BYLAW - To Regulate Garbage Collection - 19271129 - 63127:-I of a CUY
WMM�3; S by- 3-aw4, GeowV.aw43 *a 406,parw5 the M-U-nia--ipa-L GounaL I
Tha,t & c..-Iontraat be entered intol with for a regular
ssysteni&ti'a weeakly co.'Lleationo removal and d1sposal of all ashes garbage ana
Gth�er refixserthrougj=t the whole Ihin'i.ei',-oali'tyt-which,,mayt lae placed. at the
street, line upon the day on whiali the GoIleator may beeated to paasw
Mat the Ho.useholder sha,11 provideAaGntainers of a, suiLt
able size and. s.Iv---kpejan& tie� convey them to the: street 1m'e *-ready for the
Tha,t the Gollea-tor sha-11 arrange a. regular weekly schedule vbath as to