BYLAW - To provide Discounts for the prepayment of taxes - 19400422 - 84440BYLAW TO PROVIDE DISCOUNTS FOR THE PREPAYMENT OF T.AX:EJS FOR THll: Mi.JNICliPALITY OF AUR~ FOR THE YEAR ~940 • WHEREAS the counciL c:r an ~ganized minicipaLity has power to provide for R.s.o.~937 a system of discountaoClijaP..2.72.sea.ll3,.sab.sec.a; for the prepaj;mentn of taxes during the c.urrent year,.to ensure an ear~ payment of a large proportion of ·the taxes; .AliD WHEREAS the aounci~ of the co;p!P(Ir~;t.tion of the town of Aurora. did provide by resoLution da.ted,1iia.rch 4thol940.that a. system of disoounts be ~~owed for aJJmmg:d • ~ents on ·or before certain dates·; AND WHEREAS a. Byl.a.w is neeess:a.ry to give ei'feet to the dates provided and to 1. • ~ - the amounts of the di.scounts ~~owed for suah prepayments; THEREFORE THE :liiUl'iiCIPAL COUNCIL OF THE COPRORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA EN'ACTS AS FOLLOWS: tljll/ i.Tn.at a. ci:i.soomit of two per cent on all pa;yments,up ta the tata~ amount of the taxes on ~ property,be al~owed on the money paid,on or before ~ ~5th. ~940; ~f?;/Y 2. That a discount of one per cent on ~~ paymetJts ,up to the remaining tota~ of the taxes of 1940 on ~ property,be allowed on all payments ma.de during the period~ ~6th.t0 August 15th • ~940,inclusives t:fj~ Jl s.Tbat taxes be a.caepted ,in installment or in :f'u.ll,at the net amount. on the face of the tax bi~l from August ~6th10to December ~4th.inclusive. <1;!/.J! 4.Tbat a. pena~ty of !lour per cent as prescribed by provincia.~ statute be 1'/ placed aga.ina:t all current taxes rema:i,ning unpaid on and after Deca5th.l940. c:fl$/ 5th.Tbat ,according to provincial statute parrears of taxes bear interest l/ on and after January ~st. at the rate of one half of one per cent for each i month or part Of the month :i.n which they remain unpaid. Dated at the Town Hall ,Aurora, this ;;2 I)~ day of April 1940 • . Passed at the Twom hall,Aurara,this ".<JM.I( day o:r April 1940. -w..~ Me¥ or Clerk