BYLAW - Appoint Highschool Trustee Board - 19280110 - 63628I 90 L 1136"- N 0; 70 APPOINT' Ate.HIGH SCHOOL TRUS= FGtf,',L- TIM TOWIT OF .1�: .T101U, FOR TEM YEARS .19-2a 19,21911 and I9-,ao. There&.% 'it ia- necessary f or,- the Gounatls, of Lamicipal-itlLes in which Hish. Schools are s3".tu&te to pass a, Bylaw annually to appoi6nt a, Trustee for such Sah-oololm- =.ETGR-Df TIM G-GUI-TCIL- OF TIMP 7071 U-1 OF b ago- AU-11101- k' M--I'----"LG-TS &S, FOU-MUS- W Tha t Mr- 7e and- he 'is hereby &-opointed, H- School -tgh Trustee far the Zovm of Aurora- f a r the vears 1928 19P,9. and, T-930.