Minutes - Council - 20240130
Town of Aurora
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
7 p.m.
Council Chambers, Aurora Town Hall
Council Members: Mayor Tom Mrakas (Chair)
Councillor Ron Weese
Councillor Rachel Gilliland
Councillor Wendy Gaertner
Councillor Michael Thompson
Councillor John Gallo
Councillor Harold Kim
Other Attendees: Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer*
Patricia De Sario, Director, Corporate Services/Town Solicitor
Robin McDougall, Director, Community Services
Marco Ramunno, Director, Planning and Development Services
Sara Tienkamp, Director, Operational Services
Carley Smith, Manager, Corporate Communications
Jason Gaertner, Manager, Financial Management
Bill Jean, Manager, Code Review and Inspection
Michael de Rond, Town Clerk
Emily Freitas, Council/Committee Coordinator
*Attended electronically
1. Call to Order
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
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2. Land Acknowledgement
Mayor Mrakas acknowledged that the meeting took place on Anishinaabe lands,
the traditional and treaty territory of the Chippewas of Georgina Island,
recognizing the many other Nations whose presence here continues to this day,
the special relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this
territory, and that Aurora has shared responsibility for the stewardship of these
lands and waters. It was noted that Aurora is part of the treaty lands of the
Mississaugas and Chippewas, recognized through Treaty #13 and the Williams
Treaties of 1923.
3. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Councillor Weese
Seconded by Councillor Gilliland
That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved with the
addition of Alison Hughes as delegation 6.2.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50.
5. Community Presentations
5.1 Brian North and Kelly Broome, Southlake Foundation; Re: 2024 Nature’s
Emporium Run For Southlake
Brian North presented an overview of the Nature's Emporium Run for
Southlake on April 28, 2024, including: how funds are raised through
participant/team pledges and supports new or renovated spaces in the
hospital, the Mayor's Challenge, and the Community Spirit Award.
Registration for the Nature's Emporium Run for Southlake are being
accepted; visit runforsouthlake.ca for details and to apply.
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Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Gaertner
That the presentation be received for information.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
6. Delegations
6.1 John Hartman, Resident; Re: Item 9.3 - PDS24-007 - Twin Town Delegation
2024 – Aurora to Leksand
John Hartman spoke about the Twin Cities Town Delegation in Leksand,
Sweden and discussed the historical connection between Aurora and
Leksand. They expressed that elected officials should not travel and
participate in the delegation due to the high costs, and suggested to use
the funding towards local facilities that need assistance in the town.
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Kim
That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to item 9.3.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
*6.2 Alison Hughes, Resident; Re: Dear Everybody Commitment
Alison Hughes briefly discussed the Dear Everybody Commitment and
commented on the community partners that have signed the campaign
organized by Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Weese
That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to item
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Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
7. Consent Agenda
Moved by Councillor Weese
Seconded by Councillor Gaertner
That the Consent Agenda, items 7.1 to 7.12 inclusive, be approved with the
exception of item 7.7, which was discussed and voted on separately as recorded
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
7.1 Council Meeting Minutes of December 12, 2023
1. That the Council Meeting Minutes of December 12, 2023, be adopted
as circulated.
7.2 Council Closed Session Minutes of December 12, 2023 (confidential
1. That the Council Closed Session Minutes of December 12, 2023, be
adopted as circulated.
7.3 Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of December 12, 2023
1. That the Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of December
12, 2023, be adopted as circulated.
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7.4 Council Closed Session Minutes of January 16, 2024 (confidential
1. That the Council Closed Session Minutes of January 16, 2024, be
adopted as circulated.
7.5 Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of January 16, 2024
1. That the Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of January
16, 2024, be adopted as circulated.
7.6 Special Council Closed Session Minutes of January 22, 2024 (confidential
1. That the Council Closed Session Minutes of January 22, 2024, be
adopted as circulated.
7.7 Special Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of January 22,
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Kim
1. That the Special Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of
January 22, 2024, be adopted as circulated.
Yeas (3): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Thompson, and Councillor Kim
Nays (4): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, and
Councillor Gallo
Defeated (3 to 4)
Moved by Councillor Weese
Seconded by Councillor Gallo
1. That the Special Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of
January 22, 2024, be referred to the February 20, 2024 meeting.
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Yeas (4): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner, and
Councillor Gallo
Nays (3): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Thompson, and Councillor Kim
Carried (4 to 3)
7.8 Mayor’s Golf Classic Funds Committee Meeting Minutes of November 30,
1. That the Mayor's Golf Classic Funds Committee Meeting Minutes of
November 30, 2023, be received for information.
7.9 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2023
1. That the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of
December 6, 2023, be received for information.
7.10 Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of December 11, 2023
1. That the Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of
December 11, 2023, be received for information.
7.11 Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting
Minutes of December 20, 2023
1. That the Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee
meeting minutes of December 20, 2023, be received for information.
7.12 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of December
21, 2023
1. That the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
of December 21, 2023, be received for information.
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8. Standing Committee Reports
9. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda)
9.1 CAO24-001 - Multi-Year Communications Strategic Plan, 2023-2026
Main motion
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Kim
1. That Report No. CAO24-001 be received; and
2. That Council approve the Multi-Year Strategic Communications Plan,
Moved by Councillor Gaertner
Seconded by Councillor Gilliland
That the main motion be amended by adding the following clause:
3. That references to leveraging local Aurora social media influencers
and micro influencers and Influencer Strategy be removed from the
Multi-Year Strategic Communications Plan, 2023-2026.
Yeas (5): Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Gaertner,
Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Nays (2): Mayor Mrakas, and Councillor Thompson
Carried (5 to 2)
Main motion as amended
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Kim
1. That Report No. CAO24-001 be received; and
2. That Council approve the Multi-Year Strategic Communications Plan,
2023-2026; and
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3. That references to leveraging local Aurora social media influencers and
micro influencers and Influencer Strategy be removed from the Multi-
Year Strategic Communications Plan, 2023-2026.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
9.2 FIN24-001 - 2024 Final Budget Reconciliation to Full-Accrual Accounting
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Councillor Thompson
1. That Report No. FIN24-001 be received; and
2. That the reconciliation of the 2024 to 2026 operating budgets to the
full-accrual basis of accounting, as required under Ontario Regulation
284/09, as summarized in Attachment 1 be endorsed.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
9.3 PDS24-007 - Twin Town Delegation 2024 – Aurora to Leksand
Main motion
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Gallo
1. That Report No. PDS24-007 be received for information.
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Councillor Gilliland
That the main motion be amended by adding the following clause:
2. That no Town of Aurora funds be used on any attendees including,
but not limited to, travel, accommodations, etc.
Yeas (6): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland,
Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
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Nays (1): Councillor Thompson
Carried (6 to 1)
Main motion as amended
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Gallo
1. That Report No. PDS24-007 be received; and
2. That no Town of Aurora funds be used on any attendees including,
but not limited to, travel, accommodations, etc.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
9.4 PDS24-010 - Changes to Current Practices for Minimizing Negative Impacts
of Residential Infill Construction
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Councillor Thompson
1. That Report No. PDS24-010 be received; and
2. That amendments to the Town’s Administrative Penalty By-law
(AMPS) and the Town’s Building By-law to include an administrative
penalty for the failure to have a safety fence installed at a residential
construction site be brought forward for enactment at a future Council
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
10. Member Motions
10.1 Mayor Mrakas; Re: Dear Everybody Commitment
Motion was considered following item 6.2.
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Gilliland
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Whereas the Dear Everybody Commitment, an initiative from Holland
Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, champions inclusivity for
individuals with disabilities across various sectors, urging authentic
representation in marketing, product/service development, hiring
practices, and accessibility; and
Whereas The Town Of Aurora recognizes the profound commitment of
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital to empower over 8,500
children and youth with disabilities annually, advocating for their physical,
mental, and emotional well-being; and
Whereas the Dear Everybody Commitment emphasizes the importance of
dissolving biases and barriers against individuals with disabilities in
advertising, media, workforce representation, and creating accessible
spaces for all; and
Whereas by adopting this motion, Council asserts its support for disability
inclusion, showcasing The Town of Aurora’s dedication to creating an
inclusive and welcoming community for all individuals, irrespective of
abilities, fostering a more accessible and equitable environment; and
Whereas The Town of Aurora has the opportunity to demonstrate our
commitment to accessibility by being the first municipality to sign the
Dear Everybody Commitment;
1. Now Therefore Be it Hereby Resolved That Council undertakes the
significant step of signing the Dear Everybody Commitment,
affirming the municipality's commitment to fostering inclusivity for
individuals with disabilities; and
2. Be It Further Resolved That Council directs all Town Departments
to explore ways to implement the principles outlined in the Dear
Everybody Commitment, specifically focusing on authentic
representation in marketing, product/service development,
inclusive hiring practices, and ensuring accessibility in municipal
spaces, events, and offices.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
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11. Regional Report
11.1 York Regional Council Highlights of December 21, 2023
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Kim
1. That the York Regional Council Highlights of December 21, 2023, be
received for information.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
12. New Business
Councillor Thompson announced the Town's acquisition of a 16-acre property on
Yonge Street and noted their appreciation towards Staff for their efforts.
Councillor Gaertner provided an update on Highway 413 and the federal
government's environmental assessment requirement.
Councillor Weese discussed the 65 St John's Sideroad applications and the need
for more traffic safety measures.
13. By-laws
13.1 By-law Number 6579-24 - Being a By-law to repeal By-law Number 5285-10
(Town of Aurora Official Plan 2010), to adopt a New Official Plan for the
Town of Aurora.
(General Committee Report No. PDS23-152, Dec 5, 2023)
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Kim
That the By-law item 13.1 be enacted.
Yeas (5): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Thompson,
Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Nays (2): Councillor Gilliland, and Councillor Gaertner
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Carried (5 to 2)
13.2 By-law Number 6580-24 - Being a By-law to exempt Block 1 on Plan 65M-
4079 from part-lot control (File No. PLC-2023-02).
That the By-law item 13.2 be enacted.
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Councillor Kim
That the By-law item 13.2 be enacted.
Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Weese, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor
Gaertner, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Kim
Carried (7 to 0)
14. Closed Session
15. Confirming By-law
15.1 By-law Number 6581-24 - Being a By-law to confirm actions by Council
resulting from a Council meeting on January 30, 2024
Moved by Councillor Kim
Seconded by Councillor Gaertner
That the confirming by-law be enacted.
16. Adjournment
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Councillor Kim
That the meeting be adjourned at 9:26 p.m.
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Micha e Rond own Clerk