an ineh in thiokness,
28. {a) Exoept as mrein provided, all ohimneys in every building hereafter
ereoted, altered or rebuilt shall be constructed ofbriok, stone, oement blook
or reinforoed oonorete. No maoonry chimney sha 11 have 'Salls less than four
and one-half inores thiok, No smoke flue shall mve an inside neasurement of
less than ei@'lt incms in the Cll.ear. Au chimneys built from the foundation shall
be provided with a clean -out door at tm base and shall be swept at least onoe
before the first day of Ootober EBOh and eve:cy year.
(b) ' All o himneys ooouring in walls s Ia ll be boDied to the wall every fifth
course from the bottom to the tqp ani all briok flues slnll be built of good+
soUl!ld, well sh!!Jed bricks, haVing struck joints and the internal surface parged,
except when liiedwith iron or tile.
(c) All :flues in party walls llllS t be located at least four and one-half
inom s of ome half X brick from the oen tre line of suoh walls and the baok of the
fire places shall not be less than nine inolles in thiol!n:l ss.
{d) l'lo ohinney in any brick or ean61t block building shall be strated or
; ~- t up:m any floor or platfcrm of wood, but o himney s~ in wooden bu. ildings which !i/JJ}f
are not lnild from the ground oan be S1¥>ported upon substantial brackets provitied ;W
the height of suoh chinney from the brackets does not exceed twelve feet. If the
height of snoll ohinney exceeds twelve feet, it shall be blilt from tre fou.ndation.
(e) Ilil no o ase shall a chimney be corballed out more than four and one-
half imms from the 'l'Bll in the ease of om storey, and not more than nine inches
in any building, and in all oases the oorbelling shall consist of at least four
courses of brick. In one briok or nine-inch walls, wren the olil.imney is out off be-
t!a)J). ~--'
low in whole or :in pl.rt, it shall be wholly su.ppo:llted on stone, briok, iron or steel.
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(tl In all cases wmre chimneys a.rewithin twenty feet ofthe ridge, such ,
chimneys mast be carried up at least eighteen inches f'rom the highest put of ;r ·
euch ridge, but chimneys are 1D be built four fllet above a flat roof. All flue
holes when not inuse shall be closed with tight covers of metal or otmr in-
combustible material.
29. Metallic chimneys shall not be used inside of aey building in such WJlf as fi
to pass tlrough floors or roof or the sa:ne, mless Sllch metallic chimneys are 11Jfo · '
enclooed i:a brick Ill" tile walls, with air space or at least three inchesbetweenT.
tl:e enclosing walls and the snoke stacks tho.roughly anchlll"ed ani guyed.
30. No wooden beams or joists shall be placed within one inch Of the outside
' ! of a chimney or flue whether the sane be for smoke, air or any other pur-I
pose. I'lo woodmork shall be Within four illoms or the back wall of any fireplace/ I
All !!Paces between tl:e chimney ani the wooden beams smll be filled with I!Drtar.
No wood furring Ill" studding shall be placed against any chimney until it has first
been rendered.
'llhe header beam carrJi~ the tail beams of a floor and supporting tl:e r trillltar arch in front of a fireplace shall be not less than eighte,en inches
Tm Trimmer arcm s mll be at least fou:t' imms thick. f'rom the chimney breast.
31, No smoke pipe shall be within Uina inol:es of aey woodwork or any wooden and 01
ar ceiling. Where SIIDke pipes pass through a wooden floor or n/J,h, J!'
plaster partition, they shall be guarded by galvanized iron }!:·.
plaster p;.rtit ion
a wooden lath and
ventilated thini>les at least 1bur in::hes larger in diameter than the pipes, or by
galvanized iron thinibles built in with at least 1bur inches of brick work or other
inoonibustible mteriaJ. a:mund 1hem.
32. (a) Where pipes are used for the distri 1ut ion of hot air in a building,
filch pipes shall be made of metal and do11ble, the space between the two metal
I ' v __ _
pipes to 1:e at least one-half' inch. Suah pipes shall be mde with air tight /JJJ}Jjf.
joints and shall be securely :f'astanad in the plill' tit ions through which they .Jr' .
pass. In liEm of tta above, the pipes rmy be covered with asbasto s paper
weighing not less tban 14 pounds per 100 sq11ara feat.
(b) Tta opening in fl. oors and walls f'or hot air regis tars ahll be sur-
rounied with borders of' incombustible material., not less than two inches wld.a, ,,Jfi'
firmly aad securely set in place. Tbs register l:oxes shall be double, the ,..,.
distal:lca between the two shsets of tin being at least one inah, or they may
be single if covered with asbestos paper in a manner similar to tbat spec:ifiad
in the preceding paragt"aph for pipes.
(e) Whee t .IB a:lr c onveyad t:trough pipes is heated in an ordinary hot. air
furnace, or in any other appara1us bydirec:t c:ontac:t of the air. with the fire ~tdftJ!:
box, tha material used :fbr tta ducts, pipes aad register boxes shall be bright~··
tina,nd t!B joints shall be double seaned, not soldered. '1hEI!l the air is
heated by cantac:t with mt water or steam pipes, any other sheet I!Btal my be
used for the pipes and 10 xes.
.. t&/l
covered by~~· . 33. No stEl8111 pipe shall be within ons inah of' any woodwork unless
an sp p mv ed liB tal sle eve •
34. No :par!lll:n~llhall plac:e a stove in any house !!' bt.tildmg without leaving
twelve im!Bs clear from any woodwork immediately above StlCh stove, and nins
incms :from any wocdwollt opposite the sides of same.
35o l!IO person shall plac:e or keep ashes, removed from 81ly swve, fire-plac:. e . , ~~JJ.
or furnace, in anywoodenboxor combustible vessel nor within three feet of,.
any wooden partition in any 1u ilding, outhouse or she do
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36. Eaoh floor oi'eve:ty buildil\l?; smll )le of' sufficient strength in all its
parts 1D bear safely theweight 1D be i~ed thereon, in addition to the weight
of the f'loor itself'. It shall safely su.pp•ort a minirm:un live load 15r squ.are i'Oot
o.i' area as shall be considered by the Buildil\l?; Inspector, to conform to good
37. At each :floor level in all building:!! hereafter erected, all stu.d walls, J
pg.rtitions, furrings, ani spaces be•tween joists where th~ rest on party walls '#.~,
shall be fire stopped with incombustible nat erial in a me.mJer to completely out,
off oollll!1llnica.tion by fire 1hrough oonoealai :;paces. Such fire-stopping shall ex-
tend through the full depth of tm jllists and at least one illeh aboveeaoh f'l.oor
38. Herring bone bridg~ublad shall be used in all f' roofs and f'l.oor
joists when suoh joists are o-ver nine feet between bearing points.
39. No persoriL. '. shall install :m.y plumbing, electric wires ar conduits gas or
water pi15s, ete., or do any 'ill)l\t which involves the cutting, weakening, or over-. fi
load:ing of any floor joists, beams, stringers or any other tinilers carrying loads,;Y.
wi 1hout first securing permission to dO the said wsrk from the Build:ing Inspector.
. /J,Jir~·
t errporary r 40. (a.) The roof's of' one storey dwellings, whether dwellings are
or permanent, shall have pi tol:sd roof's.
(b) Tm use Of' shingles or other forms of' combustible roof covering upon all
buildings mreai'ter erected or aJ. tared within the Fize Limits as defined in Section
44 of this By-law, is prohibited.
(e) On any luilding within the fire limits a. ooveril\g of slate, tin, iron, tile,o,_J)~'
felt and gravel shall be oonsidered inoombustil:il.e and will be approved for roots. $".
r·-----·····~~"·~~·-··--~~~-·~···--·-~···-~'~:..-"' __ _:_.~~-~~. ~·---l
·(d) f;. :t'elt and gravel roof Eilall cais t o:t' not less than :t'our ply o:t' tarred
or asphalted :t'elt each single ply 'lltighii1g not less than thirteen pounds per 100
sqa.aze :t'eet, 1he :t'al. t to be well swabbed with pitch or asphalt bet\veen each ply
and on top, and to be well covered with medium s1 zed, elean gravel. Prepared roofing
may be used as aprroved b•Y till Building lnsp3ctor. . . }J.
(11.) Shingle roofs ma,y be laid outdie the Fire Limits provided that the same dAft·
are laid on at least one thickness O:t' asbestos paper, weighing not less than :f'ourt;:[-.
pounds per 100 :t'eet. . .
(f) !l!he wo oien covering o:t' root's, except in the case o:t' dwellings, shall not Ji!!tb·/l
in any case be extended across side or party mlls. All flashings shSll be c.:t' metE' .
prop Gl'l y joi:ne d to tIll ro o:t' covering.
4l. No eavetrough, ce>nductcr, water-pipe, cr gltter-pipe shall be built or con-. ../J·
structed so as to pennit or cause the water :f'rom the roof of any building to escape "/IIJ/t ·
upon any public sidewalk or adjoining ll'Cperty and tlla Building Inspector shall comr.
pel tl:e owners o:t' all buildings mrea:t'ter erected, reblilt or repaired, to oonrsct
all condootor or gu.tter piJeS upon tlat part of any building abutting upon any street
with drains, sewers, or gutters as the case mau be.
42. All root's so constr\Xlted am located that the snow 1hat lodges on them is liable
to SLide from the said root' on to the street, sidewalk or road, or into any place
where it 'llO uld endanger public .sa:t'ety shall be p.-ovided with sufficient snow guards ,uttb-11·
to pzevent this from taking place ani if :anow loiges upon any cornice, gutter or on .ff'·
any part of a building am is lial:il.e to endanger the public, it shall be at once re-
moved by till cm:ner, agent or occupant O:t' the building upon notice being given by the
Building InsJectcr that Bleil requires 1n be done.·
43.a·,No awning shall be supper ted on i 10 n or other supper ts extending to the sidewalk
in front of any building. but said a•.mings shall be suppor§ed on iron or steel framer
work, secured to till blilding, and no part of sane sl:Bll be marer the sidewalk level
than seven fast.
(b) After the p>ss illg of this By-lmv :no sign or other advert-is :ing device pro-
jecting on my street shall be pel!llitted, cr shall be erected, unless approval there-J/
of has been obtained from the Coumil, such approval only 1D be given subject to /
the exeootion by the property owner of an agreemant to be prepared by the Municipality
at the expense of the p!" operty owre r, indenni fying the Muni c l,pal i ty aga lns t loss by
pa.yrmnt of damages, costs or otherwise imposeii by law by reason of pennitting the
erection of my such sign cr advertisillg device.
44. All that port ofthe TON!l of Aurorawiihin thefollowirg.lines cr limits shall
be deemed to be within the "Flre Limits•• of the said 1Dwn, that is 1D sa,v: -.. . .· ;) ,~~· FIRSTLY all that certain parcel on the eastel'J.y limit of Yonge Street situate w.l.thin
a dista.JX!e of tv.o ! feet easterly from the east limit of Yonge Street and
lyingbetweentlB.ror1b~limit ofChurah Street md the south limit of Catharine Avenue,
SECONDLY all that dertain parcel on t J:e westerly limit of Yonge Street situate within
two !mndred feet westerly from the v;e st limit of Yonge Street and lying between the
north limit of Clmrah Street extended westerly and the sou1b side of Irwin Avenu.e.
45 (a) Every building !:ere after erected ar elllarged within the Flre Limits sbatl
be erolosed on all sides wl.thwalls construotedwholly of stone, brieit, concrete,
hollo.v tile or o tlBr incombustible mat eli aJ. s approved by the Building Inspector, and
slll.ll lnve tlB roof, top and sides of all roof structures, including dormer wind:lws,
covered With inoomblstlble mat erial.
(b) All,exterior cornices, string oou-ses and ~tterswithin tha Fire Limits .}1'
(except in dwa!.lings) shaLl be built of incombustible material and s Jnll be supported, .
on and securely anchcred to the walls.
(c) The cornice of every building shall be s€![)arated from the cornice of any
ad~oining·building by anapproved incombustible fire-s1Dp.
' i
I P,
by t~ pu.blic; and no bailding shall be erected oral wred until the plans
shall have been Slbmitted to the Buildi!l> Inf!Jector ani by him certified
as conJb ming m the reqtt irements of' th\s By-law. jJ'
(b) All means of' exit frOm any such building mall at 11111 tillBS when I
the same shall be Goo upied by an assemblage of person, be kept clear and ·
unGbstracted and lighted and m obstmc tionwhatever shall be :placed therein. pj!J
THIS BY-LAW SHALL COME IN:JP Jbrce an:l. effect imllBdiately after the //
pass :!ng the raof.
this lj :;~of ~1941.
PASSED at the Town Hall, Alll."ora, .this If dey of ~941.
Dated at the Town Hall, A\lror a,