BYLAW - Borrowing of $26,586.l7 - 19531221 - 117554, .
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of the lmlUioipal Oorporation of the
A BYooLAW ~0 A~JDRIZE 5mE llOBROWING OF $26,586ol7 upon DEBENTUBI!B roll. THE
IMEOOV~ AOl!e ·:<> .
WHERlWI the lmlUici:paJ. Corporation ot the Town of Aurora, with
the ap:provsl at The Ontario ~icipal Board by order dated the 17th d8iY' of '"--
Oatober 1950, EUmber P.F.Co3944, &s amended by Order dated the 16th day of June,
1953, p&ssed By-law Number l060A as sm~J~~.ded to provide for the borrowing of
$14,3S~.l7 by the isswanae of debentures for the c011struction of sanitary and
storm sewers on Cameron Avenue from Oousins Drive to ])mning Avenue, on ])mning
Avenue from CSllleron Avenu.e to Yonge Street, and on ll.oyal ll.oad :from Yonge Street
to camersn Avenue and $3,503.00 for the openiDg and grading of DamliDg Avenue,
Cameron Avenue and ll.oysl ll.oad, as local improvements under the provisions of The
Local. Illqlrovement Act, and to provide th~~ot the sum of f3,003.00 shall be repayable
in five years and that the SUIIl of $14,092.17 be rerayabie ill fifteen years.
AliD WHEBEI\S the ~ioipal Cor:poration of the !J.'own of Aurora, with
the app1'0val of The Ontario Municipal. Board, by order dated the 13th day of
April 1953, Number P.F.C.897l (a) passed By-law Number 1160 to provide for the Y
borrowing of· $6,635.00 by the isSUI.ance of debentures fOr the construction at
s$nitaryjand wtorm sewers and private sewer connections on Hillview ll.oed
(formerly Lepper Street) from the 11l!.sterly lilllit at Lot 77 to the Westerly lillli t
o:t Lot 59, according to Plan 30 :for the Tom o:t .Aurora, as a local illqlrovemnt
under the provisions of The Local Improvam.ent Act, and to provide that such sums
shall be repayable in yearly sums with interest during the period of fifteen years.
AND WHERDS the Municipal Oor:poration of the Town ot .Aurora, with
the approval of ~he Ontario Municipal Board, by Order dated the 13th day at April
1953, NUmber P.F.C.B97l(b) passed By-law NUmber 1157 to provide for the borrowing
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pf #690.00 by ;the issaance of debent~ee fer the a>nstru.ction of samtary sewers
and ~75.00 fer the construction of private sewer co:anectithos from Lot 29 :aan 3°
Westerly to the Westerly limit of !l!yler l;1treet, as locs.J. improvements under the
provisions of The Local Improvement Act and to provide that such sum shs.J.l be
rei;$ya.ble in yearly sums with interee~t .. du.ri,ng the period of f:lftQ&n .years.
Al'lD Wiiii:!!EAS purusant to the said :s,y .. la.we, a.ll suah varks were
authorised to be done as a result of petitions, a.s locs.J. improvements under The
Local Improvement .Aot.
Al'lD mmRBAS it is desirable to consolidate into one debenture by..;.la.w
the a.mount_s required to be bor.rowed for the construction of the said various Vltlrks
under the said by .. and to issue deb_entures therefor in one cons.eoutive issue.
A:ND wasa•:As speoisl assesement rolls have been pre,pared, pursuant to
The Local Im;provement Act, covering the sp:> ois.J. assesement required by t.b& said
b)r-laws which assessment rolls have besn adopted by the Court of ll.evi sion.
AND VIHEREAS the a.mount of the whole rateable property of the J\!Unioips.J.i ty
according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is $2,399,104.00 and whereas
the amount of the existing debsnture debt of the Corporation, eiclusive of looal
ilJU)rovements secured by speois.J. rates or assessments, is $J,,029,lllo25o
1. For the purpose a.fbresaid the Corporation shall borrn upon the credit
-{y. ;: J-'v · '"'
of the Corporation a. sum not ex6esding $25,566.17 and shall issue debantures
therefor in the sum not less than $lOOoOO each and bearing interest at the rate
of .5' per annum p~able u · annually and having ooupo:os attached thereto
fbr the payment of interest.
2. All tlB debentures she.ll bear the sane date, shall be issued at one
ti:me and within tVlOyears after the ~ on Which this bJr-la.w is passed, llllloy bear
aey date Within such two years and shall be made payable in a:anua.l instalments
~ dUI.'ing the period o~ars ll&xt a:rter the date of iSsue thereof and the
respective amounts of prinoipal and interest payable in eaoh of suah years al:d.l ~ ,
be the amount so designated in Sohedule "A" hereto attaohed. \ •
3. The DebentUI.'es shall be repa,vabie' as to both principsJ. and interest in
law:f'lll money of canada and may be p!\Vable in suah place or places in Ca.nada as ~ •
shall be designated thereon. . · · \·
4. The said debentures shall be sealed With the seal of t.he Corporation
and si~ed by the head of the Oounoil, o:r by some other parson authorised to
sign the same by by-law, &rld by ths Treasurer. !!!he interest coupons shall be
si~ed ay the !l!reasurer and his signatmoe thereon 111.1\Y be written, stan:q;>ed, \~ •
lithOgr~i!!J.hed or engraved.
5. Oollllllencing in the year 1954, and thereafter in each year in which an
il:lStalment of principal of the debt and interest S:Lown for t.he respective
year in the 4th column of the sa.l.d Schedule "'"• Suoh sums shall be levied and
raised as follows 1
(a) The Corporation's share, amounting to $ ll,75le8land interest
thereon shall be levied and ra.l.sed by a special rate sufficient therefore over
and above all other rates upon all the rateable property in the Municipality. \ ~'
(b J For the pa,vment of the owners• share and interest thereon, the
spec:l:al assessment set forth in the sptcial assessment roll is hereby imposed as
follows :
$ l.66per foot frontage for the oonstl'llction of sanitary sewers on
all lots of mllView llD&d and on Tyler Street and $1.21 per foot frontage for
the construction of storm sewers on Hill vi f!IR Boad, all as autl:Jorised by said By-
laws Ntunbers 1157 alld 1160.
$1.~~7.55' per foot frontage for the constl'llction of sanitary sewers and
$~333$ per foot frontage for the construction of storm sewers and $ .:SS&-9 per
foot frontage for grading on all lots: of' cameron Aveme from Cousins Dl'i ve
to D1l!llling Avenue and on Boya.:L ~ad., from Yonge Street to cameron Ave2lll6 and
$J..;'2'/l)5, per foot frontage for tl!.e oonstrnction of' aaztUery sewers ancl.9333 cents
for the construction of' at0l"1Jl.aewers and $0 8869 per foot for gading on a:Ll
lots on :&>yal Boad from Yonge Street to cameron Avenue, a:Ll as autl!.oril!ed by,~~~
said By-law Number l060A, sa amended.
6t ~ debentar.-es IIUiiY contain a clause providi:q; for the registration ~
thereof' p~sua.nt to Seoti~n 335 of' the Mmioipa:L Act. \'
7. Pending the sale of' the debentures~ the head of' the Council and the
Treasurer may raise for the purpose aforesaid by w11q of loan on amll debentures,
any sum or sums o:l!' money not exceeding in a:Ll the sum hereby authorized to
borrcwed and may hy];lothecate such debentures for such loan.
s. The Corporation shall have right at its option, to redeem the
I:L. ,.":f • (,W"''\,'~1;
debentures falling due in the 'f'ii'temth year as shown in the said schedule
thereof' at any time prior to mat~ity at the places where and in the moneys in
which the said debentures are e:x;pressed to be pflqable, upon p11qlllent of' the
principal amount thereof' together with interest aoorned to the date o:lt r9d9J!l,Ption
and upon giving previous notice of' said intention to redeem by advertising once
in the Ontario Gazette and once in the daily newsps,per of' general Provincial
circulation publililed in the City of' !l!oronto, and oms in a local newspaper,
such notice to be advertized as a.toresaid at least thirty days prior to t.ha date
fixed for redemption. liotioe of' said intention so to redeem li:Lall also be sent
by post at least thirty dAYS prior to the date set for such redemption to each
person in whose name a debenture so to be redeemed is registered at the address
shown .in the Debenture Registry Book. Upon notice being given as aforesaid, the
debentures ao called f'f11.' redemption, shall be and. become due and p11qabl e on the
date fixed for redemppion, in the same manner and with the same effect as if' it
were the date of' maturity speoif'ied in such debenture, and from and. after such
date so fixed for redemption, interest on the said debentures sllall cease unless
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paymEI!lt of the redEilllption price shaJ.l not be made on presEI!ltation and
surrender of the debenture certificate as therein provided on or after
the date so fixed for redemption.
.READ a first 7-I day of lleCEilllber, 1953 •
day of , 195
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lN 'J,'l:ll MA'J.'fllm 0¥!'. S~e'l/i~Qn 46 of ufil.e
.4m .... t. $ri· .. · o ....•. ". n. b.1~. 1.· ..... ~. '*.· .. t'tt ..... · 4etn (R,$ .• P •. 19501 . lllha;p"r it2h and
J:N 'JIH.llllU:!:fll:R OF. an 0-l!' . qf .. tP ~-
81)$~.4-nt.t~ tl'.le.l?~h.\iay ~tO¢~cb!.tll't
4. ll•,. l,t~ •. ~ll'!iJI.l.lm~ ·~ l~Mtioli 10 .. t ~tfbe Onttetc•i. Bea:ri Aettt :~~=;:~~~ie~. ~ ~n~~~--u~r
Ci'lt a fl.lapit<'~l e"'Petrditq;~ · f!>l tG:1•~<.'.QO
tt>1t ~ 1':cnJ~t~~t:t!!ln .• -.. ee~n l"al tmpm~~ ~tk~J, .. ~··· •t~~~ fqrth . :tn s.m.dule. ttp.n att~~-d. :t;h~nto• . anf:l
U 'l'HJ; !4.4'l'11lllJ\ OF •n>applbathn at t~he lllil:ld!;<l!:f'J!Qrat:t~tljr&.PP!:'•T~.14. an. ~~thnal e:qu~nlilttur& ~>t f~,100,.11~
a. e.~ h.w1 .. 4, > ne ... S)Jji.~ • t
"' tlln.!i "' I
C" F. Nun.n, .
11' J;S ORDEU», tm/.ier and in ptu;oeuance
tJf the ll!!gb:lation h&r"&!nbo.tore nterrll!d tot and
Qt any ana. a:U othef pewera v li!j!ftEid. in tb$ .Soard,.
that it$ saU 0rdel' dated thlil l'lth Octlllbf!r1 A. ~ ••
1950, be liUld '!#he s(Ame im hl!lrel;ly amtta<leli by the
d!i!leti$n ot the tlgare$ ttf1S, '7$6.00 11 wherever they
0\\!eur theAlnt and th~t aubst>it.utio'l!l t.bweffi>t> !t#f the
f!FEU!I nJllil7•$~&.l?lf 1 • by the :.1:\lrt.ber lielet~bn d
the i'ti\l)r'es "i••QOQ•tlll~A l:t.em tH t '"t2 .7~.:~11 (li;.em d) 1
"$1,5GO~" (It• (o~, "ta,s~O<iOO" ~~~~~-g). nt74l.,son
(ltem mJ fl.ii19.;o" (.It• nJ. ~i~tM:l 11.'*705.,.()011 {l:t.em o), ·
ln Schedule *'A 11 &ttae?aed thereto, (lm.d the au.blllt.i:tu.t:!G"a
thlll:tl!lfOl' o.f the fi~:rea ttf2l7$ .. ~i~, '!$~72;~ ·~J'1 , ~t$.:Ut7~" 1
n$2606~" t ~'~$11~~~07 11 b.nd 11 $lOJ~.Olttt 'li'
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1 I
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P.r.!). 1014 .·
•~ ~ .. ft::=aJa~:
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J. · ft•4tday .. · tbe")l.$i. ·431
~ Of AuaJa;et, ~A. D .. , iL 9$4• ·
Ul!r !JQAliP ()~~. -4-* · .. -. .,. .. ,,~·-······Of
tAe .16&1$l!l1-t• -··ta.oe.l'oJ"e ... f.~d ". a~ ., .,.
an( au ftUl" ,...,.r. YMted tn t,he ~a.-<t, 1!.... t~
oi!i ~.-\(tr~r 44~Ja ;t;~>~f! · Qy o~ ,.~~~ i~ &. , l.9SI., . ~ ' ' ' -. . ' . ' "' ' ' ' ' -' ', .
he . 4iU'I,t\ 't:b,e aa'm& ~.~ llenby .... fled by inaerti.. aftiel!'
~~~ tigUI"ee "19$:J• "•• allltn<le4 l>r »y .. l,aw ~ll!hel!' 11H.
p!lii!Uld the 1611'1 da)' ef A'qul!t, 19S4• tn the nc:tt~al,
an.d by in#eri:t.n. Qe WON 1fallltn4ed'~ after the '~fori 11 sd411
in the ena:ct.ina · .,lau.-.
4ar fit ~-~··~ 4'. 1,.,
·Xt xs Q'Quu, ..... 1\4 '• ~\l••···ot
tke tee!il•tla ker~etue :rete~ tO.,. ut •t • -' • -• '• ,•_' ' ' ___ ••• 0 • ' •
aar ••• All Jt."r ""*'* v••W lA •~• ... ~. · •n.•
the tdli pn,.$ed. .,.,.~,. IU!be!" Uti, ~• ·-· \.~t • ·.
aue '' ke:r•br apJ!r"'"..:' .--'-·.·.,
. ·il • LORNE C. LEE, B.A.,LL.B.
'!Iii~· ~<'H~. ~.ofl¢:1! • .¢.~:t:.
.Tuly 9th, 19.5 3•
Mr. \}eorge Wilkin son ,
Clerk, Town of Aurora,
AURORA, Ontario~
Dea:Ir George· : Re: Additional expenditure -Royal Road
Dunning Avenue anO. cameron Avenue
I am enclosing herewith duplicate original of the BoarO.'s
Order approving the additional expenditure of $2,100<17.
Yours very truly,
Ll.:ll?ne c. Lee & Bailey,
Per :
I.~· ... ~~~...-••r
. J I .,, !ili!U'qh, ~. 1;., l'PS,!j..,
X'f,:ns, ~RD!iiQf ~·--· ••• t;n , AAr~~~~··· ~,t, · ' ' ' ' . -' ; ' : :,-, -', ' ·. ' ' ' ·: ·: -:.'· ' (-;·, ; :~·'' '" ·:."< •. ~~·
·$heleat.ttt"ll!n·le~l'Q~"tt~t!'•l'•t•~~tol •'•··~····~a•r.
aniil all ota.r ,owell's Vfs'tied ,!~ ~hf J~al:'d., th•'t tlt•
aaid Sy.hw ilube:r '11'7:5:,,' ,, ' U.4 \\hill ~· iii' a•"Wt' -' ' . ·~ .
A;J}!Jn-Al "'-.I '~·~~ ' '
.. _ "? --. "'
a IS r 0 am:
W,. J. Moell'et O.L-1••
... --..
.a. Houri_ leate•,
l'f Xl!il Q.Rl:»li.Rlllll:., 1anflel!' •a•il ;la. pr~••• of.
the. l\t~$la,ton --•r.lnb(ttt:re t"et'en-~ ~(II, &fi<i 9f
. -. . ' . . -. ' .
any and all ot~r powel!'J ve•te4 '-• ~}1$ iloarii._ t~at the
ll!Qlae~ o,f .giving ott a, of fttli•l!lptillltt ot li~b_eil.~e$'
as ~O'ftlllld b the llai4. 8y ... law i'Umble:t ll'7$,, .. an<l, .. j,'
' '
t.he il'lclt:t>~nc of a f1trt1le_1" d$bt nll)t exet~-efll~ tb$
;rd.d amount-,_ he aad ~e _ aame a:re hereby appl!"c.-v~~~;
. . -: '
1 "' 5 Years
Principal lnterest
• 1955 . $ 603.00 $ 148.88 ,...
I" 1956 . 700.00 123.25
1957· 700.00 93.50
1958 700.00 63.75
~ 1959. 800100 ~L..1 oo
$ 3,503.00 $ 43.38
t 1960
1961 ,, 1962
1965 ...
By Law #ltlf
Local Improvements
$ 751;.88
$ 3,96 .38
. ' \. t,_,~
1 "' 15 Years
Principal Interest Totai -
$ 1,08.3.17 $ 938.53 $ 2,021.70
1,ooo.oo 892.50 1,892.50
1,000.00 850.00 1,850.00'
1:,000.00 807.50 1,807.50
1,500.00 76~,00 2,265.00
1,500.,00 701.25 2,201,25
1,500.00 637.50 2,137.50
1,5oo.oo 573.75 2,073.75
1,500.00 510,00 2,010,00
1,500•00 446.25 1,946.25
1,500.00" .382.50 1,882.50
11 500.00 .318.75 1,818.75
2,ooo.oo 255.00 2,255.00
2,ooo.oo 170.00 2,170.00
21000 1 00 8~1 00 2,08:2-oo
$ 22,083.17 $ 8, $ .3():.416.70