BYLAW - Appoint Constable - 19330206 - 744A33the ., Aurora unaere W=t r t a bl,; LS i t i s ne c e s s a ry, t o ap f or them -Corporation of e r. , of AuTora under "The Liquor e Control T Mt, = _„ ,T I OINI 0 .,.A Ni I C I P !L C CL '71 F CRIj irk IACTS AS FOLLOWS (1) THAT FIS=R DURHIM be and he is hereby appointed Constable-P "The LiquqrControl Ah rsy 4 rigoration of the Tom of Aurora* Cor: (2) That the said Fisher Dunham shall take over the 3v7C - - ` .. r § ag mom. � e -� ar, a �; w,� a`:y� � - -�- f the saidoffice duties (3) That the saod F sher Dunham shall be paid the i t;, i vam of cents per hour for tile e actually "The "errployed �m in his duties as Constable Liquorunder }'Act rx d L DATEM at the Tom the of Hall Auron ay _ - t" ;F - �°" 33 s F 17� h PASSED at the Tom Hall'. Aurora$ the day of u, 5 - 3 3 9 ,r _- f t, i