Minutes - Heritage Advisory Committee - 20240610 Town of Aurora Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Time: Location: Monday, June 10, 2024 7 p.m. Holland Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Bob McRoberts, Honourary Member (Vice Chair) Cynthia Bettio David Heard John Green, Aurora Historical Society Representative Rocco Morsillo Members Absent: Kevin Hughes Other Attendees: Adam Robb, Manager, Policy Planning and Heritage Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Coordinator _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order The Council/Committee Coordinator called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Vice Chair Bob McRoberts assumed the chair at 7:03 p.m. 1.1 Appointment of Committee Vice Chair Moved by Cynthia Bettio Seconded by Rocco Morsillo 1. That Bob McRoberts be elected as Vice Chair of the Heritage Advisory Committee for the remainder of the two-year term (2023-2024). Carried 2. Land Acknowledgement The Committee acknowledged that the meeting took place on Anishinaabe lands, the traditional and treaty territory of the Chippewas of Georgina Island, Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, June 10, 2024 2 recognizing the many other Nations whose presence here continues to this day, the special relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory, and that Aurora has shared responsibility for the stewardship of these lands and waters. It was noted that Aurora is part of the treaty lands of the Mississaugas and Chippewas, recognized through Treaty #13 and the Williams Treaties of 1923. 3. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Cynthia Bettio Seconded by John Green That the revised agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50. 5. Receipt of the Minutes 5.1 Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 8, 2024 Moved by John Green Seconded by Cynthia Bettio 1. That the Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 8, 2024, be received for information. Carried 6. Delegations 6.1 Christopher Watts, The Aurora Heritage Authority; Re: Doors Open Event Item 6.1 was considered following consideration of item 7.1. Christopher Watts provided a presentation in support of reinstating Aurora's participation in the annual Doors Open Ontario program, noting the last in-person Doors Open Aurora event was held in 2019, and made Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, June 10, 2024 3 recommendations including to re-establish a sub-committee working group, collaborate with other departments, improve marketing, and measure successes toward building meaningful experiences. The Committee expressed support for the initiative and promotion of heritage tourism in Aurora, provided background, and discussed options. Staff advised that a report would be submitted for Council consideration in the fall for approval of a Doors Open Aurora event in 2025. Moved by David Heard Seconded by John Green 1. That the comments of the delegation be received; and 2. That the Heritage Advisory Committee comments regarding the delegation and presentation be received and referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate. Carried 7. Matters for Consideration 7.1 Memorandum from Manager, Policy Planning and Heritage; Re: Heritage Permit Application HPA-2024-03 - 23 Mark Street Staff provided an overview of the memorandum and proposal to add a rear garden suite to the property, noting there is no proposed work to be done to the primary heritage structure and no tree removal. The Committee expressed no opposition to the proposal and discussed various aspects with staff including: access and purpose of the garden suite; exterior material; setting a precedent in the heritage conservation district (HCD); neighbourhood consultation; Bill 23, The More Homes Built Faster Act, intensification, and enforcement of zoning by-laws in the HCD; lot coverage; fire services access; registration; and infrastructure capacity. Moved by Rocco Morsillo Seconded by John Green 1. That the memorandum regarding Heritage Permit Application HPA- 2024-03 - 23 Mark Street be received; and Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, June 10, 2024 4 2. That the Heritage Advisory Committee comments regarding Heritage Permit Application HPA-2024-03 - 23 Mark Street be received and referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate. Carried 7.2 Memorandum from Manager, Policy Planning and Heritage; Re: Establishment of a Heritage Grant Program Staff provided an overview of the memorandum and development status of the Heritage Grant Program. The Committee expressed support for the program and discussed various options with staff including: prioritization of building façade restoration/ improvements; calculation method of eligible grant amounts; prioritization of different property classes; categorization of types of restoration; long- term planning and annual budgets; opportunities to reach out to local businesses/suppliers to provide discounts to designated heritage property owners; determination of eligibility and heritage conservation agreement; outreach to owners to consider designation; potential to include historic buildings damaged by graffiti to ease the owner burden; potential emergency fund for non-heritage permit types of work; and suggestion to start the program with limited eligibility criteria and allow more in the following years. Moved by David Heard Seconded by Cynthia Bettio 1. That the memorandum regarding Establishment of a Heritage Grant Program be received; and 2. That the Heritage Advisory Committee comments regarding Establishment of a Heritage Grant Program be received and referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate. Carried 8. Informational Items None. Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, June 10, 2024 5 9. New Business The Committee and staff discussed options to hold a Committee-run event in 2024, such as a walking tour, in the absence of participation in Doors Open Ontario. Concerns were expressed regarding other external groups potentially offering, possibly duplicating, Committee heritage events and programming. Staff noted the benefit of the Doors Open Ontario structure and the formal registration of Doors Open Aurora and its events including the walking tour. The Committee requested to meet with staff and review potential heritage properties to be included on a list for the interactive mapping and research pilot project in partnership with local schools. Staff agreed to provide information as required. The Committee referred to the June 4, 2024 staff report and delegation by former mayor Geoffrey Dawe regarding the future of the Hillary House and suggested that public consultations and discussions should include the historical information and challenges of both the Hillary House and the Aurora Museum. Staff noted the Heritage Advisory Committee will be included in the consultation process. The Committee commented on the slow progress of the Aurora Pet Cemetery restoration and suggested that increased attention and funding should be applied to facilitate its progress. The Committee recommended that a portion of the Heritage Fund could be directed to both the Pet Cemetery, a designated heritage site, and the Hillary House, a national historic site, to address their safety and security. 10. Adjournment Moved by Cynthia Bettio Seconded by John Green That the meeting be adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Carried