BYLAW - Construction of Trunk Sewer on Wellington St. - 19530318 - 115053~"'---'------1\ _.,.. .. ,;. ' pou P • .F~C .. 9022 ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD J:N '£lUll Mil. 'I'TER OF Section 61 of lf!J.'he Ontari.o :t-1\:tnieipal Board Aot" (f!..s.o. 1950, Cha,ptlilr 262), and 1N THE MAT'l'Ea OF an application of ths Corporation of the .'Town of Aurora :for approval of its by .. J.Qw nwnber 1150, p!!.la&ed thE,! 16t.h. day. of ~'ebruazw, A.D., 19~), providing Tor th~. tt~suf!. of debent'\U'$$ in the amount. ot .. t1,21S, t'or the OI'Ul&trnetion of! a t~ sewer on ·wsllingt.nS<t:teetWeet ani& sout'h a<:r(l$s lot 27 • a¢o.ord1ng to :plan 246 1 for thf.l '!'own of Aurorlih l i J Wed.nsllldlly, the E:tgJatieenth clay o. w. Yatcus, Q.c .. , l ··· ~fim:&:R .. l'r 18 Oll::OEUD, 1Uld.er and in ~~-~~.!llllts ot thf;l . ll\lgbbticu hllltc'lllifibet'ot>s r~Ji'ert"sd to• ut:i (}I any Q(i aU oth$r power$ \t~lti!!d. A:ll 'tbe Board, tot the said by•lf:iw \le anti t-he. same :I.e hel"!lib1 apl)rov•d:" 1f.~~j --ffp~u~~~. , . ~ ... ~' /