BYLAW - Appoint Assessor - 19400702 - 848.540i. of the ~·~unic i{Jal Corporation of the To':m of Aurorao 266, ,Section 246, to &:vpoii~t an 1\ssessor for 'Gh3 Tm7n of Aurora to take THA·:C be and he is hereby ~-ppoint ed the Assessor for the Tov"'l1 of A:JJ'Ol~a 1'HAT the said 11· c;;. J+ shall prepm· e the assessment roll for the said ·:rmm for the year 1941 and shall per form all such other duties reqy.ired of an Ass·9ssor under the provisions of rt~Vhe Assessment Act" an<J. any other Act or Acts or otherwise. 3. 'flL'/2 the said ;/ ')/ O)r be paid the sum for the complete, satisfactor3r and faithfhl perfOrmance of his dutieso DArED 2.t the Town Hall, Aurora, this :lii<A. da:y of 1940. PASSED at the Tmvn Hall, .Aurora, thisl~ day of 1940. I ! \ 1 1 I l I i ' j I v I !