BYLAW - Construction REPEALED BY 1856-69 - 19330711 - 749-1933TU OF AMIORA By-law N00 A By-law to Lrrajend ITo. 70-12.4 ,a P,442AS the Couric"l of the Torn of Aurora detemined to undertake the consstructiori. as local i*.1:,,;1.Ijrovements o,.rL' certain sewers and on the 1 6th dp,4y of' Nove.,Lraher, 197--1, duly passed .001 By-lart No. 702 to authorize the publication of 4*"_I0tiC0e of the Councills init e:rition to undertakek the vorks mentioned in the schedule appended to said by-lari4, of the 'works mentioned in said- By-lar No. 702 with tne exceptioij that the. serer on Wellingtan Ste, was author-i'Lzed to be const-..ructed 40 Li S 14- from Berezy St. to Yill St *1 -veed of fron. Berozy Ste to George St., and the sewer on Centre "c"t. vves sauthorized. to be constructed from Larmont Ste to 275 fto West of ]Llarinorit Ste instead of from Larmont,St. to S.,pruce St## -L. A�4D WHMIEjjS it is adviseole to emlend said By-""em -Noo 702 I=u sal construction By-laxwo c),nd, to conf* 1 the Co irpo rat I* on 0 f N40W THM E, FORE The TJUrI *1 c ipal Co unc'l o in the Town of Aurora ENA...CTS -AS FOLLOW, 110 That By-law Nlo* 702 be and, the same. 'is hereby amended as By altering, the description of the sewer on Wellington St* from Berozy s4to to George St. as set out in thle.. schedule so that e ,_