BYLAW - Municipal Council Rules and Regulations REPEALED BY 1468~61 - 19410421 - 862~1941~~. " . \ (i ., ;•; Of t te r.::unicipal Cor:~~Jor ation of the ':l:6"1.7n of A-vu·ora c -5rrrJ.1:SAS it; is TBces sa.J:y and e:-::peclien t to L:8l<:e and. establish r~1les ancl reg:.J..l--~tionsaccordin,~; to "--.crhich tl'B ;;r·ocee'}in;_~s of the Gouncil of 0 A~uu l~a enacts as· fb llmv s: ~~ ' ·. 10 / T.hG Cou1uil of the Gorporo./Gion of t~Je Town of Aarora (here-'--'--/ •• inafter referl~ed t;,o as tl13 ncourcil 1t) shall hold its :Cirst l:V3Gting.on the "' .!.ate ancJ. at thEJ hu .. lr and- = Sha11 tl1el·eafte-r L:eet on at tlK~ 'Town Hall ~1,:!.1~L also as the statJ.te dil~,~c'Gso If c;, quor-_un is· not present 2. I i _ne eti~lG' s lnl :~· ·be held. Ui)Qn 1iJe m xt :ID ~lowing day ';;thich is not a legal .::ho-lid..aJ.?; and the l.:.Ayor ma.:l, on iJ.:Jo clear dcy s' \Vri t; ten notic,e, given throagh the 81erl{1 S office, postpone any reg.1lar rceettng of 'the Council t,a a da,y to be mmed in such notice, and. such postponed HBet:i:ng sfBll be held at _the time and. -place l)l'tl vid.ed in Section 1 hereof<~ ,_.,. 3. Whm a·t an:{ session oi' t11e Council the hoar of tv,mlve o'clock in tte afternoon shall Oer,3ached, t.l-B ?~ayol'' or othGr'~pr.·esicling·O?f'icer 4. meeting; M·:1 it . ---~-.. ---~ --·---~--.-.. -----~~ ; I I I - 2 - shall 'be ills dllt,y to cio so when re(Jli:red :in v·~·riti:ng b;y-a majm~ity of the D.Br:1bersa m·\3tin? oitlB Council anl its·cor::E;i~~tees, a:n(_l S).Ch no\.ice s:na11 'be deliv(~rec1 to eacl:t_ r:er::ber ·:Jersona.ll,y, ac left at his res1dence m· plF.:tce of hJ.sLll\)SS or mailed at le2,st forty-eiGht :hov..rs befbre the tL::.e sst fur smh ma:;;til1go J:To h1sin~"ss the not ice of such rmetingo Ul)Oll a cr..1orum of t!.B mambers beinr.; :c..K'ese:a-t, the ~.:ayor sh<?J.l tBJ:e the chEJir Dnd c:_.:\11 till m:m:.lJers to m··ier; but in the absence o:t' the a pl~esid.ing of:i:icer ·;t{lO~ clari.11g smh absence or vaca,:i:lCJ, shall have: all the ~90 'ers of t 11::.: heacl of the Connci 1 o ~~he :·iayor or other cl1airr:Hn shu11 pres :c.;.·ve Dl' J.e::c, dec LL·9 · alJ q_-~Bstio::~s m--ord.er (subj:;ct in the laJcte:r c.;se to an 2?):LJe::Jl to the CotE.cc,il) of rrc ac tice dlr o:ej_e:r if called UJ?On m to ~'.0 o 7o If tba ?:~a,yor, or ot~!l-sl~ chairman deter:::ines to to,};:e :port in a:·1,:;r -deOate, he :-:a;y -,!l·~~ce a tlem-!Y3r o:f the Oom1cil in thf3 ch.:3i:c m:J.(l stand_ UlJOn ~ tf:e flo 0!' ~.vl1i le adc1Tessi :ng the Gor:u"!C i L~, .:;-e;:i'om~ of the Coul-:cil, inclu·5.in,g tl1e :·i::_-:;,_yaJ:, :not less tha.:n fo1·t~r-rai2;ht ho:tts be- foX.e the holding of th:::: reg-.J.lar EB;~tingo (b) As soon as ths rre;:bers of the Council are called to or-.ler at ·arly reg:___1l3_.r neeti:t1g, the l-i;ayox· shall s.sk the cou.ncil ii' there: are O..D~T ·oU,jectio:rts to the minutes oo nnile-:5_ or :i.elivs?_'Gd or ally motion to col~rE-;ct, ood. .-\--:" I /1 1 I I j "' --,~-~~·-, ~---,;;· I I . i i I I I I I I Lo,_ ,A', •. / -3- sh3..ll f'orthvi thor after corr;::Jction ca-· change accordinglJ {if a>:1y) decl3re tba minutes a;·.iopted, and sl-:e.ll sii;71 th9t;l..o (c I Irnr:l~-;ri.iatel y theraafte:r the r.illnut es of l~l'X tin.gs which ha.ve not been t~ailed or delivered as :Q".covided in suD-section (a) of this s·ection she"ll be 1•ead and 1 ilrewi se aloptecl and. signed. 9. Pri o :c to each r e g til 2.:c the i o:c s tatem nt to be lmown as "'""he O:ccLer of l'lus iress'' of all busLD ss to be o:co:1ght ~ ~ jf 'oefol·e the Coc1neil at such hJG"ting; .once to enable the Clerk S;o to do, all o.oc·,lJrBnts ew-d.~~ I intende:l 'Go be S'J.bmittecl to the Co·J..:ncil sl:all be .Jlaced. in his 1mn:is 110t lr.1ter than ,. fJM'c.i 1& (!.f.;; ~ ;r,_,,, /ct o ) five O'cJ.ock o-f tba Ja_y cr:~ ths Ele,atii:g: of JGhe_C?u:ncil; a.nd. the !:L.:tsilL3SS o:t the 10. (a} 11he b:J.sin-ass of the Coancil inte:xleQ to be t:J/:en up· s11ill (+) (u I (111 I (H) ('t I en 1 (VII) (VIII) (IX) (x) (XI I -·Ado-Gti.-·OTt··of'''---t1ie -;ni:nut Js in a.ccG'dance '.::ri th ns.rcvsrcvoh -~~·-_ ... s b;reof-, ?"~ P4s.,·; . ..;c OF' /rt;'(f)o vl/r.s;· " SE6d!VD N£!::{;11/& E!;?(j 11 1;/iJ!'/rlf• Pr-3S3l1tation an\.lreaJi11g (i±' recc:_-13 sted) of correspon- cJ.ence, petitions c:nd. m;moricl].s and refGrence b;.r ;.~ayor or IV:' esJ.ing o:LJ~·icer to ap}}r'Ogriate cmnr:~it tee 7Fl tbout motion o Pre_sentation sa~:~ cons :klex·:J.tion of :re::pm'ts i"I·om st3,~·10.in,g co::1rrittees ani s_pecial co::rl;f1it; t'ees acco. ding to the ±:,te of q1 point JIB nt t1Ln'-9Df o H9:-::,ring d.~:;·u.t 3, 'Gi ons o TJ:nfi :nishe d b·J. si :i:1&S So 6>'/-L 1J ;{S The th ir d reading of ..:e--:tr-1-s-; .. - GOIJ.Sid.erL~tion of b.lsil:l83;3 of 0.7hich notice h~',S 'been ;;iven at a J;rtevious :Ye·.-:::tingo . __f}ct(-/,1/ 111 s Th<.1 fil' s'G l'ea:.ling oi' ~so R )/~ L r!IV J" TJ:B second .I'?U._Ling oi 't~..s c1n,::L their cons id_eration in co mnli'G tee of t lB w hD leo (j'/ ·-J. tl!rl f Tb.ircl rea5 :irr;: of' 'bi'4:.~;::s .(if COi1SGilt eel to 'oy t·3o-ti1lrds of' the rrB:r.J.!Jers _pre sent )c, I i I c~ , I I J-l-i I I . j· ' .·, . ' i I, 1 ! ' ! __ _d; I I ,. \, 4 - (1)) l\l'otice of.lVlotion sl'.flll be Given of all I:U:·o~}oserl bJ-laws ;.:md. rmtio::.1s (except rnat ters of ):Civile;:;e} and hRJ.r he~ given at any regJ_lar r:1eeti:r:12; of ~Ghe Coun:!il, anc.l new b·.1si:c:.GSS of ·:;l·Jich s·~ch :notice bas. not been 8:iven r~~y be in-~ro '.b.cecl only hy a :notion for 1 e::;_ve car:rie:i by 8.. ·vote of te:c:::imcl until'it lo..s b·-jen re:t-"'Orted ~?OD b;/ th8 ap_:.:nD_lJl~i:-:~,ts co1r.c:ittee, U:\1-, ) less it ·n"B.;y 21,->)387.' th.s.t ~iJc":: COL'l·_;·:it teJ lus lB:;lec;.~ted tm f.J.li'il its CLut_y-o ( llo ,, I stated\ ' of ricei', shall ·o-3 ope2.1 :f:'o:r· co.nsic.lel"'atiollo to be in ·po:::session of tlE Co·,:r:·:ci1, ~Y:..1t it r$-y b3 withcl:i:'0.',7l1 bJ consent of t1Je r:Jajority of the Council nBr:·lbers presento l3o receive'l ;mle ss (A) to '1djc.ll''11; (B) to lay on th·.o table; (C) the _p·evio.1s q-.:estioil; (D) to definitel;y :post1_nt1a; \'R) to refer, o-,, (>•) to ·w,6 nd ''1h'ch -"· .._.. •• ,.., -" ' • ..L .L shall ffive pl"8C8d.ence in ths follO':ii·n o:c) .. e:c: (A) A motion. r'br :cei'~~rm1cs u11t il it is decir5.eJ slnll Jli'Gclnd.e all ar:v::nKlnents 0'1 the 1ra.in (;~wstion (B) (C) 'J:Da :~rev io ·;J.s quest :Lon, unt il it is d:eCiU..ed s lnll :;;n~ecl ucle all 8ElGnd .. me:nts to tl':e main qtx~stion and sl'c.ll:oe }?'.tt ,_-·Jitho::tt. debate, in~ tl.e f'ollON ing ;,voi·.ds -:tTlut the question ()e 110\V l)Utoa If' this nntion ~)8 r3solvecl ir1 the af:~'irnn.ti··re by a. vote o:C 2/3 of t;}y_:; r:B~· ... bers of t:b..e Gorrr.c il presm1t, t}Je_;e-;;ain que stio:1 s}l-'111 be _p:...1t fOl' tl'r.:; :ith·;: '.7 itho-.1t a-rw ar:Bndl-;len i,J or de- bate; b-_lt if the ;:n.·evio·Is q:J.Gstion. 1Je r:;so1-vecl in tlH~ negative, t;he nB.iD ::y.-::;stio:n r:Ilj.r tben be ~~eb.::.'.te:J. ~J.Y.;J_ a~:e·,z.led..o A rnct;ion to aJ,jo .!r'l! the Co::rc1cil or to ~,\}ju..l:-CD t;.he ,_Ieba.te s.1:Ull al:.c::~~ys lJe in or.;..s:c 3J.1d. nsed not be in "'/il"'iting, a.n-3. sl12.ll be de8LLeCi. ' . .'/ itho:..1. t cleb:::,te; 110 ssconU mot iOil to the s J.r:le ei':E"-8ct ,;1)/fli!- J~ '"""''~ ! I I l I fi· I ;P· I I sllo,lJ. be r:1:.tcle '(J_ntti soJ:D int:sri·:-c:;diate :proc;:;edin;;s shJll ho..v(;; bean halo ------------~-~---~--~~--~P" r7----------------~------- 1 - 5 - any r:1G:T1ber zlesirBs to sp9Jl·:, .ho sha .. ll rise in his ·;?lace a~~i.L c<ld::cess his 0. ,-,~, rro · ·. ~ <:.r• I' 1. ,, 0 8 t ~ .• w ___ a\... ;::, '"' , once~ ths an:i. avoi3. porsmnlityo )-1 o:t presi,ti:ag ~::-~:'icer sl"18.ll -~~et:Tmine ':rho is entitled. to the fl-oorc \ 15. (-.'Jho s.hn.,ll l)e ;_Je:cmitted to re =:1y) shall spesl;;: r:1ora t~nan_ once withoat the le~JN8 of' the Cou-:.~ il, except in ex;_-11~1nation of a materi::;l part of his re- nnr}::s,. ~.vhich_ me,y h:..~ve been miSJ.ll'iGTstocxi, but than 11e shall not be l)ern1itted to i:ntro,J.uce c. new riB,ttero A :re.-ly shall le allmveJ. to a lner::1ber ·r.vho has nu.de I a SlllJstantive nntio::.L, 0-a.t not to ru:q Jremberv~·ho b.us moved an art:9ndn:ent, the J;D.."'avious q_'i.lestion or an instr:.::tctio:n to a cor;~~·:itt;eeo l6o '.;:he Eayor ar any member ·nRy call a ine:·:1ber to order vvhile spe-:iking, &'1d the debate sball then be s1~mded and t£18 lYI8mber be seated and. shall not q_8ea:Lc until the point of' ac~-ler is detenn.ineclc An;y !~Bm.ber ma.y app38l from the decision Of till ch2.ir to the 'Jomc il. All appeals shall be decided by a m8jority vote and without debate. 1?. Ever;y TIJ?Lober present, ':then a q.usstion is put, shall vote there- on, -anle?s the Cour.cil shall excJ. se him,· or 1mles:.3 h3 is p3rsonally interested. in the q(:testion in '.vhich c2..se ill slnll not be obli,ged to votec A member who retused to vat e shall be dee1~1ed to vote in the af:fi rmati veo Whenevs r a d i vis ion of the C o·Qm il is t :-'i}cen :fb r any put! pose, each r~:.enber of the Coumil pres_·c-nt and voting sbal1 an:r.lO;.lnce his vote upon the qnesti.on, openly a:'ld indivLlual·ly W-'tlle CoLmcil, ancl the Clerk shall other metho-::i. of secret vo Wingo Vlhen the lSD[{Or, or )1"<3SidiY.g officer is ;}uttLJ.G o. q~1esti011 no ' . hiEl and. t1J9 c hJ, i:r o 6 - Any nB:::.1Jer of the Council rrELy of right :ce";_·J_i:re the q_uest:ion or motion unCter. Jiscu_ssion iD be raD.d ibr his inforj;-:ation at an,y -,JGTiO-:i of tte .Lebate, but not SJ :;_:,s -to intel'I'-~.?t a mer::!.ber spe0.:.-:in8o 2lo Every by-la-~v shall be introc1J.ced in the fo:n~1 of a bilJ. b,y a mo-'Gion ±bl~ 1Gave, speci:EJri:n,c._: t.h8 title of the lJroposecl by- law, or by a re_por t of a mr:1mL; tee, which motion slm.ll be clecid.ed 'tiithm.'.t de bat e'c 22o "ZveJ:,y ~!?I'O_(!Osed by-13\7 sfn.J.l receive thre·::: separate reo.cl..i'tL's bJ.t not r.::1ore than t":iO on tl1c:.! smne cl_ay, ;i-:~less ~,vith the consent thG dat·3S of till sevei'al r0o .. J.ings_tllErc-sot'o annlic-~-:ttion or sc]ums ':-iith ti1e n,~,;Je of an,y nB m be:c e::.1 rlor sed. t -~-... ere on, sh2..ll 1B 1' e:.t:'erreJ. ib rny corneit tee SUJh mer:1ber S1 sl ~ be _chly notified of the llD·3ting o1· nBstin;~~·s of the com:o.ittee at '/-hich time t;he s crrne is to be -~:::'0_, consiJered o::c resolved upoh, in the I sarrte E~s.nne r s. s i f he T.;Jer e a n:em ber ·there of ., Efter a11y crc:~.estion, except o:G:3 o:f i:ndefini"ce po stronement, by the rulges is ~:?,.ven of such i:ntenti on, -ov_t no d_isC;J.ssion of the r:uin q'X3Stio:n shc.Ul be allo.cled i.:U1less reoonsi:ie:ccd; nor sh'-~11 any t:;_J.3stion bo l~ecOllsiJ.el~ed 25 o All points o i:' o:-c~i-ar rules sh-2ll De decic1.ed in accord2:nce 25• lieu. o .r: . tfl-·:: co :·:-:r.i t t(sG of th-.. Cou_·,~cil., 1., Fina."1ce; 2.Stroets; arr:l Boeuauzation. ~ fb:4,~ £~1 ··~ ~-~. I O~l u ?ir G; __ / :·:· ···. (-·' -" --~>-~~- !: I ' ' ~,,.' .:.:. -7 - Z!, The ~j.::;yor shall ex officio -be a 1:1e-nb er of all comrnittees b:.lt shaJ.l not 1)G e:ntitle1 to vote at all rau·:::ti:r~gs t.he:c''.::o i:'o All mc;n:bers of the Council ::;:·l.y a·vte:::·Et ::1c:e'Gings of o., sC<JI;di:n.~· comr.cQttee an:i nRil, ,·ith the co:r.Lsent of t}T:J cor::.rrd.ttee, t&;:e p?.rt :b.1 t.rr~ 6_iscJ.ssion 9 but shs.,ll not be e:nt itle d to voteo 23. The £S-3Tt.. :cal d_J.tieG .of the stand.ircg s:nd speCial COJ:.Y;:ittees slJall be: {a) To r.::.::port Jw the Go.:unil from JGilm W time, as often as the intex·ests of the mcu1icipality l"B..Y re,3.uire, r:;),ll ED .. tters COJJnect;ed 'vith the d:tti.~: s il:J)_)D.sed on the!::. r·c.:;s:;:Jectivel,y, an-::~ to I' ecom!·Ilend· a1ch action the Co-JJ1C il in reldtion ther-eto as nB.J ·be deemed necessa.r;~r and e:-;::pedient c (b} To ex.g;n 5.:ne a 11 s.ccou.nt s con:t18Cted. vli ·Gh the I:;erfor:~~:;,nce {c} To c o:nsi· . .ler and r<Cf_)Ol-t u·1;;on all rra.JGters referred_ to tJ::on1 bJ tfJ.·2. Gou.rc il o:c by the -8lJOl"o (d) ':10 aclhGr::; strictly in the trans cCtion Of all b_tsiress 2J Th6l .l?in::::-::ce Co::.r.:"J.ittye slnl_" .:ieal--:.iith all nutters r·::.o.tirtg to the to the c q:,·~ st; r·,lct ion, rn :.n te11a_ c e to el il1Cl'J.ding for such "---~~---'"-~-~,-·-" _________ , ________ , ____ -- g~. ' ' I _________ } ..... ,_' -~--"""'~' l -8 - mit tee sahll deal '-~ritih alJ r~ntters rellati:nc~ to raal anJ. :!ersonal :9rops.:r·ty / ovw1ed by the l·'l nicigality, incl-"1dinaj_6wera~~·e d.i3oosal plO.n_t)To,,~{r-J..C~'L, ~o:o b""lt e:wlliling rea and llersonal pcop_,r ty de;inite~y desi~e~ other Com- mit teeso The Industr· al a.nd By-Laws Con~ni ttee sJ:nll ~1 'N ith matters con- / cerned with the ,:rOli10tiol of' ne-N industries for ~:-'1L'liciy8lity and" generally with the i:ntro c\u ction to the \OO"J.ndil of' requi:y£ :Sy-.Gaws o The -:'l:Jter\vorks and -\. / ~:tc·e Co;-:n:1ittee shall :leal •,-,j_th ~matter relatine to _the water sup1)ly for the T,lu·'ici:oality-;,1 incl-:.e1ing instal~· :n 8Ild erection of all necessary equip- ment, piping, etco COl1Y'Ected ;v.i_ t the. ~r systa:1 8J:ld rates ;;mel charges for ' water supplied. 1o all con&:t rs and, al so,'\'lo--slud_ing any lan:i and b-:tildings ' used exclusi-vely for t: ",7aterworks S,ys tern :1lso";~ matters relating to the fire protection for he I{LIDici:9ality inclu::.lirg all eo\.ipment mcessai·y fbr eucl1 fire proto tion .:m.d., also, super,.rision of the 3ire 1) Ralief ani '--Tos3ita lSatio:; ,.,0 1i1~1itt3e sl"Rll (ieal··jith all r;Jatters re::JJ-"·jn:; to the l i . jj, I nutter ::.' ciil'GCt r'-~lief, hospitalisatiaa, P'-l~Jlic \7Blf2T·3 "c'Cil01~-~"es 1o~11c:~d.-~. 3•3~1~~;,_.__~~*) .. ~;), ~~: ·wit 1 ·1 the; :··-~unic:i,pality or for ';-dlicht;he ~j.mici:pality is ,..._ _ ..• )~~----_ (J,/9 'li 30. Special meetiu;;s or' cot•;-.oit toes sh'".ll be callec1 by the ~lerk JT. · . on reg_mst of th·a chairnJ911 or a i~lajority of ths con1mit·tee in ':n'iting, or ii1 . Jj. This By-La•N sha 11 c 0t:1e into :lb rce on the O_ate ol' the 1'inal ~ 32o J:B· ss iY.:.g the reo f o Dated 9.t the TO'<V:f.1. Hall, .. Au.r'Qr-p,, this ··\_.(:: Pass eel at the '_ro·,~m Ha ll.,_Auror a, this :2-/ day 21 day- of ~-19'll 0 of +t 1941" ·~lerk l .I I I l I 'I