BYLAW - Agreement to Purchase Land - 19290203 - 67829BY-L&W PULBER B the Oox'rorati= of the Tovai of -law o-.-. By-law to wi-ithorize a -Arad, instruct the I'layor a -rid Olerk to enter (Sub�ect to the approv,,ral of this Council by hes'olution) into a contract with some f irm or corporation or corporations f person or person. or ::rn erea t h;4 construction of arl g iculture-1 own Pa rk In the in t e own, o, n iuirora, in the County of "Vork or some other suitable olace in the said Mowmn of Aurora aLd for the purchase of the nec spar;%7 laLl e d theref or and for the Pa,1,,,meY_Lt of a sum n ot exceed irlig Tif teen thousand Dollars (41 000#00) for Tie, anOL the saL to provide for the borrowing of a sum riot exceediong. Fif teen thonsand Dollars (415,000#00) upon debentures to pay for the construction of the said Acrricultur�il rena# ' ,; - .,. the Council of the Corpo ration of the To-umn. o-f Aurora deem it expedierit to constrtict and build an Agri cultural Arena of a size of feet by feet, in the mown Park being part of Lot Ii ii m b a r 0 in the Firc, I Coricession of the mownsh*p of Tff h i tchurch,, in the Town of Auro ra or in some other suitable place in the said Town of Aurora .0- and -Por the purchase of the necessary land therefor. 'Alt 'D 1ki XH:31��S the cost of the said work shall not exceed the sim of Fifteen thousand Dollars (415,000,00) An" whereas it will be necessary for this Couil-cil to enter "nito an Agreemer, 4t with some firm or -Pirms, corporatior, or corporations C 0 1"1 S person or persons for the truction of the sa"d Agricultural ren APO W_4F Ii.- S the esry timated lifatime of the work I S 'V ear 8 id 'A F it will be nec... to borrow a Si. of money not exceeding Fifteen thousand Dollars (415,000.00) H on the credit o.-,P- the Corporation at large and to issue debe''nt RAII LAW In t* -r rate of five, rer centum per ,Lter=4- at the erefor bearing 1. annumig pa;.7able in fifte-en y ear s THER3.'PIPORE THE EUBUCIP"JAI CCUI-ICIL CC 'P(IB"JALTIOV OF TF TOWN OF WJRORA 3FACTS AS FOILUISO 0 C This By-law shall take effect on the fiLial ITassing thereof, after the same has beer, approve d by the electors 10f the Corporatione IDe ernber'. 10 1 C C,, 4ve t Dated at the ToArn Hall &Urorav the 2rld day of Passed at the Town Hall, Aurora, the J"""day of