Minutes - Council - 20231024
Town of Aurora
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
7 p.m.
Council Chambers, Aurora Town Hall
Council Members: Mayor Tom Mrakas (Chair)
Councillor Ron Weese
Councillor Rachel Gilliland
Councillor Wendy Gaertner
Councillor Michael Thompson
Councillor John Gallo
Councillor Harold Kim
Other Attendees: Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer
Patricia De Sario, Director, Corporate Services/Town Solicitor
Robin McDougall, Director, Community Services
Marco Ramunno, Director, Planning and Development Services
Sara Tienkamp, Director, Operational Services
Rachel Wainwright-van Kessel, Director, Finance
Carley Smith, Manager, Corporate Communications
John Firman, Manager, Business Support
Bill Jean, Manager, Code Review and Inspection*
Michael de Rond, Town Clerk
Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Coordinator
Emily Freitas, Council/Committee Coordinator
*Attended electronically
1. Call to Order
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Council consented to recess the meeting at 9:14 p.m. and reconvened the
meeting at 9:28 p.m.
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Mayor Mrakas relinquished the Chair to Councillor Thompson at 10:06 p.m.
during consideration of item 8.2.2, Report No. CS23-057 - Council Compensation
Review 2023, and reassumed the Chair at 10:20 p.m.
Council consented to extend the hour from 10:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Council consented to further extend the hour to 11:30 p.m.
2. Land Acknowledgement
Mayor Mrakas acknowledged that the meeting took place on Anishinaabe lands,
the traditional and treaty territory of the Chippewas of Georgina Island,
recognizing the many other Nations whose presence here continues to this day,
the special relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this
territory, and that Aurora has shared responsibility for the stewardship of these
lands and waters. It was noted that Aurora is part of the treaty lands of the
Mississaugas and Chippewas, recognized through Treaty #13 and the Williams
Treaties of 1923.
3. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Kim
That the revised agenda as circulated by Legislative Services, including the
addition of Delegations item 6.3, be approved.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
On a two-thirds majority vote the motion
Carried (7 to 0)
4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50.
5. Community Presentations
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5.1 Tamas Hertel, Manager, Service Planning, York Region Transit; Re: 2024
York Region Transit Initiatives
Tamas Hertel presented an update including: summary of 2023 transit
initiatives; overview of annual plan process; summary of stakeholder and
public consultation; summary of 2024 transit initiatives; ridership trends;
and next steps.
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Councillor Gaertner
That the presentation be received for information.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
5.2 Alison Hughes, Manager, Partnerships, Holland Bloorview Foundation; Re:
Presentation of Dear Everybody Agreement and Capes for Kids on behalf of
Holland Bloorview Foundation
Alison Hughes presented an overview of the Holland Bloorview Kids
Rehabilitation Hospital including: her background and current roles; clients
served by the Hospital across Ontario; Hospital staff, students, and
volunteers; programs and services; their Dear Everybody Agreement, a
symbolic commitment to inclusion through marketing, employment, and
anti-ableism; how Holland Bloorview and the Town can work together; and
available resources. She noted their annual Capes for Kids fundraising and
awareness event and thanked Aurora's five teams for their participation.
Alison invited the Mayor and Council to visit the Hospital, be the first
municipality to sign the Dear Everybody Agreement, share resources, and
create the biggest municipal Capes for Kids team in 2024.
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Councillor Thompson
That the presentation be received for information.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
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6. Delegations
6.1 Marco Di Girolamo, Resident; Re: Item 8.2.2 - CS23-057 - Council
Compensation Review 2023
Marco Di Girolamo spoke in opposition to the report recommendations.
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Kim
That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to item
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
6.2 John Hartman, Resident; Re: Item 8.2.2 - CS23-057 - Council Compensation
Review 2023
John Hartman spoke in opposition to the report recommendations.
Moved by Councillor Gaertner
Seconded by Councillor Weese
That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to item
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
6.3 Sandra Humfryes, Resident; Re: Item 8.2.2 - CS23-057 - Council
Compensation Review 2023
Sandra Humfryes spoke in opposition to the report recommendations.
Moved by Councillor Kim
Seconded by Councillor Gaertner
That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to item
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Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
7. Consent Agenda
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Weese
That the Consent Agenda, items 7.1 to 7.7 inclusive, be approved.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
7.1 Council Meeting Minutes of September 26, 2023
1. That the Council Meeting Minutes of September 26, 2023, be adopted
as circulated.
7.2 Special Meeting of Council Minutes of September 25, 2023
1. That the Special Meeting of Council Minutes of September 25, 2023,
be adopted as circulated.
7.3 Council Closed Session Minutes of September 19, 2023
1. That the Council Closed Session Minutes of September 19, 2023, be
adopted as circulated.
7.4 Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of September 19, 2023
1. That the Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of September
19, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
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7.5 Council Workshop/Education Session Minutes of September 26, 2023
1. That the Council Workshop/Education Session minutes of September
26, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
7.6 Council Workshop/Education Session Minutes of October 3, 2023
1. That the Council Workshop/Education Session minutes of October 3,
2023, be adopted as circulated.
7.7 Central York Fire Services Joint Council Committee Meeting Minutes of
September 5, 2023
1. That the Central York Fire Services Joint Council Committee Meeting
Minutes of September 5, 2023, be received for information.
8. Standing Committee Reports
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Kim
That the Standing Committee Reports, items 8.1 to 8.2 inclusive, be received and
the recommendations carried by the Committee approved, with the exception of
sub-items 8.1.7, 8.1.10, 8.1.11, 8.2.2, and 8.2.9, which were discussed and voted
on separately as recorded below.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
8.1 General Committee Meeting Report of October 3, 2023
8.1.1 Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of September 11,
1. That the Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of
September 11, 2023, be received for information.
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8.1.2 Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of September 12,
1. That the Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of
September 12, 2023, be received for information.
8.1.3 Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting
Minutes of September 18, 2023
1. That the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes of September 18, 2023, be received for
8.1.4 Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of September
18, 2023
1. That the Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
of September 18, 2023, be received for information.
8.1.5 OPS23-024 - Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Skatepark
Repair and Alternative Location Options
1. That Report No. OPS23-024 be received for information.
8.1.6 OPS23-021 - Winter Outdoor Rink Status Update
1. That Report No. OPS23-021 be received; and
2. That staff continue to utilize rink kits for construction of
outdoor ice rinks versus traditional natural ice; and
3. That a full size (NHL) rink kit system be included in the 2025
Capital Budget as a placeholder for an additional outdoor rink;
4. That staff present to Council in 2024 a Business Plan that
considers the costs and benefits of establishing a Refrigerated
Boarded Outdoor Rink.
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8.1.7 CMS23-043 - Sports Dome Operations Review
Main motion
Moved by Councillor Gilliland
Seconded by Councillor Gallo
1. That Report No. CMS23-043 be received; and
2. That the license agreement with the Aurora Youth Soccer Club
be amended to replace the requirement to provide Audited
Financial Statements with an alternative financial report being a
Financial Review.
Moved by Councillor Weese
Seconded by Councillor Gilliland
That the main motion be amended by adding the following
1. That Community Services staff be directed to amend the
agreement with the Aurora Youth Soccer Club (AYSC) for the
work required and reimburse AYSC.
Yeas (5): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Nays (2): Mayor Mrakas, and Councillor Thompson
Carried (5 to 2)
Main motion as amended
Moved by Councillor Gilliland
Seconded by Councillor Gallo
1. That Report No. CMS23-043 be received; and
2. That the license agreement with the Aurora Youth Soccer Club
be amended to replace the requirement to provide Audited
Financial Statements with an alternative financial report being a
Financial Review; and
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3. That Community Services staff be directed to amend the
agreement with the Aurora Youth Soccer Club (AYSC) for the
work required and reimburse AYSC.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland,
Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and
Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
8.1.8 OPS23-023 - Dog Waste Pilot Project
1. That Report No. OPS23-023 be received; and
2. That, based on the positive results of the pilot project for dog
waste containers, the new service level be adopted permanently
in parks and trails; and
3. That the Operating Budget be increased accordingly to
accommodate disposal costs of organic waste; and
4. That staff include dog waste containers in the 2024-2026
Capital Budget.
8.1.9 PDS23-121 - Additional Properties to Consider for Designation under
Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
1. That Report No. PDS23-121 be received; and
2. That staff consult with the owners of the 30 properties outlined
in Attachment 1 to receive feedback on the consideration of the
properties for designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage
Act; and
3. That staff report back to Council on the feedback received from
the owners prior to any further action being pursued, including
the authorization and issuance of any potential Notices of
Intention to Designate the properties.
8.1.10 PDS23-126 - Strategies for Minimizing Negative Impacts of
Residential Infill Construction
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Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Gaertner
1. That Report No. PDS23-126 be received for information.
Motion to defer
Moved by Councillor Gaertner
Seconded by Councillor Thompson
That Report No. PDS23-126 be deferred to the November 28, 2023
Council meeting.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland,
Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and
Councillor Kim
Motion to defer
Carried (7 to 0)
8.1.11 CMS23-038 - Aurora Town Square Business Plan
Moved by Councillor Weese
Seconded by Councillor Thompson
1. That Report No. CMS23-038 be received for information.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland,
Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and
Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
8.2 General Committee Meeting Report of October 17, 2023
8.2.1 Memorandum from Councillor Thompson; Re: Lake Simcoe Region
Conservation Authority Board Meeting Highlights of July 28, 2023
1. That the memorandum regarding Lake Simcoe Region
Conservation Authority Board Meeting Highlights of July 28,
2023, be received for information.
8.2.2 CS23-057 - Council Compensation Review 2023
Council consented to consider item 8.2.2 prior to item 8.1.7.
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Council consented to vote separately on the second, sixth, and twelfth
clauses of the main motion as amended.
Main motion
Moved by Councillor Kim
Seconded by Councillor Gallo
1. That Report No. CS23-057 be received; and
2. That the annual compensation for Council reflect the
recommendations of the Council Compensation Ad Hoc
Committee being: The role of Mayor be adjusted to the 60th
percentile of the market comparator group and Councillors be
adjusted to reflect equal compensation to Newmarket being
$52,000.00; and
3. That the annual vehicle allowance for Councillors be increased
to $7,000; and
4. That participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees
Retirement System (OMERS) pension plan with shared
contributions between the Town and participants be extended
to all Councillors; and
5. That participation in the health and dental group benefits
program at the cost of the Town be extended to all Councillors;
6. That the severance provision of the Council Compensation By-
Law for the role of Mayor and Councillors be increased to one
month per year of service to a maximum of 12 months; and
7. That the total increase in compensation for Council be
retroactive to the beginning of the current term; and
8. That the total increase in compensation for the 2023 fiscal year
be funded by the Tax Rate Stabilization Fund; and
9. That the total increase in compensation for the 2024 fiscal year
be funded by the Tax Rate Stabilization Fund; and
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10. That the total increase in compensation for the 2025 fiscal year
be funded 50% by the Tax Rate Stabilization Fund and 50% on
the tax base; and
11. That the total increase in compensation for the 2026 fiscal year
be funded by the tax base; and
12. That staff be directed to update the Council Compensation By-
Law to include a Council compensation review prior to the end
of each term of Council; and
13. That staff be directed to bring forward an amendment to the
Council Compensation By-Law for the October Council meeting
to reflect the updated compensation and recommendations
Motion to refer
Moved by Councillor Kim
Seconded by Councillor Thompson
That this matter be referred back to staff to expand upon the work
of the Committee, engage with an external third party for a more in-
depth review, and report to Council in the final year of the term with
any recommendations effective next term of Council.
Yeas (3): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Thompson, and Councillor Kim
Nays (4): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner,
and Councillor Gallo
Motion to refer
Defeated (3 to 4)
Amendment No. 1
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Councillor Gaertner
That the main motion be amended as follows:
1. That Councillor salaries be adjusted to the 60th percentile of
the comparator group; and
2. That the car allowance be amended from $7,000 to $3,500;
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3. That the seventh clause be removed in its entirety.
Yeas (4): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, and Councillor Gallo
Nays (3): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Thompson, and Councillor
Carried (4 to 3)
Amendment No. 2
Moved by Councillor Gilliland
Seconded by Councillor Gaertner
That the main motion as amended be further amended as
1. That the fifth clause be removed in its entirety; and
2. That the terms of reference for the Council Compensation
Review Committee be brought back to Council prior to the
end of the term.
Yeas (6): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor
Nays (1): Mayor Mrakas
Carried (6 to 1)
Amendment No. 3
Moved by Councillor Weese
Seconded by Councillor Gilliland
That the main motion as amended be further amended as
1. That the sixth clause apply only to Councillors and that this
would only take effect after serving more than one full term,
and if any Councillor resigns for another job or is elected to
another level of government, they will not receive any
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Yeas (3): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, and Councillor
Nays (4): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo,
and Councillor Kim
Defeated (3 to 4)
Amendment No. 4
Moved by Councillor Gilliland
Seconded by Councillor Gallo
That the main motion as amended be further amended as
1. That the sixth clause be amended by adding the following
wording: “and that any member of Council elected to
another level of government not receive severance.”
Yeas (5): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Nays (2): Mayor Mrakas, and Councillor Thompson
Carried (5 to 2)
Amendment No. 5
Moved by Mayor Mrakas
Seconded by Councillor Kim
That the main motion as amended be further amended as
1. That the second clause be amended to not increase the
Mayor's annual compensation at this time.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland,
Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and
Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
Amendment No. 6
Moved by Mayor Mrakas
Seconded by Councillor Kim
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That the main motion as amended be further amended as
1. That the thirteenth clause be amended by adding: “and that
any change in compensation be implemented for the next
term of Council.”
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland,
Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and
Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
Amendment No. 7
Moved by Mayor Mrakas
Seconded by Councillor Kim
That the main motion as amended be further amended as
1. That the sixth clause be amended to include that the
Mayor's severance provision remain at the current level.
Yeas (6): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland,
Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, and Councillor Kim
Nays (1): Councillor Gallo
Carried (6 to 1)
Main motion as amended
Moved by Councillor Kim
Seconded by Councillor Gallo
1. That Report No. CS23-057 be received; and
2. That the annual compensation for the role of Mayor not be
adjusted at this time; and
3. That the annual compensation for Council reflect the
recommendations of the Council Compensation Ad Hoc
Committee being: That Councillors be adjusted to the 60th
percentile of the market comparator group; and
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4. That the annual vehicle allowance for Councillors be increased
to $3,500; and
5. That the annual compensation for Council reflect the
recommendations of the Council Compensation Ad Hoc
Committee being: That participation in the Ontario Municipal
Employees Retirement System (OMERS) pension plan with
shared contributions between the Town and participants be
extended to all Councillors; and
6. That the severance provision of the Council Compensation By-
Law for the role of Mayor remain at the current level; and
7. That the severance provision of the Council Compensation By-
Law for the role of Councillors be increased to one month per
year of service to a maximum of 12 months and that any
member of Council elected to another level of government not
receive severance; and
8. That the total increase in compensation for the 2023 fiscal year
be funded by the Tax Rate Stabilization Fund; and
9. That the total increase in compensation for the 2024 fiscal year
be funded by the Tax Rate Stabilization Fund; and
10. That the total increase in compensation for the 2025 fiscal year
be funded 50% by the Tax Rate Stabilization Fund and 50% on
the tax base; and
11. That the total increase in compensation for the 2026 fiscal year
be funded by the tax base; and
12. That staff be directed to update the Council Compensation By-
Law to include a Council compensation review prior to the end
of each term of Council and that any change in compensation be
implemented for the next term of Council; and
13. That staff be directed to bring forward an amendment to the
Council Compensation By-Law for the October Council meeting
to reflect the updated compensation and recommendations
above; and
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14. That the terms of reference for the Council Compensation Review
Committee be brought back to Council prior to the end of the
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland,
Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and
Councillor Kim
Second clause
Carried (7 to 0)
Yeas (6): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland,
Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, and Councillor Kim
Nays (1): Councillor Gallo
Sixth clause
Carried (6 to 1)
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland,
Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and
Councillor Kim
Twelfth clause
Carried (7 to 0)
Yeas (4): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner,
and Councillor Gallo
Nays (3): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Thompson, and Councillor Kim
Clauses one, three to five, seven to eleven, thirteen and fourteen
Carried (4 to 3)
8.2.3 FIN23-038 - 2024-26 Rates and Fees Update
1. That Report No. FIN23-038 be received; and
2. That a by-law be enacted to set the 2024, 2025 and 2026 fees
and charges for applications, permits, use of Town property, the
sale of documents and for the prescribed service charges for
administrative matters as itemized on the attached schedules.
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8.2.4 CMS23-045 - Pickleball Opportunities - Update
1. That Report No. CMS23-045 be received; and
2. That the indoor and outdoor pickleball program opportunities
(offered in 2023) be endorsed to continue as an interim solution
to support the interest in the sport of pickleball.
8.2.5 CMS23-044 - Sports Field Development Strategy - Status Update
1. That Report No. CMS23-044 be received for information.
8.2.6 CS23-062 - 2024 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule
1. That Report No. CS23-062 be received; and
2. That the 2024 Meeting Schedule (Attachment No. 1) be
approved; and
3. That the Town Clerk be authorized to make amendments to the
Council and Committee meeting calendar as required.
8.2.7 FIN23-039 - Interim Forecast Update - As of August 31, 2023
1. That Report No. FIN23-039 be received for information.
8.2.8 PDS23-127 - Heritage Permit Application HPA-2023-06 - 56 Spruce
1. That Report No. PDS23-127 be received; and
2. That Heritage Permit Application HPA-2023-06 be approved to
permit a rear addition and alterations at 56 Spruce Street, as
shown in Attachment 2.
8.2.9 York Regional Council Highlights of September 28, 2023
Moved by Councillor Weese
Seconded by Councillor Gallo
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1. That the York Regional Council Highlights of September 28,
2023, be received for information.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland,
Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and
Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
9. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda)
9.1 CS23-074 - Mayor's Budget 2024-2026 - Process and Timeline
Council consented to vote on each clause separately.
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Councillor Kim
1. That Report No. CS23-074 be received; and
2. That the timeline for amendments to the Mayor’s proposed budget be
reduced from 30 days to 27 days.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
First clause
Carried (7 to 0)
Yeas (4): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Thompson, and
Councillor Kim
Nays (3): Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, and Councillor Gallo
Second clause
Carried (4 to 3)
10. Motions
10.1 Councillor Kim; Re: Cannabis Retail Applications for the Town of Aurora
Moved by Councillor Kim
Seconded by Councillor Gilliland
Whereas in January 2019, Council voted in favour of retail Cannabis in the
Town of Aurora; and
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Whereas the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is the
legal body overseeing Cannabis Retail; and
Whereas the Town of Aurora with geography of 7 km x 7 km and
population of 64,000 currently has 13 Cannabis retail stores and 1
authorized at the AGCO; and
Whereas the long-term vision of the Town’s Official Plan supports active
and healthy lifestyle choices to complement a complete community; and
Whereas many cannabis stores are within close proximity to schools and
daycares which are inhabited by society’s most vulnerable; and
Whereas the Province of Ontario Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019
(LLCA) in its regulation already has a precedent by limiting the number of
grocery stores licensed to sell beer, wine, and cider to 450 and is currently
not accepting any more applications;
1. Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That the Town of Aurora
requests that the Government of Ontario through its Alcohol and
Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) no longer accepts any further
cannabis retail applications for the Town of Aurora; and
2. Be It Further Resolved That the Town of Aurora requests that the
Government of Ontario re-evaluate its “formula” on how many
cannabis stores are permissible within the boundaries of a
municipality, including but not limited to:
a. Utilizing a cap or upper limit;
b. Utilizing a population per capita formula;
c. Utilizing a distance to the next cannabis retail store formula; and
3. Be It Further Resolved That should the Government of Ontario revisit
the retail Cannabis formula guiding the number of cannabis retail
stores permissible in a municipality, that it would extend to all existing
municipalities; and
4. Be It Further Resolved That a copy of this Motion be sent to the
Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario; the Honourable Doug
Downey, Attorney General of Ontario; Dawn Gallagher Murphy, MPP
Newmarket—Aurora; and the Honourable Michael Parsa, MPP Aurora—
Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill; and
Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 21
5. Be It Further Resolved That a copy of this Motion be sent to the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and all Ontario
municipalities for their consideration.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
10.2 Councillor Weese; Re: Request for the Regional Municipality of York to
Construct a Crosswalk at St. John’s Sideroad and McKinley Gate, Aurora
Moved by Councillor Weese
Seconded by Councillor Kim
Whereas St. John’s Sideroad is a Regional Road; and
Whereas the residents of Aurora in the Brentwood and Aspen Leaf
subdivisions have no trail access to the south side of St John’s Sideroad;
Whereas there are no crosswalks offering safe pedestrian access to the
south side of St. John’s Sideroad for the numerous families that reside in
these two subdivisions; and
Whereas traffic has increased on St. John’s Sideroad due to recent and
planned residential and institutional development;
1. Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That the Aurora Town Council
requests that the Regional Municipality of York construct a crosswalk
at St. John’s Sideroad and McKinley Gate entrance to allow safe
pedestrian traffic; and
2. Be It Further Resolved That the Regional Municipality of York fund the
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
11. New Business
Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 22
12. By-laws
12.1 By-law Number 6549-23 - Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 5285-10,
as amended, to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 30 (File No. OPA-2022-
12.2 By-law Number 6550-23 - Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 6000-17,
as amended, respecting the lands municipally known as 1452-1460
Wellington Street East (File No. ZBA-2022-06).
12.3 By-law Number 6551-23 - Being a By-law to assume highways on Plan 65M-
4433 for public use and maintenance by The Corporation of the Town of
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Councillor Gilliland
That the By-laws, items 12.1 to 12.3 inclusive, be enacted.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
12.4 By-law Number 6552-23 - Being a By-law to provide for the annual
remuneration to be paid to the Mayor and Members of Council.
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Councillor Gilliland
That By-laws item 12.4, as amended per the approved amendments for
Item 8.2.2., Report No. CS23-057, be enacted.
Yeas (4): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, and
Councillor Gallo
Nays (3): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Thompson, and Councillor Kim
Carried (4 to 3)
13. Closed Session
Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 23
14. Confirming By-law
14.1 By-IawNumber6553-23BeingaBy-lawtoconfirmactionsbyCouncil
resulting from a Council meeting on October 24, 2023
Moved by Councillor Gaertner
Seconded by Councillor Thompson
That the confirming by-law be enacted.
15. Adjournment
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Councillor Thompson
That the meeting be adjourned at 11 :28 p.m.
Tom Mr a ay r
Mich a I de Rond, Town Clerk