BYLAW - Amend By law 939 - 19531005 - 116953:<. BY.,LAW NlJ.IIfBER .. 1/b'j O:f the bldipliJ. ctirpor!ltiOn o:f the !!.'own o:f Aurom' REPEALED, SEE . $Y·LAW NO .. J..,?;:;!;:;/,., . ::2 r" o. .J A BY-LAW !1.'0 AMEND BY.oLAW NUMBER 939 BEING A BY-LAW ~0 .ll.OOULATlli TBAFFIO HIGHWAYS WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL cOlll?OBATION OF. THE TOWN OF Al.laOBA •. I WHEREAS the S?oid By-law Number 939 has. been amended by :ay.:.laws · Nu~e,rs I 1076 and ll27; AND WHEREAS the council of the corporation o:r the Town o:f Aurora deem it expedien to further amend the said By-law to regulate traffic in the Town of Aur()l!L; J, •. TIJE.BEro.RE ~l.'HE .MIJNIOIPAL COUNCIL Ob' :rHE OOllJ?O.tlATION OE' THE ~UWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS .ilOLLOWS: repealed. ,.., ""'"""• 4(aJ ot ""', m I<'""'"''.,_,_ ... ,., 939 la }il 2. !hat Sllbsection (l) o:f Section 4 o:f Part lll of .By-law Number 939 is amended by deleting therefrom the last two paragraphs reading as :fol\l.ows:-- d-. "'n the east side of Yonge Street. from the North liiii.Lt o:f Lot l, accord.lng ~ I to Pl!ln 9 :for the Town o:f Aurora, to the North Limit o:f Xenne!iY Street East, --· .• -· ' . c,.. ---': . . ~ . ~ "'n the North side o:f \'/ellington Street l!l>st :fr01Jl the e<ttensipn Northerly it -i ; • ' . . \ . a straight line o:f the westerly limit o:f Vic'toria street westerly tq the " commencement of the meters. and by adding .the said par!lgraphs to Subsection (2) o:r section 4 of the said Part l so that Subsection l of the said Section 4 shall read as :follows: -4. Parking Probitited (l) In specified places · E'o person Shall IBrk a vehicle in any o:f the :following places: on a iiidawalk. In :front o:f a public or private driveway. Within ail intersection. JYi.thUI,_lo':i''feet o:f a :fire hydr!lnt. on a cro,!j_WfNk• ·· . ~ 'IQ:;: 'teltt o:f. a crosswalk at an intersection. /'on any bridge, or the approaches thereto. On any st.re.et -in such a !llalU1er as to obstruct tra:f:fic, Jn suoh a position as will prevent the convenient .removal of any other vehicle previelusly parked or standing, . . .. . · - .... ~\m~f"-'~~.~~ ) ·.· .. · On any highway>or street, £or-an uh:rea.sonable length of time 1J.aving,regard :for the traffic requirements of such highway, and ln no case,:ror a longer time than 1"MQ~hours between 12.00 o • clock midll!ght and 7 .oo clock a.m.~· • • • • • -2- 3. !!!hat Subsection 2 of .. Section .4 of the said Part lll is :further amended by adding thereto the following p~agraphs; 4. "'n the West side of Yonge Street North from the North limit of LOt 16 !140ording to Plan 246 for the !l'own of .aurora to the southwest corner o~ Irwin Jive. and .Yonge Street." "'n the west side of Youge street South from the North limit of Lot l ' according to Plan 9 for the Town of Aurora to the Northwest corner of ICenne~ st;reet we~t,/ro.., MJf~· /:;,-?vBQ:,k;,b«~ll:}lf'; /Lf. the said Subsection 2 whall read as follows: •(2) In specified Places where Si@S ondisplav When properly worded signs have been .erected and are on display, no person shall park a vehicle in any of the following places1 Withj.n fifty feet Of &cy intersection on SlJY through Jl.!,ghway, Within twenty-five feet of the. lot on which a fire hall is located on that side. of th. e street on which such fire ha.. ll i. s l_ocated or w_lthin \.~ one hundred feet of such lot oli the opposite side of said street. ~· . ' . . 7/...:.f I~ , . • on the east side of yonge street from the Nor-th lim,it of Lot lDjaooord- ing to Pl~ail&for the !l'own of .aurora, to ,the· North limit of Xenne~ty .· ~ Street East... . ... · · . ·---~--. --. ·---· -. . on the North side of Wellington Street E!!.st ·from the extens.ion Northerly~ in a straight line of the Westerly limit of Victoria Street Westerly to \ the commencement of the meters. On the West side of Yonge Street ·North from .. tlie according to Plan 246 for the Town of Aurora to Irwin .ave. and Yonge street. I '· Nor.tli limit· of Lo.t 16 · ( the southwest corner of On the West side of Yonge Street South fram the North limit of I.ot l accord.ing t.o Plan 9 fo.r the !l'own. of Aurora. to. the N~{lhwest corner of ICenned.y street west ,~..,~j'":_t;, c@r~rf ~f.? .!LA-d. '1~ 2hat th.l:s By-law shall -rake effect on 1 ts receiving a third reading and on it be!ug approved by the Department of Highways of ontario. Read a first. and second time Approved this 25th day of September; 19 pursuant to"the provisions o the Hig., ... ~J· Traffic Act, this, g'" ' day of September, 1953 •. R H, .Doucett, F HIGHWAYS ?Jt£_ Read a third time and pass 1:1 t Mayor ;t..-( day of September, l953c.• ABY-L:AW TO PROVIDE FOR THE ,,, :' i,'>i·<<BY-L,A'fl:,NO O;c_·· --,.'=.;=-~~~~"""· ~~P~li,~llle,l'l~~'~ · . · ··· ... · .. -, . ·•···. ··· ..• , .. ,···,.'·.·•·.·· ' .. ··''.··••.,., •. 19537 EXPENDH'uRE OI{ ROADS OR STREETS OF AUB.OR.I\. IN THE·~· OF·.-.··-y""",C)"""BK ..... · ___ ..,._--~ WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement :Act a by-law to provide for expenditure on roads or stree.ts. may be submitted_ annually to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEJZEFORE the council of the corporation of the said~~--- acts as follows: -............._, '·ALTh,e sum of i;i 2J,6eo.oo· is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentur'es aL·'l government subsidy for total expenditure on construction aJ1d maintenance .Qf the roads or streets under its jurisdiction during the year 19~as follows: ROADS & STREETS CONSTRUCTION .••...••.. $ 2.:3 # 600 ~ 0.0 BRIDGES & CULVERTS TOTAL $ $ 2J,6oo.oo ------- M.AINTJi:N~.rlli-CE_ ••• -•••••••• $ _________ _ $ _________________ $ _____________ ___ T 0 T A L S $..;2;;;;.:3.&.,6;;.;o;.;;o;.;;.•,;;oo.· ...,.,.,.. $ _______ $ 2J,6oo.oo The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway. Improvement Act. (3) The <iJlerk shall transmit duplicate cop'ies of this 'by'-law to the district office of the Municipal Roa,Q.s Branch, Department of Highway's, not later than the 28th day of February qf the sai:i year. (SEAL) . , George Wilkinson of Aurora copy of Hy-law No. 1169 A.D.l95J~ • , Clerk of the Corporation of the . do hereby certify that the foregoing passed by the Council of the said