BYLAW - To provide for nomination of candidates and for election of municipal council - 19401202 - 85340I I r I i l l o f t.h r; l-Iunic i:pal Co r:p Or a ti a 11 of the To;vn. of .A-Jl~ora o · BY-LAW ·.~1 0 . ;::i0'TI7~ 3Jli. ~1H~~ }JO=·-~Il·J./,Tim.;· OF GA:·) JIILT·.~,:s .:nr.J ~;DR ·:2H~ ~~I~~DJ(J:IO:~,f O:? ".JIL~ }i.rfJJ';,;:s:!~~t~S 0? ~~H:.~ ?.~~E.:IGI?AL ::; O"J -."CI L AEJ 0? :c.rr:.~ 3EQ7IlEDD :D.RJS}.l_:;·~s OJ? ·Ttr;~ SCHOOL JOARD FOH T~B ~:;:·T3JI1\G T'~lU.i 0~? O?t1:::..;Eo electors sh::U.l t91s::e 1Jla.ce /or the nomirr.<,tion for ?.layor, ::·te,::ve, Deput,y Heeve, and C!oun;illors in tov;ns on the last Monday in Deca:nber and th~1t the Council rr.a;y by By-La·.v provide that such me3ting may be held at hal:E'-J_Jast sevtE1 o'clock in the afternoonc .A?TD TfT~REAS 1?Y the Provisions of ·Ere Public Schools _;'l.Ct, the Bot:l.rd· of an urban municipality my, by resol'J_ tion of '.'lhich written notice sh3.ll be given the Clerl{ of the l\:~unici:Qality p~rr s02.nt to t hs said. Act, ::ceq-:_1ire tl"le election of School T::cu.stees to be £.eld by ballot on the s:a,me day t~.s I.'iunici~pal Co:mc illors are el ectede nYU? ..0..~~ ... 1 ;· .. l1JHI ::J I? AL tlJB 1-.l' . ..tnicipal Coai:cil and Ibr The 1L1.rora 1?"uJJlic School 3ourd for the ens;.:ting ?.}! terr;~ o:~· o ifice sh:Jll be held at the J',·~ec.~a:nics' HaJ.l, A,u .. o:ca, o:-.1 :·.Ionclqy, the :30th cla,y oi' 'Jece::ooer, 19'10, at '7.30 o'clo~c in ths a;f'Gel'noon, ~~F----,,~-1 That, if nnre candilates are nominated for an office tba.n are to be ·sleet-ed, the Ret:;.r.o.ing Olf'ic er shall ad.j o-..:trn the proceedin,:~;s :J_ntil the ::: Sixth day ofJanua.ry, l9tll, on which Jay, an election sl'.ull -De l~eld. an:l the po·.lls shall be O~Qened in each polling s:.;.bdivision betJeen the hours of 9 o'c-loclc in the ]1,':1 ... r.1orning and 6 o 'elocls:: in ths afteY.aoon,t\a t th"..7 i'ollov;r i'G3 i:)L:;ce o.r places: Poll in:?; Subdivision l~ul:io er 2 Fur±> er 4 t' ' .. /~ ! That the follm'? inJ .Persons a:ce lel"eby cppointed. De:puty Re- t·.:rcllirg Oi'fk ers cmd Poll Clerlcs to hold the saicl election snd to talce the vote, as required by r_rre Hunicipal Act~ The ?ubli-3 Schools ~\ct, and or any other iJ.Ct or Acts :pertaini:flg thereto, in the res_)sctive J!Ollin~s sc1.bclivisions ,as follmvs: Pollin~ Sub-division De-outy Retu.~1int~~ Officer Poll Cl erlc Nunib m· 1 i1bnb er 2 lVunD er 3 Nunb er 4 Nu.nber 5 1940. ~.-<.--· rr: --cr fA).//. ry _e:v.... w-/~ t/1/-·~ cJL.&J~- 19-~~· A·~· ~~7 3-<M'-t£....1~ C::U-~~ DATED at the Tovm Ball, 1~;JX>O :r-a, t~is ;&-da~r o i' Dece;~1ber, PASSBD at the To,vn Hall, Aurora, this _z d.D.,y of Decembar, MAYOR CLEl?K . '