BYLAW - Amend 528510 Adopt OPA25 15296 15306 15314 Yonge St - 20220712 - 6442^22The Corporation of the Town of Aurora By-law Number 6442-22 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 5285-10, as amended, to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 25. Whereas on September 28, 201 0, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora (the 'lTown") enacted By-law Number 5285-1 0, as amended, to adopt the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora (the l'Official Plan"); And whereas authority is given to Council pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.0. 1990, c. P.13, as amended (the "Planning Act") to pass a by-law amending the Official Plan; And whereas the Council of the Town deems it necessary and expedient to further amend the Official Plan; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora hereby enacts as follows: Official Plan Amendment No. 25 to the Official Plan, attached and forming part of this by-law, be and is hereby adopted. This by-law shall come into full force subject to compliance with the provisions of the Planning Act and subject to compliance with such provisions, this By-law will take effect from the date of final passage hereof. Enacted by Town of Aurora Council this 12th day of July, 2022. %mlurabas,xayor J Michael de Rond, Town Clerk By-law Number 6442-22 Page 2 of 7 Amendment No. 25 To the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora _______________________________________________________________________________________ Statement of Components Part I – The Preamble 1.Introduction 2.Purpose of the Amendment 3.Location 4.Basis of the Amendment Part II – The Amendment 1.Introduction 2.Details of the Amendment 3.Implementation and Interpretation Part III – The Appendices By-law Number 6442-22 Page 3 of 7 Part I – The Preamble 1.Introduction This part of the Official Plan Amendment No. 25 (the “Amendment”), entitled Part I – The Preamble, explains the purpose and location of this Amendment, and provides an overview of the reasons for it. It is for explanatory purposes only and does not form part of the Amendment. 2.Purpose of the Amendment The purpose of this Amendment is to implement a site-specific policy for the subject lands designated as ‘Aurora Promenade – Upper Downtown’. This Amendment will permit residential units at and/or below grade; a 6-storey building form along Yonge Street and 8-storey building form at the building rear (west side) of the building and a maximum building height of 24.0 metres. The purpose of the amendment is also to redesignate the northwest portion of the subject lands from ‘Private Parkland’ to ‘Upper Downtown’. 3.Location The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the west side of Yonge Street and on the south side of Irwin Avenue. They are municipally known as 15296, 15306 and 15314 Yonge Street; having a combined lot area of approximately 0.4 ha (0.99 ac); and are legally described as Lots B and C and Part of Lot D, registered Plan 36 and Part of Lots 15 and 16, Registered Plan 246, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, and as shown in Schedule “A” (the “Subject Lands”). 4.Basis of the Amendment The basis of the Amendment is as follows: 4.1 The Amendment is privately initiated by the owner and is intended to facilitate the development of a six to eight storey residential apartment building being reviewed through a related amendment to the Zoning By-law (ZBA-2021-03) and Site Plan Control Application (SP-2021-08). The Amendment is supported by technical studies submitted by the applicant, as reviewed by the Town, which establishes that the lands can be developed for residential use. 4.2 Applications for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control were submitted to the Town of Aurora on April 21, 2021 for consideration, to facilitate the development of an entirely residential apartment building containing 136 units. 4.3 The Official Plan Amendment to implement a site-specific policy for the subject lands that permits residential units at and/or below grade; a 6-storey building form along Yonge Street and 8-storey building form at the building rear (west side) of the building and a maximum building height of 24.0 metres. It also redesignates the northwest portion of the subject lands from ‘Private Parkland’ to ‘Upper Downtown.’ 4.4 A Statutory Public Meeting was held on October 12, 2021, to obtain input from the public and Council. A second Public Planning Meeting was held on December 7, 2021, to obtain additional information from the public and Council. By-law Number 6442-22 Page 4 of 7 4.5. The Amendment is considered to be compatible and appropriate with the existing surrounding community and will result in a building form envisioned in the Official Plan and Aurora Promenade Concept Plan – Urban Design Strategy. 4.6 Section 37 Community Benefits in the form of a financial contribution will be collected for the increased height and density, consistent with the Official Plan and Town’s Section 37 Benefit Policy. 4.7 The Amendment is consistent with Provincial and Regional Policies and Plans. 4.8 The Regional Municipality of York has delegated the Approval Authority of the Amendment to the Town of Aurora. 4.9. The proposed development of the subject lands will be subject to a future Draft Plan of Condominium Application to establish a Standard Condominium for the Site. Part II – The Amendment 1.Introduction This part of the Amendment, entitled Part II – The Amendment, consisting of the following text and attached maps, designated as Schedule “A”, and Schedule “B” constitutes Amendment No. 25 to the Official Plan. 2.Details of the Amendment The Official Plan be and is hereby amended as follows: Item (1): Schedule “A”, Structure Plan, being part of the Town of Aurora Official Plan, be and is hereby amended by changing the land use designation for a portion of the subject lands municipally described as 15296, 15036 and 15314 Yonge Street, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, from “Private Parkland” to “Aurora Promenade – Upper Downtown”, as shown on Schedule “A” – Land Use Plan, attached hereto and forming part of this Amendment. Item (2): Schedule “H”, Site Specific Policy Areas, being part of the Town of Aurora Official Plan, be an is hereby amended by designating the subject lands municipally described as 15296, 1503 and 15314 Yonge Street, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York as “Special Policy Area 57 as shown on Schedule “B” - Site Specific Policy Areas, attached hereto and forming part of this Amendment. Item (3): Section 16 of the Town of Aurora Official Plan be and is hereby amended by adding Subsection “57”, as follows: “16.57 a)Notwithstanding the Land Use Policies in Sections in Policy 11.4.1 b) and 11.4.1 c) v. of the Town of Aurora Official Plan, residential uses at grade and/or below grade are permitted. b)Notwithstanding Policy 11.4.2 a) iii. of the Town of Aurora Official Plan, the maximum building height is permitted to be six (6) storeys along By-law Number 6442-22 Page 5 of 7 Yonge Street and eight (8) storeys at the building rear (west side), and 24.0 metres (78.7 ft).” 3.Implementation This Amendment has been considered in accordance with the provisions of the Official Plan. The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the Official Plan. Part III – The Appendices Schedule “A” – Land Use Plan Schedule “B” – Site Specific Policy Areas ¬«<21*(675((7<21*(675((7$OH[*DUGQHU&LUFOH$OH[*DUGQHU&LUFOH&DWKHULQH$YHQXH&DWKHULQH$YHQXH,UZLQ$YHQXH,UZLQ$YHQXHMap created by the Town of AuroraCorporate Services Department - BusinessSolutions Division, April 6, 2022.Modified on April 11, 2022. 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