BYLAW - Appoint Constable - 19330206 - 74533BY L A"Fyf N g R. M1 l y of the To"vyn of Aurora under "'The Liquor Control Acts" $ q�aoo-..,a6 acsmfliB«.....iE 9 4 i. necessary appoint 1''Pal Corporation of the Tovvvn of under "Thd quor Control Act*" �ry µ ...,a � ?W-`.. v.�w�++.a� °g2 �' � � �� �s[TL OF aer.b � §S xryp p.,. .: T...0 `..�. ��.�:n .sic 3311 �n vran '$s .0 a&e� ' f OF T P4' 0V L �� n EI A ¢fie 0L C .' 7 yConstable 3 i� u-IUde r. "T'Lle Liquor Control Act" f 014 thee said Enn 1. c ipal k F N .su tt ��QQ ':: , oration the Tn of At c� yyhat the sid ,p✓ ¢¢2"�°�M.yyy (2) -brey shall take oer the f A X--V W--aid office on the 3 3 f That the said Aubrey Fleu pg..p@pq shall be paid the 3 SU m of per hour for the time actuzally t a employed in hJ-s duties as Constable under "The Licquor Control M, the of i 10 33 or, day of PASSED at the Town Hall, Aur a the 19 3 .d....i }