BYLAW - Appoint Assistant Clerk - 19390501 - 82939BY-LMV ITITMBER
of ""Andc-pal Corpor the L'Ibri 1 ation
df the Tomi of A-,,-ir or a
By-la-w to appoint an Assistant (31lerk for the L'I'anilcilpa corporation
of the Town of A-arora.
IM ORE '71i B MT J
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That be and he is hereby
c pa-1 the %porati on Cw:of Town
appo nted Assi stant f'lleek fo r the -Jan.. of Aarora
2* That the said shal 1 a s s ime
Ike over the dut*es of the said off" t he
and t-,- 1 on day of 111,71.ay
30 That the sziid shall perform
all the daties required'of him by the 4inicipal Co-ancil of the Corporation o 10.
f4orm, iiigg and carry ing
To-r,,vn of Aurora and par t *1 c-,i 1 ar ly to as sist the Clerk in perf
o d ti 4 ch are -as-,jally performad and carried out by a Hall Ile lipcall all the uties '1
Clerk under The '11.1,11unicipal Act or any other Act or Acts or otherwisee
40 That before enter*ng apon the dutles of the said office
Istant Clerk,, he shall ss of glave sach seea I ty as may be acceptable to the A 1 ri
to XTO
C aunc 11 in th e amoun t o f for the dae and fai-thful per'l..'ormance and
i n gr,
carrj out of ' ti is duties as Ass" stant Clerk,, and particularly for duly accmatqw
ing for and paying over all monies may c o m, into his hard s and the Taf fie iency
of sac h security shall be examined and rep or t ed -xpon by the Ailditor. or Auditors
to t;--Ie Co-Imcil 1n each and every year,,
50 That the said Assistant Clerk all be paid for the perform-