BYLAW - Appoint member of public library board - 19400109 - 8391940--'~ ( OI' TH'~ -"B.:,Y~-L~A::.:'i!.-7 _,N"'umo=-,b"-e~r~__.~._~:J J ;:·.TlYHICI?_A.L COR?OR.i;.:l:IO:c:r oiJ:I1:E OF AT10l1A. TOWl.J By-LAW to appoint a ~'~Ianber of ·J:he P:J..blic J~ibr.'J,I'Jr 3oard., \VHER:SAS parsJ_ant to H~S.o~ 193'!, Chapter 283, Section 15, three lien:bars of a Libra.l'y Bo9-rd in a town are to lJe appointed by the ;-.~un- ici11al Coa,J_cil of t11'3 ?ovvn, the said T-.. Ie!-:!bers, to hold o i'fice for thcee ,yearso one of tho Al:D WtnRccAS the term of' o~'C:ice of'~ ~·~ :'c:iembers of The Aurora :Pablic Library Board, ~pointed by the said Council,eXlJires on the lst day of Jebr"J.ary, 19LJ,Oc be and he is h::~reb;y ~ppointed a i>'lember of 'l:he Aumra Public Library Board to hold office on s~..1.ch B.oard for a term of three ye8J."S from the lst day of ~llebr:J.arJ, 1940, or until the appoint1rent of a w_ccessoro D.4.~1ID at the Tmvn' Hall, i~u.rora, this C{~y of' PASS:~ at tffi Town Hall., Aurora., this f~day of 19'10. 1940. Tv1ayor e Clerk.