Policy - Petitions - 20250115
100 John West Way
Aurora, Ontario
L4G 6J1
(905) 727-3123
Town of Aurora
Legislative Services
Contact: Town Clerk
Approval Authority: CAO
Effective: January 10, 2019
Revised: January 15, 2025
This policy outlines the Town of Aurora’s process for receipt and forwarding of public
petitions to Aurora Town Council and their placement on the Committee of the Whole
This policy applies to all petitions submitted to the Town of Aurora, with the exception
of those governed by another act (such as drainage and local improvement petitions).
A formal written request made to Aurora Town Council.
The Town of Aurora is committed to citizen engagement and supports petitions as a
tool for citizens to have input into council’s decision-making process.
• The petition must be addressed to the Town of Aurora / Aurora Town Council
and request a particular action within the authority of council
• The petition must identify a contact person
• Petitions must be legible, typewritten or printed in ink (no pencil)
• The text of the petition must be listed at the top of each page for multiple -page
petitions. Pages should be numbered and total number of pages indicated.
• The petition must be appropriate and respectful in tone and must not contain any
improper or offensive language or information
• Each petitioner must print and sign their own name. A paper petition must
contain original signatures only, written directly on the petition.
• Each petitioner must provide their full address
• For electronic petitions, petitioners must provide name, address and a valid e -
mail address
• The petition must clearly disclose on each page that it will be considered a public
document at the Town of Aurora and that information contained in it may be
subject to the scrutiny of the Town and other members of the general public
Petitions in the form described above with original signatures should be sent to the
attention of the Town Clerk by mail or delivered in person to Aurora Town Hall. The
Town Clerk may be contacted for an update regarding the petition.
Petitions meeting the requirements noted in the procedure will be placed on an
upcoming Committee of the Whole meeting agenda. Those not meeting the
requirements of this policy may be redacted to satisfy the provisions of the Municipal
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56 .
It is the sole discretion of the Town Clerk as to whether the petition subject is
appropriate for a public agenda.
Monitoring and Contraventions of Petitions
The Town Clerk will evaluate all petitions to ensure that the requirements of the policy
are met. Petitions deemed to be in non -compliance may be redacted in accordance with
the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.
M.56. Petitions may also be withheld from a public agenda if the content is deemed
Retention and Disclosure
All petitions submitted to the Town will be retained by the Town Clerk’s office. Petitions
meeting the requirements of this policy will be kept on file in the clerk’s office and will
be available for public viewing upon request.
Town Clerk
• Receive all petitions and notify council
• Confirm receipt of petitions with the identified contact person
Aurora Town Council
• Forward all petitions received by their offices to the attention of the Town Clerk
Monitoring and Maintenance
CAO / directors / managers / supervisors and employees should work collaboratively to
resolve issues related to this policy. Any employee found to be disrespecting the terms
of this policy other than under exceptional circumstances, emergencies or operatio nal
requirement is subject to an investigation and discipline deemed appropriate by their
immediate supervisor, Human Resources, the Town Clerk and / or CAO.
This policy will be reviewed two years from its effective or revision date, in accordance
with the Town of Aurora’s policy maintenance schedule .
• Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.
Schedule A
Draft Petition Template
To: Aurora Town Council
100 John West Way, Box 1000
Aurora, ON
L4G 6J1
Description of Issue
Petition Text (to be noted on each page) of what the desired action of council is
Name Address Signature
(The following to appear on each page of the petition)
By signing this petition, I hereby acknowledge that this petition will become a public
document at the Town of Aurora and that all information contained in it will be subject
to the scrutiny of the Town, and will be publicly available. Questions about the collection
and disclosure of personal information contained in this petition should be directed to
the Town Clerk, 100 John West Way, Box 1000, Aurora, ON, L4G 6J1