BYLAW - Strike the Rates for the Year 1953 - 19530504 - 115653c BY•LAW NUMBER /156 of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora. A BY"'LAW TO STRIKE THE RATES IN THE TOWN OF AURORA FOR THE YEAR 19.53o ----. WHEREAS estimates have been prepared shoWing. that the sum of . $176,400~00 is required to be raised tor the lawful purposes of the corporation of the Town of Aurora for the year 19.53; AND WHEREAS there is required to be raised for special purposE the sum of $6;274~13 for the sewerage debentures under The Local Improve• ments Act; ,AND WHEREAS the total assessable property within the corporatj is as follows: Land $.593,42'7!0.5, Buildings $1,617;0.50•00; Business $188; THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWJ oF AURORA ENACTs As FoLLOWS: There shall be struck, rated, levied and col.lected upon the I assessable land buildings and business assessment the following rates; EDUCATION Public School High School District TOWN PURPOSES county Purposes Debentures Town current Eltpenditures I $39,3.57i9.5 13,323~20 11,300.00 41,561~79 70,8.57•06 $176,400~00 ·MILLS 169064.5 .5~4380 4• 61.22 16~9640 28~9213 72>0000 There shall be struck, rated, levif:ld and collected, a· further special rate per foot frontage to raise the sum of $6 0274<13 to covert~ ratepayers• share or the cost·of theCorporationts sewerage system; (-'. such rate to be in accordance with the rates and against the properties ''-,·' d~eided by the Court of Revision held tor such purposes anlili the Collector's Roll shall provide accordingly• One halt of the said rates shall become due and be paid on or before the Jr.:;7f day of ~~ 19:53, and the balanoe or other half of the said rates the ) oJt day of (!p<?-j, shall become due and be paid .on or before 1953~ . ' The treasurer is hereby authorized to receive oil account of the said rates, payments in advance of the days fixed for the payment of either instalment thereon and that there be allowed a discoun"t on the whole or any portion of the first instalment of taxes so paid in advance,(Of one•halt of one percentum, for each month instalment· or portion thereof is paid prior to the that the said / 41{ day of · ~J_ 19:53 0 notwi thstsnding that the taxes tor such year have not been levied, or that the ~ssessment rol:!. on which the seid li·~ "j:axes are to be fixed has not ~~en adopted by: the coun,oil, when any~:! such advance payment is made. 1 j That there be imposed, as a penalty, a percentage charge of one.;.halt of one peroentum. for non~aymen t of .the. taxes or any instalment thereof' on' the first day of default and on the first day of each month there~fter in which default oontin~e.~, but not after the end of the year· ill, whi ah the taxes are levi edo / That the statutory penalty and interest shall be charged on all of the rates not paid on the 31st day of December, 19.53, and swch penalty and interest shall be leviea and collected by the Collector or Treasurer as if the same has been originally imposed and formed part of the said rate• The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's roll to I , the Collector on or before the l cVf' day of ~ ~.Ar~f''-'<-1953• ~.'-If Th•t the Collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notices provided for by section 109 of The Assess- ment Act to the addresses of the residences or places of business of the p&rsons to whom such notices are required to; be given• That the Collector shall; if any instalment of taxes remains unpaid for more than fourteen days from the date provided :for pay• ment thereof, forthwith proceed to collect by distress or otherwise, under the provisions of the statute in t~t behalf, all such taxes, so in default, together with the percentage thereon imposed for a default;• the That the flf ~ day of Collector shall return to the Treasurer on or before 1954, and furnish the Treasurer there• UJon, all such statements of taxes unpaid and otherwise as are requi~ed by ~he Assessment Acto . READ A FmST Aim SECOND TIME the 4 day of May, 195;• clerk READ A. THIRD TIME 4 "",___..,,*SSED the ;/ day of May • 1953• ' . clerk (~ I \ . ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD :tN '110 JIIA'nD. C!Vt . See1:1io~ 6? ot· '~*'1\lti: ~tarl.Q -ie~l. s~rd. Aet.* (l"'~.o. 1950, Oha~el" a6a), Seciiion )Q8 C ~) 1111: ~t~e ~eipal Act'* {R.i.IJ.'.l~liOt Ghllipte¥' ~It ~a:y, th~ l.'ilth · @:;y I . • .ot Apl'ilt, A. :o. • l~.fl~ I(•~ l'l' lS OlDIDUllP.. u~a4ill' -.n4 tn pul'rlruanee 1111 the l.lg:bluiot~ he.:reilll!•tw• rete~ 'llt)t· iUIIil. o.t any • el.l t'>theti ~ow~s vlilsted i:n the Joal'li., t>hat tb~ -~d a.ppl.i<u:ation he and tihe IS&lll$ ie hereht . app:rQV.e4, a.n4 tbat. t~ Munbipaltt.·r may nw ~.~el!ld with 'the s<!lid. ®.d.t.aki~ Mel flilr 5@ I)Ul'ilQale li'IQ1 ct.;m.tra:et tuf'tht.~P clebt [>Qt. aeee:d.ins 'ilbe •:bL.t~~~QuJ~~t• · ; . . ' . . -- and ~Y })$.8& all. . .._,utliitt• hy ... lawe:1 1ne1~1rt$ · bt·~wllf pro'\i'1~n; tor ··the'. iam.t• r;,t d.eh~mttlte& f'flpaJfJ.hle. eve¥' a t.er~~tnot c.xc.Nclin; titte•ntf!al's.