Minutes - Special Council - 20231127 Town of Aurora Special Meeting of Council Minutes Date: Time: Location: Monday, November 27, 2023 6 p.m. Council Chambers, Aurora Town Hall Council Members: Mayor Tom Mrakas (Chair) Councillor Ron Weese Councillor Rachel Gilliland Councillor Wendy Gaertner Councillor Michael Thompson Councillor John Gallo Councillor Harold Kim Other Attendees: Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer Patricia De Sario, Director, Corporate Services/Town Solicitor Robin McDougall, Director, Community Services Marco Ramunno, Director, Planning and Development Services Sara Tienkamp, Director, Operational Services Rachel Wainwright-van Kessel, Director, Finance Carley Smith, Manager, Corporate Communications Doug Bertrand, Manager, Facilities Sandy Dhillon, Senior Financial Management Advisor* John Firman, Manager, Business Support Jason Gaertner, Manager, Financial Management Mohamedali Kamalia, Financial Management Advisor* Phil Rose, Manager, Cultural Services Laura Sheardown, Financial Management Advisor Lisa Warth, Manager, Recreation Michael de Rond, Town Clerk Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Coordinator *Attended electronically _____________________________________________________________________ Special Meeting of Council Minutes Monday, November 27, 2023 2 1. Call to Order The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Council consented to recess the meeting at 8:10 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:20 p.m. 2. Land Acknowledgement Mayor Mrakas acknowledged that the meeting took place on Anishinaabe lands, the traditional and treaty territory of the Chippewas of Georgina Island, recognizing the many other Nations whose presence here continues to this day, the special relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory, and that Aurora has shared responsibility for the stewardship of these lands and waters. It was noted that Aurora is part of the treaty lands of the Mississaugas and Chippewas, recognized through Treaty #13 and the Williams Treaties of 1923. 3. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Councillor Kim That the revised agenda as circulated by Legislative Services, including the addition of Delegations items 5.3 to 5.6, be approved. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim On a two-thirds majority vote the motion Carried (7 to 0) 4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50. 5. Delegations 5.1 Gerry Miller, Resident; Re: Item 7.3 - Councillor Gaertner; Re: Amendment 003 - Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Grant Special Meeting of Council Minutes Monday, November 27, 2023 3 Gerry Miller spoke in opposition to the proposed amendment. Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Councillor Weese That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to Item 7.3. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim Carried (7 to 0) 5.2 Jim Clark, Resident; Re: Item 7.3 - Councillor Gaertner; Re: Amendment 003 - Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Grant Jim Clark spoke in opposition to the proposed amendment. Moved by Councillor Gaertner Seconded by Councillor Weese That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to Item 7.3. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim Carried (7 to 0) 5.3 David Thom, Resident; Re: Item 7.3 - Councillor Gaertner; Re: Amendment 003 - Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Grant David Thom spoke in opposition to the proposed amendment. Moved by Councillor Gallo Seconded by Councillor Thompson That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to Item 7.3. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim Carried (7 to 0) 5.4 Sandra Humfryes, Resident; Re: Item 7.3 - Councillor Gaertner; Re: Amendment 003 - Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Grant Sandra Humfryes spoke in opposition to the proposed amendment. Special Meeting of Council Minutes Monday, November 27, 2023 4 Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Councillor Gallo That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to Item 7.3. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim Carried (7 to 0) 5.5 Bob McRoberts, Resident; Re: Item 7.3 - Councillor Gaertner; Re: Amendment 003 - Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Grant Bob McRoberts spoke in opposition to the proposed amendment. Moved by Councillor Gaertner Seconded by Councillor Weese That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to Item 7.3. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim Carried (7 to 0) 5.6 Nancy Black, Resident; Re: Item 7.3 - Councillor Gaertner; Re: Amendment 003 - Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Grant Nancy Black spoke in opposition to the proposed amendment. Moved by Councillor Weese Seconded by Councillor Thompson That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to Item 7.3. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim Carried (7 to 0) 6. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion 6.1 FIN23-047 - Proposed 2024 Municipal Tax Increase Comparison Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Councillor Kim Special Meeting of Council Minutes Monday, November 27, 2023 5 1. That Report No. FIN23-047 be received for information. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim Carried (7 to 0) 7. Proposed Budget Amendments Council consented to consider item 7.3 prior to item 7.1. 7.1 Councillor Weese; Re: Amendment 001 - Sport Plan Update Moved by Councillor Weese Seconded by Councillor Gaertner 1. That Project: SO-F-0045 Sport Plan Update, be removed from the 2024- 2026 budget. Yeas (3): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, and Councillor Gaertner Nays (4): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim Defeated (3 to 4) 7.2 Councillor Weese; Re: Amendment 002 - Sport Tourism Programmer Moved by Councillor Weese Seconded by Councillor Gilliland 1. That the $68,300.00 cost of a new part-time sport tourism programmer be removed from the 2024 budget. Yeas (6): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, and Councillor Gallo Nays (1): Councillor Kim Carried (6 to 1) 7.3 Councillor Gaertner; Re: Amendment 003 - Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Grant Special Meeting of Council Minutes Monday, November 27, 2023 6 Main motion Moved by Councillor Gaertner Seconded by Councillor Weese 1. That the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame grant be reduced to $20,000 total for curatorial services only. Amendment Moved by Councillor Gilliland Seconded by Councillor Weese That the main motion be amended to reduce the amount of funding for the 2024 Aurora Sports Hall of Fame grant to $43,795.75 total. Yeas (4): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, and Councillor Gallo Nays (3): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Thompson, and Councillor Kim Carried (4 to 3) Main motion as amended Moved by Councillor Gaertner Seconded by Councillor Weese 1. That the 2024 Aurora Sports Hall of Fame grant be reduced to $43,795.75 total. Yeas (4): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, and Councillor Gallo Nays (3): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Thompson, and Councillor Kim Carried (4 to 3) 7.4 Councillor Gallo; Re: Amendment 004 - Artificial Rink Moved by Councillor Gallo Seconded by Councillor Thompson 1. That GN-F-0074: ARTIFICIAL RINK capital project be advanced by one year to 2024 (to be constructed for the 2024-2025 winter season) and given conditional approval pending a further report in early 2024 outlining cost, a funding model, at least 2 potential locations, operational impacts and timeline. Special Meeting of Council Minutes Monday, November 27, 2023 7 Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim Carried (7 to 0) 7.5 Councillor Gilliand; Re: Amendment 005 - Aurora Town Square 2024 Staffing Moved by Councillor Gilliland Seconded by Councillor Gaertner 1. That 1 customer service position and 2 facility positions are phased in no sooner than April 1, 2024, or adjusted later to meet any further delay of the opening; and 2. That the remaining 2 facility positions be hired on an as-needed basis, thereafter, using a phased-in approach. Yeas (4): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, and Councillor Gallo Nays (3): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Thompson, and Councillor Kim Carried (4 to 3) 7.6 Councillor Gilliland; Re: Amendment 006 - Outdoor Wi-Fi Implementation Moved by Councillor Gilliland Seconded by Councillor Gaertner 1. That Project GN-F-0001: Outdoor Wi-Fi Implementation be removed from the budget. Yeas (6): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim Nays (1): Mayor Mrakas Carried (6 to 1) 7.7 Councillor Gilliland; Re: Amendment 007 - 2025 and 2026 Staffing Requests Moved by Councillor Gilliland Seconded by Councillor Gaertner Special Meeting of Council Minutes Monday, November 27, 2023 1. That any new staffing hires for the years 2025 and 2026 be conditionally approved pending the review of the budget prior to those years. Yeas (3): Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, and Councillor Gallo Nays (4): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Thompson, and Councilfor Kim Defeated (3 to 4) Confirming By-law 8.1 By-law Number 6559-23 - Being a By-law to confirm actions by Council resulting from a Special Meeting of Council on November 27, 2023 Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Councillor Gallo That the confirming by-law be enacted. Carried 9. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Councillor Weese That the meeting be adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Carried Tom Mrak ayor Michael de Rond, Town Clerk