BYLAW - Appointing Buissness Planning Associates Ltd. t oEqualize Assessment - 19530615 - 116253*'•"'uw ~ JUSDFB~ J>MIDWli A.SSOCU'fB ~. et • exu or · --to WAIJG WE.~ or tHE_. .or·AiRCJA. . . ·-~:-.u.: tkt ,.~---ot ~-~ ." .. . · j;tWp•~~t•~ w·.,.• * .,•*"'* ld••• m.-•••· ~~~\i~~r•-.t•. ,._,~ p'll..,... ot -..ualiq «41 tb.e ••••llliiPt ot ihlJ • ctt ~,. · ~. • ~.t •. •~liT ...... _., ...,. tile ••JI*l: ~a ii!J,:•the t•i'JJOratlo~t ot·tn. ~· ot ••~ tl.'*h'a •4$set4att• li.ot.lDl~ &:A4 •• ..._., ·to li$ att~ ·~ tbilll ~ !In as SOh~ •A•, the llaJOt--.4 •c.lk be a'll\helnsed. \0 lll}p tu ~ llllllft lhl ttehi:U' ot the t.~tatl11111• 11M ihe pro~ l'!i•**'a otti'tus •• bl,ol'UlJi<t' · ot tl1iJ ~. tllatf.D.elll• ''*Ins ~.._~.._ i4JttU«. llta!i the P!JIIItlt SeeollfJ, aaci ihe tld.r4 rs. at!.d fiJ.I&l:ly ,. ........ .,.. ~. thtlt . ;;;.K. il!lr ot .ltme A.D. 1Jl$. ~< 1'.·.','· .. · .. · ~; ~·· ~·· 1!: ~ .. :~ (· ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ./-~Mr. G. Wilkinson, d-.-/Clerk, , .~own of Aurora, AURORA, Ontario. Dear Sir: PARLIAMENT BUJL·DJNGS ·'TORONTO · September 21st, 1953 • In reply to your letter of the 17th inst. please find enclosed herewith approved copy of By-Law No. 11b4 extending the time fer 30 days for the return of your 1953 assessment roll and also 30 days for the necessary revision of same. MRS/mr Encl. Your;yr:r truly, //JZ.(~ M-. R. Slean Assessment Supervis0r.