BYLAW - Nominations By law - 19341201 - 76535X-MICIM COUNCIL OF THR C ENACT S A .." _ , (It That th- e nomin ktion for Reeve j)eputy Reeve Go-unaillors and P*S*Trustees .0e held t the same time . 0 2 That the • ratio € ' Five tau . Three Public 30-hool. Trusteea be held in the . on the- thirty f w . t o - s h . t: our t t the time mentioned municipalact* (314W-That demanded by an eleatert vt the rrominat "Ion for the aforesaid of f ices f or the munieipality of Aurora for the year 1935.*-the eleation1. be held in the several ,gas " Novi that iz to say,,onu f q Polling Sube,#4 Depo,"eturni Of ic dPo Giork I 1 t Polls Sub * • YYY666 Pill Clerk the towniJec*1934 Passed at the town, ..tom:-* th is day of Die