BYLAW - Protecting trees and regulating the planting thereof - 19401209 - 85440I [, ...... I 1~, j v I of t}YJ L;h:nici!pl Corj)DTEtt ion of the 11o-:/n of A a :m m o \V:·r:~BAS it i"B deet:-ed necesssr;;-8.11d in the :~;niblic interest to rrotect trees anti ro re~;ultrr_ the plantin.fj thereof: T.ho3 't.,ord '1 tree" or t'trees 11 in this 3y-Law slnll include a _:~.·ro:,ting tree or shr.tblJlarl'ceJ. or left grav'il~i,' o:rleither siclB of t2Le highva;:;r and on Wvrn IX' oparty groanls fo1· the _pm:•posr3 ci.' s.bade or o:rnaJ-.:1ento .2.o All trees _::liante:i in· th3 Town of Auro lB. s.t4ll be --"J_n:Jer the carr.:; w..d Slper-vi sian of the 'ro 1.Vl1 Co~.n:cil W.!"J.:ic.h is hereby 8.1J.tho rized to car:-cy o·:1l; ·a.1·l erl±:orce the :t:r ovi sions of this B;,--1-so:Jo Il·o -person sh1.ll plan.t 2.ny tree, nor she.J.J. any 1)erson rernove, not less thsn ·a:rt-9en i'e-3t apart and at S-:J..ci':t a d.istance from. tha line of t;he 5. ~'rees krl0'.7l1 as the Silver :Poplar, JalD of 1jil·9acl, or .-Jotto.n Troe, o:c rnblic. IJlace in tl:e ~ea.vno