Policy - A.M.P.S. Public Complaints - 20250220
100 John West Way
Aurora, Ontario
L4G 6J1
(905) 727-3123
Town of Aurora
Bylaw Services
Contact: Manager, Bylaw Services
Approval Authority: C.A.O.
Effective: April 10, 2023
Revised: February 20, 2025
Administrative Monetary Penalties System: Public Complaints
This policy addresses any public complaint regarding the administration of the
Administrative Monetary Penalty System (A.M.P.S.).
The Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 requires a municipality establishing an
Administrative Monetary Penalty System (A.M.P.S.) to develop a policy to address
public complaints regarding the administration of A.M.P.S.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a process for public complaints regarding the
administration of A.M.P.S. and to ensure that A.M.P.S. remains an open, transparent,
accessible, responsive, accountable, efficient, and effective system for enforcement in
the Town of Aurora (the “Town”), and that any public complaints are addressed in a
timely and responsible manner.
This policy applies to all public complaints, informal or formal, regarding the
administration of the A.M.P.S. program and applies to all administrative actions and
functions of all Town of Aurora employees and other individuals responsible for the
administration of A.M.P.S., and to all public complaints regarding screening officers or
hearing officers. All individuals responsible for administering the A.M.P.S. program shall
be responsible for adherence to this policy.
Any public complaint filed pursuant to this policy regarding the administrative actions of
a Town employee, screening officer or hearing officer under A.M.P.S. shall be referred
to the designated complaints investigator.
Screening officers and hearing officers do not have jurisdiction to consider questions
relating to the validity of a statute, regulation or by -law or the constitutional applicability
or operability of a statute, regulation or by-law. Any such complaints will not be
processed under this policy.
This policy is not intended to:
• Operate as an appeal mechanism to reverse or alter any decision of a screening
officer or hearing officer
• Replace other specific Town programs, policies / procedures, legislative
processes, or legal processes available to the public to address public concerns
with A.M.P.S. or with the outcome of a screening review or hearing review.
Administrative Fee
Any fee specified in the Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22.
Administrative Penalty
An administrative penalty established by the Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22 for
a contravention of a Designated By-law as defined therein.
Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22
The by-law passed by the Town to establish administrative penalties for parking, as
amended from time to time, or any successor thereof.
Administrative Monetary Penalty System.
Designated Complaints Investigator
The Director of Corporate Services or their designate or successor, or the Town Solicitor
or their designate.
Hearing Officer
Any person who is appointed by the Town from time to time pursuant to the Screening
and Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22, to perform the functions of a hearing officer in
accordance with the Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22.
Hearing Review
The process related to review of a screening decision, as set out in Section 6.0 of the
Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22.
Integrity Commissioner
The Integrity Commissioner as appointed by Aurora Town Council from time to time.
Penalty Notice
A penalty notice issued pursuant to Section 4.2 of the Administrative Penalty By-law
Screening and Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22
The by-law passed by the Town to establish the positions of screening and hearing
officers and to provide for the appointment of screening and hearing officers, in relation
to administrative penalties for parking, as amended from time to time, or any succe ssor
Screening Officer
Any person who is appointed by the Town from time to time pursuant to the Screening
and Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22, to perform the functions of a screening officer in
accordance with the Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22.
Screening Review
The process related to review of a penalty notice, as set out in Section 5.0 of the
Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22.
General Provisions
A public complaint shall be processed using the following framework:
• Unless otherwise set out in this policy, all public complaints regarding the
administration of A.M.P.S. shall be submitted to the designated complaints
investigator, who may investigate and, if applicable, determine appropriate
corrective action
• Any complaint regarding a member of council in respect of the administration of
A.M.P.S. shall be submitted and processed in accordance with the Council Code
of Conduct or Council-Staff Relations policy and sent to the Town’s integrity
• Any complaint regarding a hearing officer shall be referred to the designated
complaints investigator
• A public complaint submitted pursuant to this policy must be in writing, using the
form(s) as may be prescribed by the designated complaints investigator from
time to time, complete with all required information, including the full name and
full contact information of the complainant, and be sent to the designated
complaints investigator within 30 days of the date of the event for which the
complaint is being made. Incomplete complaint forms or forms submitted after
the 30- day period may not be processed, at the discretion of the designated
complaints investigator.
• All complaints shall be treated as confidential by the Town and shared only as
required to investigate the complaint, respecting personal information privacy
and confidentiality in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act , R.S.O. 1990. c. M. 56
• The designated complaints investigator may refuse to address or process any
public complaint that is deemed by the designated complaints investigator to be
frivolous, vexatious, trivial or made in bad faith, or not within the scope of this
policy. The designated complaints investigator shall notify the complainant in
writing and provide the complainant with a reasonable opportunity to make
written submissions, prior to determining a complaint to be frivolous, vexatious,
trivial or made in bad faith. Any such decision shall be communicate d to the
complainant in writing with reasons.
• Where possible, at the discretion of the designated complaints investigator,
attempts will be made to address public complaints through an informal
resolution process before proceeding to a formal resolution process
• Any resolution, formal or informal, of a public complaint will be addressed by a
written response from the designated complaints investigator to the person filing
the complaint
• A public complaint sustained through a review cannot be used as the basis to
change or void a decision of a screening officer or hearing officer, including any
administrative penalties and administrative fees due or paid
The designated complaints investigator will report annually to the Chief Administrative
Officer (C.A.O.) on the summary of public complaints filed and addressed in respect of
Anonymous Complaints
Complaints that are anonymous will not be accepted.
Withdrawing a Complaint
A complainant may withdraw their complaint by so requesting in writing to the
designated complaints investigator at any time.
Policy Communication
• This policy will be posted on the Town’s website and intranet
• Employees will be advised of the new policy via distribution to the Executive
Leadership Team and Corporate Management Team
• All members of council shall be provided with a copy of this policy
• This policy shall form part of the orientation for all members of council at the
start of a new term of council
• This policy shall form part of the orientation for all screening officers, hearing
officers and Town employees involved in the enforcement and administration of
• Without limiting the above statement, all current and new employees, with the
potential for interaction with the A.M.P.S. program, shall receive training in
relation to this policy
Not applicable.
Monitoring and Maintenance
CAO / directors / managers / supervisors and employees should work collaboratively to
resolve issues related to this policy. Any employee found to be disrespecting the terms
of this policy other than under exceptional circumstances, emergencies or operatio nal
requirement is subject to an investigation and discipline deemed appropriate by their
immediate supervisor, Human Resources, the Town Clerk and / or CAO.
This policy will be reviewed two years from its effective or revision date, in accordance
with the Town of Aurora’s policy maintenance schedule .
• Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25
• Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.
• O. Reg. 333/07: Administrative Penalties
• By-law - Administrative Penalty - 6450-22
• By-law - Screening and Hearing Officer - 6451-22
• By-law - Amend 4574-04. T (A.M.P.S.) - 6452-22
• Policy - A.M.P.S.: Appointment of Screening and Hearing Officers
• Policy - A.M.P.S.: Conflict of Interest and Code of Conduct
• Policy - A.M.P.S.: Financial Management
• Policy - A.M.P.S.: Preventing Political Interference
• Policy - A.M.P.S.: Undue Hardship
• Policy – Council-Staff Relations
• Policy – Employee Code of Conduct
• Council Code of Conduct