BYLAW - To appoint an assistant treasurer REPEALED BY 860~41 - 19400604 - 848~1940of the :.Iunicipel Corporation of
the ·:rmvn of Aurorae
-, An/LI>-~ BY-LAW to appoint an Assistant ,,.,...~-_ for the Ifiunic i pal
Qorparat'ion of tte T'own of Aurorae
1. That~ If~ 4. be and he is hereby
apl'oint ed '\ssistan t I ~ for the Uunici pal Corporation of
the To·wn of' Aurorae
That the said. ~_shall assume and
t ooifM': d.ay of ~lVv-.JZ.--tal<:e over the duties of the said office on
That the said?/~~ shall perform an
the duties reqaired by him by The I.iunici'pal Co:J.ncil of the Cor1_.?oration
of the 'l'cmn of A.rrora -an<J. particularl_;c to assist the r~ in
:pe :rfor min g and carr yin::r, out a 11 tlB duties ".V.hich are usually p ef.C'formed
anrl carried ·;·.1'0 by a i.IunicipaJ. T ~under TJie Uunicipel Act or
any other Act or Acts or otherwise.
4. That before entering upon the duties of the said office
of Assistant ~ , he shall g'ive sxh security as rray ~oe
Mceptabla to the Oour.cil in the amount of ~;J()CJt) 411'0i) for the due a.nci -faithful performance ~(i carrying out of his duties as Assistant~~,
and I'ar ticularly for duly accounti no• for and pa_y. inu aver all. monies that
""-' -0 '!
may come into his harris ~ITJ. the sufc'iciency of such security shall be
examined ani reported upon by the }1~uditor or Auditors to tlB :']ouncil
in each cmci every ;;ea:ro
5. That t lB said Assistant / ~ shall be paid.
::',,'~'~:·:' '"" 0::::~:~:: Ob hc;eo "'~""" ;~~~?
6. All By-Laws, or p:trt or p:tr ts of By-Laws,
inconsistent with this By-La'.V, are l:ereby ~er.ealedq
DNJ:"ED ::l.~... --Li t f:e 11own HaJ.l, Aurora, the 'fd day
~ ~·.
PASSED at the Town Hall, Aurora, the 11