Minutes - Environmental Advisory Committee - 20220504 1 Town of Aurora Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Time: Location: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 7 p.m. Video Conference Committee Members: Councillor Rachel Gilliland (Chair) Councillor Wendy Gaertner (Vice Chair) Barry Bridgeford Colin Brown Sam Cunningham Ashley Gatto Cassagrande Ryan Hamid (arrived 7:48 p.m.) Sandy Hudson Members Absent: Crystal Robertson Other Attendees: Lisa Hausz, Manager, Economic Development and Policy Nick Kazakoff, Economic Development Officer Natalie Kehle, Energy and Climate Change Analyst Sebastian Contarin, Energy and Climate Change Analyst Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Coordinator _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Natalie Kehle introduced Sebastian Contarin, the Town’s new Energy and Climate Change Analyst, who will also serve as Staff Liaison to the Committee, replacing Natalie during her leave of absence starting in May 2022. 2 2. Land Acknowledgement The Committee acknowledged that the meeting took place on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat peoples whose presence here continues to this day. It was noted that Aurora is part of the treaty lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit and the Williams Treaties First Nations, and we thank them for sharing the land. 3. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Councillor Gaertner Seconded by Ashley Gatto Cassagrande That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50. 5. Receipt of the Minutes 5.1 Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2022 Moved by Councillor Gaertner Seconded by Ashley Gatto Cassagrande That the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting minutes of February 23, 2022, be received for information. Carried 6. Delegations None. 7. Matters for Consideration 3 7.1 Memorandum from Energy and Climate Change Analyst; Re: Climate Change Adaptation Plan Lisa MacTavish, Advisor, Climate Change Risk and Resilience, WSP, presented an overview of the Climate Change Adaption Plan, including project scope, climate change overview, risk assessment process, top risks, recommendations, and conclusions. Christina Schwantes, Specialist, Climate Change, Resilience and Sustainability, WSP, was also present to answer any questions. The Committee provided feedback and inquired about various aspects related to the plan including risk and cost assessments, downstream flooding impacts, protection of natural heritage assets, public education on flood mitigation and protection for homeowners, flood control and preservation of park assets, budgeting for green infrastructure, potential loss of power, emergency preparedness, design standards and budgeting for climate adaptation, and collaboration with other municipalities and partners. The consultants and staff provided further clarification. Moved by Sandy Hudson Seconded by Sam Cunningham 1. That the memorandum regarding Climate Change Adaptation Plan be received; and 2. That the Environmental Advisory Committee comments regarding Climate Change Adaptation Plan be received and referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate. Carried 7.2 Memorandum from Economic Development Officer; Re: Community Improvement Plan Review Consultation Staff presented an overview of the memorandum including background on the Promenade Area Community Improvement Plan (CIP), a best practice review of the seven programs in the initial Plan in comparison with neighbouring municipalities, and next steps. Staff sought Committee input on the proposed four priority areas of the updated CIP with a focus on the environment and sustainability. The Committee provided feedback and inquired about various aspects including historical uptake of the CIP programs, suggestions to make the application process easier and more 4 accessible, funding, and criteria for sustainability-related incentives. Staff provided clarification and noted that the CIP update will align with the Town’s Official Plan and the new Green Development Standards. Moved by Ryan Hamid Seconded by Ashley Gatto Cassagrande 1. That the memorandum regarding Community Improvement Plan Review Consultation be received; and 2. That the Environmental Advisory Committee comments regarding Community Improvement Plan Review Consultation be received and referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate. Carried 8. Informational Items 8.1 Environmental Advisory Committee Update List Moved by Colin Brown Seconded by Sam Cunningham 1. That the Environmental Advisory Committee Update List be received for information. Carried 9. Adjournment Moved by Sam Cunningham Seconded by Ashley Gatto Cassagrande That the meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Carried