BYLAW - Renewal of Hydro Agreement - 19281110 - 62827BE R'
of the,,, Corpor'ation of the.Town of
A B7,-Iaw to authorize the renewal of agreement between the
Municipal Corporation of the Town of Auxora, and the Hydro-Eleccm
triPower Commission of the Province
o of Ontario, Successors to
Tonto nd York R4,ad
Theial Rail-l-way Company
-fm of Aurora and
sMER53AB the Municipal Corporation of the To
ther period of f ive years from the commencement of the supply of
electric- power and was. agairn. renewed In 1923 for a further period
of five years, from the last date of the former renewal*
A10 WHEREAS the said agreement has been taken over and assumed
by the Rydro,-Bieetric Power Cormission of the Province of Ontario,
to the Toronto and York 1.adial Railway Company*
17, George Vo, 10279 Chap
AND WH M-UU3 by Statutes of Ontario, .0f
ter 28., Section 17, a municipal corporation shall not e nter into or
rer or energy to
renew any contract for the supply of electric povo
the Corporeation or to the Inhabitants thereof until a bv law sett ng
forth the terms and conditions in such contract, has been first submaw
mitted to and has received the assent of the Municipal electors in
a manner provided by a Runicipal Act*
AND WHEREA3 the terms and conditions of the contract to te re"em
newed b7 th 19 b7,-law are s et out in the original agreement: dated,_:'th-el
to and York Radial Rai a,
first of April, 1913,, between the Toron
i e
OF TH244 TOWN OF. AUT-0410RAs 7jjl%TP,*.CTS AS F0LL0'vV,3*,%m_