BYLAW - To Stike the Rates for the Year 1941 - 19410408 - 86141' I I BY,..;.LAW NWill3ER of the liv.nici:yal Corporation of the Tav\>11 of AlU"O rao 771P1REAS estir:.::,tes :-;ave ~oeen :pre~(B.recl sho':ling that the sm::1 of ;;~64,489c88 is required to ~oe raised for the lac:vful purposes of the Corporation o£' the 1.~Q"l.vn of Altrora, during the ~;ear 1941 r.Rde up as follmYs: General p:-1.rposes in-::lac1ing estL·cated a·oatements and def'iciencie s in collection and "Pub lie School Board and High School Doard County of Yorlc levy Direct relief parposes General I:.:Iunicipal Debenturesa AND ','VHCB.EAS there is required to be i)11798, 94 15000.00 6000.00 750.00 23918,38 the S'.J.l~l of C4518c07 fbr paver$n"t ,debentures and. the su.r:l of $345lo07 fo:r sewerage debentures uDder 'l:he Loclli brprovement Act. consicleration has been giyen to the Provincial S:1bsidy to 1\lunicipalities, as '.vell as revenue accrJ.ir.g from otlB:r so-,,.rceso AUD ··~V£rf~R311.S the total assessable lJroperty within the Corl)Oration is as follo;.vs: J.aucl ~~.436,456c00; Buildings $l,l04,235o00; :&...1.siness ~-~71,596o00o 0.1? A'.J.RORA :i!NACTS A.S FOL.TD0/S: 1. TJ:ere shall be struck, rated, levied and collected upon the assess- able land, l:nildil1£;'Sanl b1siness assessment the following rates: Gere ral To,V'n .Pur.pos e s County Parpos es ~11798,94 7022,56 iiiills 7,3183 4;'3558 \ ""'---. 2. - 2 - Public School Purposes High School Pnrpos es Hel ief Pur:po ses Yonge Sto Paving Debeno~'fO o20 Wellington St .,Eo Paving Debeno T.iTOc 19o Street Paving.ancl Resurfacing Deben" Noc 13o Berczy StePavir~':!: :Ueben oNoel4 Yonge St., Paving·~1ail":'2.y Strip Deben. No. lOo Arena Debenture No o 11 He So De ben o Eo So 43,44,45,46 Disposal '?1an t Deb en .No.9 Se·wage S;7s tem Debenol~Oo9 15000.00 60 00 .oo 750 .oo 2095.06 1665,22 5572.29 442.84 222,64 1445.13 7293,33 4141.27 1040.60 I-3ills . 9,3038 3,7215 0.4652 1,2996 1,0329 3,4562 0,2746 ~ 0,1381 0,8963 4,5237 2,5686 0,6454 There sffill be stru&, rated, levied 2md collected a SlJecial rate per foot fro?:lta,_':e against ·the variO"CJ.s lJi."Operties fronting on 11aveme:L1ts to raise the amount of .)4518. 07 regu ired. U11cier The Local Improvem nt Act 'by the Town's various l1':1ving B.y-la-Ns, such rates to be in accorda.me with the jJI recpirement s of the saic:t By-Laws and the Collec'Gor' s Roll shall provide accord- ing;, 3. There shall be struck, rated., levied. and collec'Ged a further special rate per fbot frontage to raise the su.m of ;:)3451(167, to cover thB ratepayer's sha:ce of the cost of the Corporation's se·,verage systern, sucj.l rate to be in accord- ance vlith the rates and against the ~:?L'OlJerties deciJ.ed. by the Co<trt of Hevision held. for such parPJs es and the Collector's "oll sball :pro vi de accord_ing. 4. 'J:lhe said rates n:ay be :paid., vvithout discount o:c peaalty, at an,Y' tirne after the 15th clay of August, 1941, ancl on or before the 14th cia,y of December, 1941. 5. Jlny ratepayer '.VLD shall paJ the ·whole or any portion of' the sa iCJ_ rates on or before the lLi t.'l day of ;;;ay, 1941, s ball be allowed. a discount of t,~·o per~ent 01.1 the a.rno;_nt so paid and. any ratepayer "~:Vho shall pay· the 1vhole or any lJOrtion of t.he S:'1ic.l rates after the 15th day of' ::·_Icw, 1941, and. on or before the l5i:h day of 1.\ug~st, 1941, shall be all& .. ved a d.isco11.:.;t of' ore percent on the amount so pai do I, - 3 - 6. That the sta.tuUJry:pe:naJ.ty and interest sialJ. bo charged on all of the rates not paid by the 15th day of December, 1941., and. such penalty ani inter',ost shall be levied and collected l:rJ the Collector or I I Treasurer as if the same had been oi"'igi r..all y imposed 8110. farrre d part of the said rateso 7. The Clerk shall p:rep3sre and deliver the Collector's :Roll to the Collector on or befbre the 1st day of October, 1941. s. The Colle c !Dr is hereby autho riz cod to mail or cause to be mailed the mtic e lT ovided for by Section of the Assessment Act to the address of tte residence or :place of business of the person to whom su.ch notice is required to be giveno 9. The Collector sball if any instal rnent of taxes rena i.'ls unpaid far more 'Ghan f'O'cU"teen days after the date for payment thereo:t' forthwith proceed to collect by distress or otherwise, under the provisions of the Statute in that behalf, all smh taxes in default, together with tbe percent- age thereon bereby imposed fbr sxh default. 10. Tbe Collecior shall return his Roll to the Treasurer on or before till lst day of FebrJ.ary, 1942, and f-xrnish to the r.rreasurer the:reu.pon all such s ta;tements of taxes unpaid and other"-;is ,;: as ane required by The Assessment Act. 11. That there sllill be stracJ<:, rated, levied and collected a ::wecial rate of 17,\0 cents per foot frontage againi3t all l_Jl'O_perties :tconting on streā€¢3ts which are io be dressed with oil, the sai" rate to pay the cost of oiling the said streets. Dated at the To.vn Hall, Aurora, this dayof'April, 1941. Passed. at the ·Town Hall, li:xro ra, this day of April, 1941. -~ ,J .J.J Mayor Clerk. i I \! I I i 'l ,I I