Minutes - Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee - 20230426 1 Town of Aurora Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Time: Location: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 7:00 p.m. Holland Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Councillor John Gallo (Chair) Steve Fleck Owen Heritage (Vice Chair) Gino Martino Giovanni Turla Klaus Wehrenberg Lil Kim* Other Attendees: Councillor Rachel Gilliland Nancy Fleming, Manager, Engineering Services Michael Bat, Traffic/Transportation Analyst, Engineering Services Palak Mehta, Council/Committee Coordinator Attended electronically* _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm 1.1 Appointment of the Committee Vice Chair Moved by Steve Fleck Seconded by Gino Martino 1. That Owen Heritage be elected as Vice Chair of the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for a two- year term (2023-2024). Carried 2 2. Land Acknowledgement The Committee acknowledged that the meeting took place on Anishinaabe lands, the traditional and treaty territory of the Chippewas of Georgina Island, recognizing the many other Nations whose presence here continues to this day, the special relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory, and that Aurora has shared responsibility for the stewardship of these lands and waters. It was noted that Aurora is part of the treaty lands of the Mississaugas and Chippewas, recognized through Treaty #13 and the Williams Treaties of 1923. 3. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Klaus Wehrenberg Seconded by Giovanni Turla That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services, be approved. Carried 4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50. 5. Receipt of the Minutes None. 6. Delegations 6.1 Renee McCammon, Resident; Re: Item 7.3 - Request for a Parking By-law Amendment on Benville Crescent, and Parking Restrictions at Evans Park Renee McCammon provided comments regarding the need for accessible parking at the southern trailhead on the Nokiidaa Trail at Evans Park on Benville Crescent, expressed that they did not support the proposed by- law amendment, and suggested that the temporary/permanent no parking signs be removed. 3 Moved by Gino Martino Seconded by Owen Heritage That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to item 7.3. Carried 7. Matters for Consideration The Committee consented to consider items in the following order: 7.1, 7.3, and 7.2. 7.1 Memorandum from Traffic/Transportation Analyst; Re: Active Transportation Master Plan Status Update Dave McLaughlin, Senior Project Manager, MMM Group Ltd. provided project background information and a progress update on the Active Transportation Master Plan (”Master Plan”). The overview included draft vision statement options and objectives, policy review highlights, best practices review, consultation and engagement, online survey highlights, online mapping tool highlights, network development process, existing pedestrian facility inventory, existing cycling facility inventory, route selection criteria, proposed candidate cycling network and pedestrian network, as well as next steps. The Committee inquired about having a workshop to discuss the Master Plan and opportunities to provide input. As well as opportunities to increase active transportation in the community, pedestrian, and cycling infrastructure, traffic safety, including youth involvement in discussions about connectivity, active transportation best practices, lighting requirements on roads, and liability issues regarding roadways and connections. The presenter provided a response. The Committee discussed the rail corridor and the need to challenge Metrolinx and identify those level crossings. 4 Moved by Gino Martino Seconded by Steve Fleck 1. That the memorandum regarding Active Transportation Master Plan Status Update be received; and 2. That the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee comments regarding Active Transportation Master Plan Status Update be received and referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate. Carried 7.2 Memorandum from Traffic/Transportation Analyst; Re: Request for Traffic Calming Measure - Various Locations The Committee provided comments regarding delaying further implementation on traffic calming while the Master Plan was being developed, and supported the policy be reviewed considering updated traffic calming guidelines, and best practices from neighbouring municipalities. The Committee inquired whether the Master Plan would deal with traffic calming and how hotspots are identified. Staff provided a response. The Committee inquired about temporary traffic calming measures, such as flexible posts in the interim. Staff provided a response. Moved by Gino Martino Seconded by Giovanni Turla 1. That the memorandum regarding Request for Traffic Calming Measures - Various Locations be received; and 2. That the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee comments regarding Request for Traffic Calming Measures - Various Locations be received and referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate. Carried 5 7.3 Memorandum from Traffic/Transportation Analyst; Re: Request for a Parking By-law Amendment on Benville Crescent The Committee inquired where parking issues had been identified and restrictions related to trail usage, future development in the Benville Crescent area, plans to create more parking areas, the volume of trail usage, as well as additional locations to be considered. Staff provided a response. The Committee discussed possible parking options and supported parking be allowed on both sides on the trail on Benville Crescent until staff report back with a comprehensive review of the policy as it relates to parking and issues of safety. The Committee also expressed support for the provision of parking studies for trails. Moved by Owen Heritage Seconded by Gino Martino 1. That the memorandum regarding Request for a Parking By-law Amendment on Benville Crescent be received; and 2. That the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee comments regarding Request for a Parking By-law Amendment on Benville Crescent be received and referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate. Carried 8. Informational Items None. 9. New Business The Committee inquired about yield signs on local roads. The Chair advised that they would explore how to address this inquiry and report back. 6 9. Adjournment Moved by Gino Martino Seconded by Owen Heritage That the meeting be adjourned at 9:01 p.m. Carried