BYLAW - To provide for taking of votes of electors - 19401111 - 85140[' I I I I \. \ of the Jl,unicipal GoX]Joration of the Town of Am-ora. BY-LAW TO :?ROVID3 roR lli~ TAI\Il'IG-OP L'-1 7_'~ 70TES OF r.rFtS EL~TORS TO ASC~~RTAIN WHE·llH'I:R OR !:TOT 'l'H~Y ARE ET ~Vi'VOUR OP rl1 H~~ l·:l:Jli!"IC I?AL GO]HCIL AND LOCAL BOARDS JSL ]:reED IDR 1941 HOLDIBG 0 1:-"'?ICE ~'DR TIE T'3RM 0::8"' T,\'0 TIARSo ',VH"illEAS the Gounc il of the Town of Aurora deem it ad- vi sable to submit to a vote of the lJunicipal electors the following question pursuant to Su.b-Section 1 of Section 7 of ~'he Local Government Extension Act, 1940. •t-Are· you in favour as a wartiJre measure under the Loa al GDvernrre nt .Extension Act, 1940, of the Municipal council elected for 1941 holding office for the tenn of two years?" THERS:BOI\'!~ THE 1fliNICIPAL com:CIL 01<' THE OOR?ORATION OF THE 10WN OF AURORA, RtirACTS AS }0 LLONS: - lo The said question slall be submitted to a vote of the Municipal electors of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora at the same ti"1e and at the same places as the annual election for the I\!unici:pal .Council and Deputy '\letnrning Officers appointed to hold the said election shall t alee the vo te. On the ! .,;;;n.. 7-i day of December, 1940, at the hour of eleven o'cloclc in the forenoon, the read of the Council of the said COXl_)oration, or sorn r;1ember of the sai cl Council ap:r?ointed rOr that pur:pose by resol"J.tion., shall attend at till Coumil Chamber in the said R!unicipaibity for the purpose of ~:pointing and if requested so 1n do, shall ap-.Qoint, by ·w-riting, signed by him, two persons to attend at the final surrr:10ning up of the votes by the Clerk and. one person to attend at each polling place, on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of vat ing in the affirmative on the question, and a like nuniber on hehalf of the persons interested in and de- sirous of voting in the negative on the question. l i a l ! I I l l ' i 1 t l I I 1 I // ·-( J;~~ .. ._./ r I 3. On t.l:te -1tt• 7 ~·day of January, 194 0, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Clerk's Office in tl:e said Municipality, 'Ghe Clerk of' the said Municipality shall attend and sum up the votes given in tl:e affirmative and the negative on the said question, DATED at the '£o,vn Hall, Aurora, this ;I day of ~940, PASS3D at the '£own Hall, Aurora, this day of fl~l940. lfuyor. 01 elk.