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Agenda (Appointed) - Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee - 20241127
Town of Aurora Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda Date:Wednesday, November 27, 2024 Time:7 p.m. Location:Council Chambers, Aurora Town Hall Meetings are available to the public in person and via live stream on the Town’s YouTube channel. To participate, please visit aurora.ca/participation. Pages 1.Call to Order 2.Land Acknowledgement 3.Approval of the Agenda 4.Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 5.Receipt of the Minutes 5.1 Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2024 1 That the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2024, be received for information. 1. 6.Delegations 7.Matters for Consideration 7.1 Memorandum from Transportation and Traffic Analyst; Re: Request for Traffic Calming Measures on Timberline Trail 6 That the memorandum regarding Request for Traffic Calming Measures on Timberline Trail be received; and 1. That the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee comments regarding Request for Traffic Calming Measures on Timberline Trail be received and referred to staff 2. for consideration and further action as appropriate. 7.2 Memorandum from Transportation and Traffic Analyst; Re: Stone Road Speed Limit Assessment 10 That the memorandum regarding Stone Road Speed Limit Assessment be received; and 1. That the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee comments regarding Stone Road Speed Limit Assessment be received and referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate. 2. 8.Informational Items 9.New Business 10.Adjournment Town of Aurora Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Time: Location: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Steve Fleck Owen Heritage (Vice Chair) Lil Kim Gino Martino Members Absent: Giovanni Turla Klaus Wehrenberg Other Attendees: Michael Bat, Traffic and Transportation Analyst Ishita Soneji, Deputy Town Clerk Emily Freitas, Council/Committee Coordinator _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Land Acknowledgement The Committee acknowledged that the meeting took place on Anishinaabe lands, the traditional and treaty territory of the Chippewas of Georgina Island, recognizing the many other Nations whose presence here continues to this day, the special relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory, and that Aurora has shared responsibility for the stewardship of these lands and waters. It was noted that Aurora is part of the treaty lands of the Mississaugas and Chippewas, recognized through Treaty #13 and the Williams Treaties of 1923. Page 1 of 13 Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 25, 2024 2 3. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Gino Martino Seconded by Steve Fleck That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50. 5. Receipt of the Minutes 5.1 Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2024 Moved by Steve Fleck Seconded by Gino Martino 1. That the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2024, be received for information. ]Carried 6. Delegations None. 7. Matters for Consideration 7.1 Memorandum from Traffic and Transportation Analyst; Re: Automated Speed Enforcement Pilot Program and Community Safety Zones Staff provided the Committee with a brief overview of the memorandum regarding the Automated Speed Enforcement Pilot Program (ASE), indicating that two phases will be used to establish an implementation Page 2 of 13 Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 25, 2024 3 plan and report back to Council with information collected from the pilot program. The Committee provided suggestions on prioritizing the placement of speed cameras around elementary school zones and how staff should examine how revenue collected to fund active transportation in the Town. The Committee also inquired about the role of bylaw officers to enforce the pilot program and how fines will be dictated. Staff provided clarification about the vendors that will be operating the pilot program as the program will be led by the Town. Staff further discussed the purpose of the pilot program and its role to enhance speed reduction and safety for students. Moved by Steve Fleck Seconded by Lil Kim 1. That the memorandum regarding Automated Speed Enforcement Pilot Program and Community Safety Zones be received; and 2. That the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee comments regarding Automated Speed Enforcement Pilot Program and Community Safety Zones be received and referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate. Carried 7.2 Memorandum from Traffic and Transportation Analyst; Re: Yield Sign Feasibility Assessment Staff briefly summarized the Yield Sign Feasibility Assessment memorandum and the recommendation that advises against replacing existing stop signs with yield signs. The Committee provided a suggestion on the possibility of assessing the implementation of more roundabouts where feasible and inquired about how locations are going to be evaluated to determine the need for roundabouts based on physical space and safety measures. There was a further suggestion to install potential roundabouts in existing areas for traffic calming purposes. Page 3 of 13 Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 25, 2024 4 Moved by Steve Fleck Seconded by Lil Kim 1. That the memorandum regarding Yield Sign Feasibility assessment be received; and 2. That the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee comments regarding Yield Sign Feasibility assessment be received and referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate. Carried 8. Informational Items 8.1 Memorandum from Deputy Town Clerk; Re: 2025-2026 Citizen Member Recruitment for Advisory Committees Staff presented an overview of the memorandum, indicating that current citizen members must reapply for the second half of the Council term to be considered for a committee of interest. They also indicated that the application process is open as of September 19, 2024 until November 1, 2024. The Committee inquired about the application process and reapplying for the same committee. Staff provided clarification noting that existing members would have to submit a new application on the current vacancies. The Committee further discussed the process to inform existing members and staff noted that existing members have been notified via email regarding the recruitment process. Moved by Gino Martino Seconded by Steve Fleck 1. That the memorandum regarding 2025-2026 Citizen Member Recruitment for Advisory Committees be received for information. Carried Page 4 of 13 Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 25, 2024 5 9. New Business The Committee inquired on how to track the progress of the Active Transportation Master Plan initiatives and upcoming capital budget proposals including capital projects and staff provided a response. The Committee inquired about the overflow parking lot located near Aurora GO Station, expressing concerns regarding the current pedestrian route and the distance from the station. The Committee expressed concerns regarding traffic safety for vehicles and pedestrians at the exit from Aurora GO Station to Industrial Parkway. 10. Adjournment Moved by Steve Fleck Seconded by Lil Kim That the meeting be adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Carried Page 5 of 13 100 John West Way Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 (905) 727-3123 aurora.ca Town of Aurora Memorandum Planning and Development Services Re: Request for Traffic Calming Measures on Timberline Trail To: Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee From: Michael Ha, Transportation and Traffic Analyst Date: November 27, 2024 Recommendation 1. That the memorandum regarding Request for Traffic Calming Measures on Timberline Trail be received; and 2. That the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee comments regarding Request for Traffic Calming Measures on Timberline Trail be received and referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate. Background In response to requests received from an area resident, staff have undertaken a traffic calming assessment on Timberline Trail between Highland Gate and Trillium Drive (Attachment 1). Town staff completed traffic calming warrant analyses following the procedures and methodologies outlined in the Town’s Traffic Calming Policy at the following locations: Timberline Trail east of Klees Crescent (west leg) Timberline Trail west of Greenlefe Court Analysis Timberline Trail is a two-lane local road with single lane per travel direction. It has an urban cross-section with curbs on both sides of the road. A sidewalk is provided on the north side of the road and the existing pavement width is 7.0 metres. The posted speed limit is 40 km/h. Page 6 of 13 Request for Traffic Calming Measures on Timberline Trail November 27, 2024 Page 2 of 3 Traffic Calming Assessment As set out in the Town’s Traffic Calming Policy, there are three requirements (warrants) that must be met for traffic calming measures to be considered: Warrant No. 1 (Petition): To ensure that residents in the immediate area are in support of traffic calming measures. The minimum threshold is 70% of households on the street. Warrant No. 2 (Safety Requirements): To ensure traffic calming measures are installed to improve traffic safety. A continuous sidewalk must be on at least one side of the street and the road grade be less than 5%. Warrant No. 3 (Technical Requirements): To ensure that traffic calming measures are implemented on streets that have a proven need for such measures. The 85th percentile speed over a seven-day period must be a minimum of 15 km/h over the posted speed limit, and the minimum traffic volume is 1,500 vehicles per day. The subject locations have satisfied warrant no. 1 and warrant no. 2. Traffic data was collected at the subject locations over a seven-day period to complete the analysis on warrant no. 3 (Table 1). Table 1: Traffic Calming Warrant Analysis Summary (Warrant no. 3) Locations Requirements Yes / No Minimum Speed (85th Percentile Minimum 15 km/h Over Posted Speed Limit) Minimum Volumes (Between 1,500 and 8,000 Vehicles Per Day) Timberline Trail east of Klees Crescent (west leg) 1 km/h Over Posted Speed Limit 320 Vehicles Per Day No Timberline Trail west of Greenlefe Court 3 km/h Over Posted Speed Limit 286 Vehicles Per Day No Based on the requirements outlined in the Traffic Calming Policy, traffic calming measures are not warranted at the subject locations on Timberline Trail. Page 7 of 13 Request for Traffic Calming Measures on Timberline Trail November 27, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Attachments 1. Traffic Calming Assessment Locations on Timberline Trail Map Page 8 of 13 J:\_Departments_space\Works\IES Maps - Engineering\For Michael Ha\Flexible Sign Location\Proposed_Flexible_Sign_Location.aprxMap created for the Town of Aurora Planning & Development Services Department, 2024-10-29. Base data provided by the Town of Aurora and the Regional Municipality of York.Air photos taken Spring2023,© First Base Solutions Inc., 2023 Orthophotography.k0 50 100MetresATTACHMENT 1TRAFFIC CALMING ASSESSMENT LOCATIONSON TIMBERLINE TRAILTrillium DriveKennedy Street WestMcGeeCrescentLensmithDriveSisman Avenue IronshoreCourt Greenlefe Court Corner Ridge RoadKleesCrescentCranberry LaneHighland GateTimberline TrailLittleErika WayBathurst StreetKnole Haven DriveMathew Lepper CourtOwl'sFoot CrescentDeerhorn CrescentTRAFFIC CALMING ASSESSMENT LOCATIONPage 9 of 13 100 John West Way Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 (905) 727-3123 aurora.ca Town of Aurora Memorandum Planning and Development Services Re: Stone Road Speed Limit Assessment To: Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee From: Michael Ha, Transportation and Traffic Analyst Date: November 27, 2024 Recommendation 1. That the memorandum regarding Stone Road Speed Limit Assessment be received; and 2. That the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee comments regarding Stone Road Speed Limit Assessment be received and referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate. Background Staff have undertaken a speed limit assessment based on the procedures and methodologies outlined in the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) Automated Speed Limit Guidelines to determine whether it would be appropriate to reduce the posted maximum speed limit from 50 km/hr to 40 km/hr on Stone Road from Cliff Road to Bayview Avenue (Attachment 1). Analysis Stone Road is a 12 meter wide collector roadway with an urban cross-section (curbs and gutters), sidewalk on both sides and a 50 km/h speed limit except near the two elementary schools where it is reduced to 40 km/h. On-street parking is permitted on both sides of Stone Road which provides additional parking for area residents and their visitors. Page 10 of 13 Stone Road Speed Limit Assessment November 27, 2024 Page 2 of 3 Speed Limit Assessment Staff have undertaken a speed limit assessment based on the procedures and methodologies outlined in the TAC Automated Speed Limit Guidelines to determine whether it would be appropriate to reduce the posted maximum speed limit from 50 km/hr to 40 km/h on Stone Road from Cliff Road to Bayview Avenue. The guidelines provide an evaluation tool to assess appropriate posted speed limits based on the classification, function and physical characteristics of a roadway. It is an objective assessment based on engineering factors that enhances the effectiveness and credibility of posted speed limits. Reduction of posted speed limits, without changing the characteristics of the roadway to encourage reduced speeds may have minimal impact on vehicle operating speeds. Based on TAC’s evaluation tool, a posted speed limit of 50km/h is recommended on Stone Road between Cliff Road and Bayview Avenue. TAC notes that the evaluation tool recommendation must be weighed against how drivers are perceiving and using the road, as road safety may be enhanced through credible posted speed limits that match the expectation of drivers for a given roadway and its surrounding area. If the 85th percentile speed is within plus or minus10 km/h of posted speed limit for urban roads, TAC recommends not changing the speed limit. Based on speed studies conducted at the various locations on Stone Road (Attachment 1) for 7 days, existing 85th percentile speeds (Table 1) were within plus or minus10 km/h of posted speed limit and therefore consistent with the above recommendation. Table 1: Speed Study Summary Location 85th Percentile Speed Speed over Posted Speed Limit 85th Percentile within +/- 10 km/h of posted speed limit Stone Road north of October Lane 53 km/h 3 km/h Over Posted Speed Limit Yes Stone Road south of Milloy Place 51 km/h 1 km/h Over Posted Speed Limit Yes Based on the above technical assessment, the current posted speed limit of 50km/h is appropriate and no change to the posted speed is recommended. Page 11 of 13 Stone Road Speed Limit Assessment November 27, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Attachments 1. Stone Road Speed Limit Assessment Area Map Page 12 of 13 Page 13 of 13