BYLAW - Provide for the 1953 Expenditure on Roads or Streets - 19530122 - 114953r r r,: ' T.V. 6 BY-LAW NO. __ l_l..:...49'------ A BY-LAW TO IN THE TOWN ~ PROVIDE FOR THE r ' 1922-_EXPENDITURE ON ROADS OR STREETS OF AURORA IN THE COUN~'Y OF YORK WK.WIDOCKa~ --~~~------- WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for expenditure on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said it~ ~­ !acts as follows:· (1) The sum of ~90,400'..00 is hereby appropriated from monies raised " '1. by levy, debentures au'l government subsidy for total expenditure ·\ on construction and maintenance of the roads or streets under its -Jurisdiction during the year 19...2,l_as follows: ROADS & STREETS· CONSTRUCTION .•••...•.• $ 78 1,4CJ9AffJ,._,_ • MAINT:B;Ni\NCE ••••••••••• ;jp 12,000,00 BRIDGES & CULVERTS TOTAL $ $ 78.400.(')() __ $ $ 12,000,00 TOTALS 1P 90,40o.~qo .... __ $,_,.,_....,._....._ ....... $ 90.400.%;JC\;Io __ (2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways. : Passed at Aurora (-SEAL) -------------·---- CLERK