Policy - A.M.P.S. Appointment of Screening and Hearing Officers - 20250220
100 John West Way
Aurora, Ontario
L4G 6J1
(905) 727-3123
Town of Aurora
Bylaw Services
Contact: Manager, Bylaw Services
Approval Authority: C.A.O.
Effective: April 10, 2023
Revised: February 20, 2025
Administrative Monetary Penalties System: Appointment of
Screening and Hearing Officers
The purpose of the policy is to provide a consistent and transparent framework for the
selection and appointment of screening officers and hearing officers and to act as a
guide for appointees.
The Town of Aurora (the “Town”) values a clear and transparent process for the
selection of screening officers and hearing officers in a fair and equitable manner and in
accordance with applicable legislation and by-laws approved by Aurora Town Council.
This policy applies to the selection and appointment of screening officers and hearing
officers for the purposes of the Administrative Monetary Penalties System (A.M.P.S.)
Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22
The by-law passed by the Town to establish administrative penalties for parking, as
amended from time to time, or any successor thereof.
Town Clerk, or anyone designated by the Clerk to perform their duties relating to
The department head responsible for the Bylaw Services Division of the Town, or their
designate or successor.
Hearing Officer
Any person appointed from time to time pursuant to the Screening and Hearing Officer
By-law 6451-22, to perform the functions of a hearing officer in accordance with the
Screening and Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22 and the Administrative Penalty By-law
Joint Panel
Joint panel as set out herein, established to provide advice and recommendations to
council pursuant to the Screening and Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22, regarding the
appointment of hearing officers.
Includes any of the following persons:
• Spouse , common-law partner, or any person with whom the person is living as a
spouse outside of marriage
• Parent or legal guardian
• Child, including a stepchild and grandchild
• Siblings and children of siblings
• Siblings of parents and their children (typically known as aunt, uncle, niece and
• In-laws, including parents, siblings, and children
• Any person who lives with the person on a permanent basis
Screening and Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22
The by-law passed by the Town to establish the positions of screening and hearing
officers and to provide for the appointment of screening and hearing officers, in relation
to administrative penalties, as amended from time to time, or any successor thereof.
Screening Officer
Any person appointed from time to time pursuant to the Screening and Hearing Officer
By-law 6451-22, to perform the functions of a screening officer in accordance with the
Screening and Hearing Officer By-law and the Administrative Penalty By-law 6450-22.
Appointment of Screening Officers
In accordance with the Screening and Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22, screening
officers shall be appointed by the Town Clerk, except where ineligible or where the Clerk,
otherwise determines that the person has demonstrated an inability to comply with
Town policies or procedures, or is unable to carry out the duties related to A.M.P.S. in a
fair and impartial manner. Any person(s) holding the positions of bylaw co-ordinator or
licencing and court administrator (as those positions may be renamed from time to
time) may be designated by the Clerk as screening officers provided such positions only
facilitate payment of penalty notices but do not accept or process payments related to
penalty notices.
The following persons are not eligible for appointment as screening officers:
• Issuing officer
• A member of council
• A relative of a member of council
• A person indebted to the Town, other than:
o In respect of current property taxes
o Pursuant to an agreement with the Town, where the person is in
compliance with the terms thereof
The Clerk, in consultation with the Town Solicitor and Director may revoke the
appointment of a licencing and court administrator and / or bylaw coordinator as a
screening officer if at any time the person becomes ineligible for appointment or
continuation as a screening officer, or is otherwise determined by the Clerk, in
consultation with the Town Solicitor and Director, to be unable to carry out the duties
related to A.M.P.S. in a fair and impartial manner or to comply with Town’s policies or
Recruitment of Hearing Officer(s)
The Town may, from time to time, recruit hearing officer(s) as contemplated by the
Screening and Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22, in accordance with the following
The following persons are not eligible to be appointed or to remain as hearing officer(s):
• A member of council
• A relative of a member of council
• An employee of the Town
• A person indebted to the Town, other than:
o In respect of current property taxes
o Pursuant to an agreement with the Town, where the person is in
compliance with the terms thereof
Application and Review Process
Application Process
The Town’s Clerk’s office will be responsible for the recruitment of the hearing
officer(s). The posting will outline the role of the hearing officer(s) and eligibility criteria.
All applicants may complete an application form in a form prescribed by the Town.
All applications received by the established deadline will be forwarded to the Clerk's
office at the Town.
The Clerk will be responsible for reviewing the applications and recommending
The applicant review process involves reviewing personal information of the applicants
and ensuring their qualifications align with the provisions set out in Screening and
Hearing Officer By-law 6451-22, S. 4, as amended.
The Clerk’s office will consider the recommendations and appoint the hearing officer(s).
The Clerk’s office of the Town will notify all applicants of the decision and will retain all
applications according to their applicable Record Classification Structure and Retention
By-Law 6586-24.
Other A.M.P.S. Programs
Should the Town decide to expand the A.M.P.S. program(s) to matters other than
parking, the Town may, but is not required to, expand the duties of and appoint any
existing hearing officer(s) for that purpose.
Nature of Hearing Officer(s) Positions and Term
Hearing officer(s) are independent and are not Town employees. Hearing officer(s) may
be required to enter into a contract with the Town outlining the terms of service.
Unless revoked, hearing officer(s) shall be appointed for the term of council (or
remainder thereof, where appointed mid-term), and thereafter until reappointed or until a
successor is appointed.
Revocation of Appointment
The Town may revoke the appointment of a hearing officer at any time, on the
recommendation of the Town Clerk in consultation with the Director and Town Solicitor,
if applicable.
Not applicable.
Monitoring and Maintenance
CAO / directors / managers / supervisors and employees should work collaboratively to
resolve issues related to this policy. Any employee found to be disrespecting the terms
of this policy other than under exceptional circumstances, emergencies or operational
requirement is subject to an investigation and discipline deemed appropriate by their
immediate supervisor, Human Resources, the Town Clerk and / or CAO.
This policy will be reviewed two years from its effective or revision date, in accordance
with the Town of Aurora’s policy maintenance schedule.
• Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25
• O. Reg. 333/07: Administrative Penalties
• By- law - Administrative Penalty - 6450-22
• By-law - Screening and Hearing Officer - 6451-22
• By-law - Amend 4574-04.T (A.M.P.S.) - 6452-22
• By-law – Record Classification Structure and Retention – 6586-24
• Policy - A.M.P.S.: Conflict of Interest and Code of Conduct
• Policy - A.M.P.S.: Financial Management Policy
• Policy - A.M.P.S.: Preventing Political Interference
• Policy - A.M.P.S.: Public Complaints
• Policy - A.M.P.S.: Undue Hardship
• Policy - Employee Code of Conduct
• Policy - Council-Staff Relations