BYLAW - Appoint Clerk and Treasurer - 19390419 - 82839Byowlaw to appoint a Clerk and Treasurer for the Manicipal Corporation of the Tom Ar r a. R FORE ][J ICI PAL COUNCIL OF TH_RPORATION OF THE (1) That be and he is hereby appointed l-_ Treasurer of the'Municipal. Corporation the Tdvm of Aurora* (2) That the said shall assume x_ and -take WV over the dutiesr o r t i i.l, Ole s of the offices of Clerk /0V and. 'err of the said on and after the day of 1939's (3) That the said. shall perform and carry out all the duties of the said offices of Clerk and Treasurer, s required by a Clerkand Treasurer under "The Municipal Act",, or any j,. other Act or Acts relating to L nicipal matters and all amendments to the i "The i iAct" or other Act or Acts which are nov in force or n.ay hereafter e in force in the Province of Ontario and shall further der' duties which Ia d, carried out by a 111unicipal Clerk and a Id"unicipal-Treasurer,, whether reem aired by the said "The .1 is ipal Act,' or any Other Act or Acts or other*- ise � (4) That before en t er l d. i = the i f Clerk and Treasurer he shall give such- i y as imy be acceptable to the Uouncil in the amolmt of do 00 Dollars for the due and faithfal performance and c rfyin.g out of his antis as Clerkand,Treasurer,, ard paxtic-aarly for dialco in for d ppying over all monies that may come into his handsand the sufficiency