BYLAW - Assume Highways Plan 65M 4462 TACC Dev Phase2 - 20210223 - 631521 The Corporation of the Town of Aurora By-law Number 6315-21 Being a By-law to assume highways on Plan 65M-4462 for public use TACC Developments (Aurora) Inc. - Phase 2. Whereas subsection 31 (4) of the Municipal Act, 2001, s.o. 2001, c. 25, as amended, (the l'Act"), requires a municipality to enact a by-law in order to assume highways for public use, and that subsection 44 of the Act respecting maintenance of highways does not apply to the highways until such time as the municipality has passed such a by-law; And whereas The Corporation of the Town of Aurora (the IlTown") entered into a Residential Subdivision Agreement (Phase 2) with TACC Developments (Aurora) Inc., dated June 24, 2015, with respect to the lands contained within Plan 65M-4462 (the 'lDevelopment'J); And whereas the Council of the Town deems it necessary and expedient to assume certain highways within the Plan for public use and be responsible to maintain those highways; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora hereby enacts as follows: 1. The following highways in the Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, be and are hereby assumed for public use and maintained by the Town: a) Roy Harper Avenue, Plan 65M-4462; b) Chouinard Way, Plan 65M-4462; c) Folliot Street, Plan 65M-4462; d) Constable Street, Plan 65M-4462; e) Hancock Street, Plan 65M-4462; f) McKee Court, Plan 65M-4462; g) Homer Crescent, Plan 65M-4462; h) Bolsby Court, Plan 65M-4462; and i) Kashani Court, Plan 65M-4462. Enacted by Town of Aurora Council this 23rd day of February, 2021. Mayor Michael de Rond, Town Clerk