BYLAW - Appoint Assessor - 19380604 - 822A38a v t , h. TO APPOINT Ali ASSESSM i HE to appoint an Assessor for the town of Aurora to take the Assess-r-,ient for the year _:. "b; - hereby b e and he is Assessor for the town of li-uroravto take a aomplete teal and personal assessment . censusal i ipaiity for the year 1939tand to take the sehool the That 4 '� O �Q he ,^, p� tsaesaor be .d the sum of for the GOMP lete and sat' tory performance of his dutieeo sus Dated at the town P h Passed at the ToTm HlallpAurora. this r day of 1938 kayor Clerk*