Policy - A.M.P.S. Financial Management - 20250220
100 John West Way
Aurora, Ontario
L4G 6J1
(905) 727-3123
Town of Aurora
Bylaw Services
Contact: Manager, Bylaw Services
Approval Authority: C.A.O.
Effective: April 10, 2023
Revised: February 20, 2025
Administrative Monetary Penalties System: Financial
Management and Reporting
Ontario Regulation 333/07: Administrative Penalties requires a municipality establishing
an Administrative Monetary Penalty System (A .M.P.S.) to have a policy to address
financial management and reporting of A.M.P.S.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a policy regarding financial management and
the reporting and tracking of administrative penalties and fees. This policy affirms that
the Town of Aurora’s A.M.P.S. shall follow the existing corporate policies and
procedures related to financial management and reporting.
This policy applies to all financial management and reporting responsibilities and
accountabilities regarding A.M.P.S. All persons responsible for administering the
A.M.P.S. program, as well as screening officers and hearing officers, shall comply with
this policy.
The Town of Aurora (the “Town”) has established several financial management
policies and procedures which, along with proactive financial planning processes,
provide a framework for the Town’s overall fiscal planning and management. The Town
continues to display financial accountability through regular, thorough, and transparent
financial performance reporting, analysis and auditing. This will be reflected in routine
reporting on A.M.P.S. financial results, as well as efficiency and effectiveness measures
of the A.M.P.S. programs and services.
Administrative Fee
Any fee specified in the Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22.
Administrative Penalty
An administrative penalty imposed for contravention of a designated by-law, in
accordance with the Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22.
Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22
The by-law passed by the Town to establish administrative penalties for parking, as
amended from time to time, or any successor thereof.
Bylaw Services
The Bylaw Services Division of Corporate Service s for the Town of Aurora, or any
successor thereof.
The Director of Corporate Services for the Town of Aurora, or anyone designated by the
Director to perform their duties relating to A.M.P.S.
Hearing Officer
Any person who is appointed by the Town from time to time pursuant to the Screening
and Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22, to perform the functions of a hearing officer in
accordance with the Screening and Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22 and the
Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22.
Penalty Notice
A penalty notice as described in Section 4.0 of the Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-
Includes an individual or a corporation.
Screening and Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22
Any person appointed by the Town from time to time pursuant to the Screening and
Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22, to perform the functions of a screening officer in
accordance with the Screening and Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22 and the
Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22.
Screening Officer
Any person appointed by the Town from time to time pursuant to the Screening and
Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22, to performs the functions of a screening officer in
accordance with the Screening and Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22 and the
Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22.
General Financial Management and Reporting
Preparation of the Town’s budget revolves around priority setting that reflects the
Town’s Strategic Plan, Aurora Town Council priorities, service delivery objectives and
standards and historical financial performance, all balanced with the need for prudent
financial management. Priority setting and budgeting with respect to A.M.P.S. shall be
the responsibility of Bylaw Services.
Payment of a Penalty Notice
Any person issuing a penalty notice for an infraction of a designated by-law is not
permitted to accept payment for an administrative penalty.
Hearing officers are prohibited from directly accepting any payment from any person in
respect of a penalty notice.
Town employees shall ensure compliance with corporate and / or departmental cash /
payment handling procedures for financial stewardship in accordance with the Town of
Aurora’s Payments and Receipting policy.
Methods of Payment
Following the issuance of a penalty notice, the person is permitted to make a voluntary
payment by using one of the following methods:
• Online (subject to a nominal processing fee)
• In person during regular business hours of Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
o Town Hall – 100 John West Way, Aurora, ON
o Joint Operation Centre – 229 Industrial Pkwy N, Aurora, ON
o Additional future locations as identified by the Town
• In person outside of regular business hours by cheque made payable to Town of
Aurora placed in the treasury drop box and will be received next business day,
receipt will not be provided for this method
• By mail using cheque for money order made payable to the Town of Aurora
o The penalty notice number must be written on the front of the cheque /
money order and the cheque / money order shall be made payable to the
Town of Aurora
o Mailed to: Town of Aurora 100 John West Way, Aurora, ON L4G 6M7
Payment is not considered made until received by the Town. Persons must allow
sufficient mailing time for payments and should not send cash by mail. Post -dated
cheques or payment by installations (unless otherwise agreed by the director) are not
accepted. A fee will be applied for any non-sufficient funds, cancelled, or reversed
payment, in accordance with the Town’s Fees and Charges By-law 6656-24, as
Processing Payments
Payments will be processed as follows:
• Online
o The person enters their penalty notice and related information into the
system and makes a payment with their credit card information. Once the
transaction is processed and approved, the person may print a receipt of
payment as proof of payment for their records.
• In Person
o Apply the appropriate method of payment to the penalty notice. The
person is provided with a receipt of payment for their records
• By Mail
o Apply the cheque or money order payment to the penalty notice. A receipt
is not provided when using this method of payment.
Upon receipt of a penalty notice payment, a Town employee will apply the payment to a
specific penalty notice in the G.T.E.C.H.N.A. parking management system. Unless
otherwise agreed by the Director, partial payments will not be accepted. The penalty
notice will reflect “paid” status.
A person’s credit card information is not kept by the Town’s system, in accordance with
the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.S.O. 1990, c.
Refund of Payment
If a person has paid any administrative fee in respect of a penalty notice, and the
administrative fee or part thereof is later cancelled or reduced by a screening officer or
hearing officer, the Town shall refund the administrative fee or part thereof cancelled or
reduced to the person. The processing of refund requests shall be initiated by the Bylaw
Services Division.
Administrative Fees
Various administrative fees may be payable by a person with a penalty notice as set out
in the Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22. Where applicable, such fees shall be paid
in addition to the administrative penalty.
Bylaw Services
Through the process of current and capital financial management and reporting for
A.M.P.S., Bylaw Services shall:
• Review and monitor current year actual, budgeted and projected financial
performance and operating results
• Proactively compare program financial activity with past performance to identify
trends, issues and opportunities
• Determine priorities for maintaining and improving A.M.P.S. program services
• Review and develop long-term plans for A.M.P.S. including a multi-year operating
and capital budget analysis and projections
• Identify and mitigate factors impacting the A.M.P.S. budget and financial
performance, such as inflation, fixed costs and legislative requirements that are
beyond the control of Town decision-makers
• Comply with all corporate reporting standards and requirements as part of the
Town’s financial management and reporting processes
• Ensure all necessary financial signing authorities are updated and followed by all
staff involved in A.M.P.S. administration
• Comply with all Town procurement policies and procedures regarding A.M.P.S.
Monitoring and Maintenance
CAO / directors / managers / supervisors and employees should work collaboratively to
resolve issues related to this policy. Any employee found to be disrespecting the terms
of this policy other than under exceptional circumstances, emergencies or operatio nal
requirement is subject to an investigation and discipline deemed appropriate by their
immediate supervisor, Human Resources, the Town Clerk and / or CAO.
This policy will be reviewed two years from its effective or revision date, in accordance
with the Town of Aurora’s policy maintenance schedule .
• Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25
• Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.
• O. Reg. 333/07: Administrative Penalties
• By-law – Administrative Penalty – 6450-22
• By-law – Fees and Charges – 6656-24
• By--law - Screening and Hearing Officer – 6451-22
• By-law - Amend 4574-04. T (A.M.P.S.) – 6452-22
• Policy - A.M.P.S.: Appointment of Screening and Hearing Officers
• Policy - A.M.P.S.: Conflict of Interest and Code of Conduct
• Policy - A.M.P.S.: Preventing Political Interference
• Policy – A.M.P.S.: Public Complaints
• Policy – A.M.P.S.: Undue Hardship
• Policy - Employee Code of Conduct
• Policy - Council-Staff Relations
• Policy - Payments and Receipting