BYLAW - To Amend By law 824 - 19401202 - 85240If-.· -.-~~··""~~~··-····~~~-.~--·--"-''-'-'. ~·· ,..·.·.·~~-~ ~~~H;;,. ----"'"-"-4"''f-\Af'f!·---\W'·m1+"'.KU.~· ' r I ;, of the lflunicipal Cor perc ati on of the To71n of Aurora BY-LAW 'ill Al:!END BY-LAW lrJi\\Bllil 824 OF TfF!~ SAID CORPORATIOlii, WHEREAS by-law number 824 provides for the rates to be charged ani the rates to gwern the sale of electric energy anl. the distributio.nthereof within the limits of the Town of Aurora and terri tory adjacent thereto. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend the said by-law to provide ibr the payment of a deposit by all tenants of pro- pert ies under domestic and commercial service. THE1'1EFORE TH'8 l;mliiCIPAL COUNCIL OF 'ffiE CORPORA'riOH 0]' 'I!B TWJJil OF AUR:JRA, ENACTS AS t'OLLOW3: 1. By-law Hurrib er 82 4 is amended by adding t.loe ret o the follo-r,ving sections., 10. 'rhat eny tenant of a property hereafter re- quiring electric energy from the ?ovvn u::.der domestic. or COlm:ercial service shall pay a deposit of \12.00 ill r a two wire service an:J. wire service to the 'rrsasur er of connected to such rroperty, such so.m to be held by the Corporation as a go.srantee against arrears of electric charges, charged to the tenant re- guiri ng such elect ric energy. 11. That upon vacating tlB property, provided an electric charges charged to the tenant are fully paid, the tenant shall be entitled to a refund of the said deposit ani the Treasc>rer is hereby em- power edt o grant such r efu:nd. 12. That upon £IilY elec'Gric service being disconnected as a result of default in paymont of electric charges, a reconnection fee A . of wl.OO shall be charged_ and the said electric service shall not be re- ,---------~~-~---··-~~----·--·-----· _· '---"-~~-~"""""""""""""'"""'"""'~'~-·--""--· -·-·· -· ---~---·---~~--­'· - 2 - connected until the said Coo >< $1.00 ;, ,~,'";he''>'"~'"' ol ~~ tbe Town of Aurorae Dated at the •rown Hall, Aurora, this ~ day of ~ 1940. PASSED at the Town Hall, Aurora, this day o{· 1940. MAYOR CLZRK ., l \ 1 l l ' 1