BYLAW - OLT Amend 528510 OPA23 (15286 and 15306 Leslie St) - 20220920 - 644722The Corporation of the Town of Aurora By-law Number 6447-22 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 5285-10, as amended, to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 23 (File No. OPA-2016-03). Whereas on September 28, 2010, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora (the “Town”) enacted By-law Number 5285-10, as amended, to adopt the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora (the “Official Plan”); And whereas on August 26, 2022, the Ontario Land Tribunal (“OLT”) issued a Decision and Order, under OLT Case No. OLT-22-003339 (formerly, PL171402) (the “Order”) approving an amendment to the Official Plan respecting the lands municipally known as 15286 and 15306 Leslie Street, following an appeal pursuant to section 22(7) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended; Now therefore the Official Plan is amended by the Ontario Land Tribunal as follows: 1.Official Plan Amendment No. 23 to the Official Plan, attached and forming part of this By-law, be and is hereby adopted. 2.This By-law shall come into full force subject to compliance with the provisions of the Planning Act and subject to compliance with such provisions, this By-law will take effect from the date of final passage hereof. Pursuant to the Order of the Ontario Land Tribunal issued on the 26th day of August, 2022, under OLT Case No. OLT-22-003339 (formerly, PL171402). By-law Number 6447-22 Page 2 of 5 Amendment No. 23 To the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora Statement of Components Part I – The Preamble 1.Introduction 2.Purpose of the Amendment 3.Location 4.Basis of the Amendment Part II – The Amendment 1.Introduction 2.Details of the Amendment 3.Implementation and Interpretation Part III – The Appendices By-law Number 6447-22 Page 3 of 5 Part I – The Preamble 1.Introduction This part of Official Plan Amendment No. 23 (the “Amendment”), entitled Part I – The Preamble, explains the purpose and location of this Amendment, and provides an overview of the reasons for it. It is for explanatory purposes only and does not form part of the Amendment. 2.Purpose of the Amendment The purpose of this Amendment is to facilitate the development of three (3), seven (7) storey residential buildings, with a total of approximately 345 units. 3.Location The Amendment applies to the lands located on the west side of Leslie Street, north of Wellington Street, municipally known as 15286 and 15306 Leslie Street, in the Town of Aurora; having a lot area of approximately 1.8 hectares (4.4 acres); and legally described as Part Lot 21, Concession 2, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (the “Subject Lands”). 4.Basis of the Amendment The basis of the Amendment is as follows: 4.1 The Official Plan Amendment and an associated Zoning By-law Amendment was submitted to the Town of Aurora for consideration in 2016, to facilitate the development of two (2) residential buildings with a total of 300 units. The proposal was amended to include three (3) residential buildings with a total of approximately 345 units. Each building is seven (7) storeys in height (excluding amenity floor space and mechanical penthouses over the seventh floor which shall be permitted). 4.2 A Public Planning Meeting was held on September 28, 2016 to present the application and obtain input from the public and Council. 4.3 The Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications were appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) as Council had not yet made a decision on the applications. 4.4 The Bayview Northeast Area 2B Secondary Plan (OPA 30) policies for the Medium-High Density Residential designation identify a maximum net residential density for any individual lot no greater than 99 units per hectare (40 units per acre). An Amendment to the Official Plan is required to increase the maximum gross density to generally 191 units per hectare (79 units per acre). 4.5 The Secondary Plan policies also identify building heights of generally not greater than four storeys. An Amendment to the Official Plan is required to increase the height to seven (7) storeys. 4.6 The Bayview Northeast Area 2B Secondary Plan (OPA 30), Section 4.5 (Bonusing), contains enabling policies for height and density bonusing under Section 37 of the Planning Act. By-law Number 6447-22 Page 4 of 5 4.7 The policies of the Amendment are considered to be compatible and appropriate which will result in a complementary built form. 4.8 Appropriate development of the subject lands will be achieved through the implementation of policies of the Official Plan and OPA 30, and the urban design guidelines as part of the Town’s Site Plan Control process. Part II – The Amendment 1.Introduction This part of the document entitled Part II – The Amendment, consisting of the following text and attached as Schedule A and Schedule B, constitutes Amendment 23 to the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora Planning Area. The effect of this Amendment is to amend the Town of Aurora Official Plan to permit the development of three (3) residential buildings with a height of seven (7) storeys and a total of approximately 345 units. 2.Details of the Amendment Item (1): Schedule “A” of the Official Plan is hereby amended by removing the subject lands from the “Community Commercial” designation and adding them into the “Medium-High Density Residential” and “Linear and Other Open Space” designations, as shown on Schedule “A” of this Amendment. Item (2): Schedule “H”, Site Specific Policy Areas, being part of the Town of Aurora Official Plan, identifies Site Specific Policy 28 over the Subject Lands, as shown on Schedule “B”. Item (3): Notwithstanding any policies to the contrary as outlined in OPA 30 respecting development policies, the “Site Specific Policy No. 28” policies are deleted and replaced with the following special site specific use and policies, for the area shown as the Subject Lands on Schedule B attached hereto and forming part of this Plan: “Section 16.28 Schedule “A”, Land Use Plan, being part of the Town of Aurora Official Plan and OPA 30, is amended by changing the land use designation for the Subject Lands, described as Part Lot 21, Concession 2 Whitchurch, Registered Plan 65R2640, Part of Part 1, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, from “Community Commercial” to “Medium-High Density Residential” and “Linear and Other Open Space”.” The following policies apply to the lands designated “Medium-High Density Residential” on Part of Lot 21, Concession 2 Whitchurch, Registered Plan 65R2640, Part of Part 1, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, as shown on Schedule “A” and “H” attached hereto and forming part of this plan. i)The Subject Lands are permitted to be used for three (3) residential apartment buildings with a total of approximately 345 residential units to a maximum height of seven (7) storeys. Mechanical penthouses and amenity floor space above the 7th floor shall be permitted. By-law Number 6447-22 Page 5 of 5 ii)Notwithstanding Policy 3.2.2(b) of the Bayview Northeast Area 2B Secondary Plan (OPA 30), a maximum gross density of generally 191 units per hectare, or 79 units per acre, and a maximum building height of seven (7) storeys is permitted. Mechanical penthouses and amenity floor space above the 7th floor shall be permitted. iii)In accordance with Policy 4.5 (Bonusing) of OPA 30, Section 37 of the Planning Act shall be utilized for an appropriate public benefit in return for an increase in height and density. In accordance with Section 6.3 (Affordable Housing) of the Official Plan, the Town of Aurora has identified affordable housing as the Section 37 public benefit. iv)The implementing Zoning By-law amendment will establish site specific provisions by incorporating appropriate development standards for the Subject Lands. v)A holding provision in accordance with Section 36 of the Planning Act shall be implemented for a portion of the Subject Lands to allow for a portion of the site to be developed as affordable housing. The lands subject to the “H” may be acquired by the Region of York or another non-profit organization for the purpose of providing affordable housing. vi)The detailed design of the public realm and other site plan matters will be finalized to the satisfaction of the Town of Aurora prior to Site Plan Approval for the proposed development. 3. Interpretation and Implementation This Amendment has been considered in accordance with the provisions of the Official Plan. The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance with the policies of the Official Plan. Part III – The Appendices Schedule “A”: Schedule “A” of the Official Plan Schedule “B”: Schedule “H” of the Official Plan ¬«POW¬«CP WELLINGTON STREET EASTWELLINGTON STREET EAST LESLIE STREETLESLIE STREETMap created by the Town of Aurora Planningand Development Services Department -GIS Division, April 21, 2020. Base dataprovided by York Region ¯ 0 10 20 30 40 50 Metres Official Plan Amendment No. 23 Schedule "A" Schedule"A" of the Official Plan LEGEND Subject Lands OPA 30, Institutional OPA 30, Business Park OPA 30, Community Commercial OPA 30, Business Park - Regional Commercial Centre Medium-High Density Residential Place of Worship Linear and Other Open Space Community Park tutututututu tututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututuTOWNSHIP OF KINGRailway/GO Transit LineTOWN OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLETOWN OF NEWMARKET Railway/GO Transit LineCNRHydro CorridorHydro Co r r ido r TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL ST. JOHN'S SIDEROAD ST. JOHN'S SIDEROAD WELLINGTONSTREET WEST WELLINGTON STREET EAST HENDERSON DRIVE VANDORF SIDEROAD BLOOMINGTON ROAD BLOOMINGTON ROADBATHURST STREETBATHURST STREETYONGE STREETYONGE STREETBAYVIEW AVENUEBAYVIEW AVENUELESLIE STREETLESLIE STREETHIGHWAY 404HIGHWAY 404Delete 27 and replace XX 37 35 36 38 39 40 41 45 46 43 44 42 47 49 48 50 16 5 32 14 1 23 19 1526 20 10 18 34 4 13 31 21 6 279 8 3 33 7 2 29 24 & 25 11 22 12 30 17 THIS SCHEDULE IS A CONSOLIDATIONAND IS PREPARED FOR CONVENIENCEONLY. FOR ACCURATE REFERENCES,THE ORIGINAL OPA SCHEDULESSHOULD BE CONSULTED. COPIES OFTHE ORIGINALS ARE AVAILABLE INTHE CORPORATE & FINANCIALSERVICES OR PLANNING &BUILDINGT SERVICES DEPARTMENTS. ´ 0 10.5 Kilometers LEGEND Built Boundary Site Specific Policy Areas Site Specific Policy Area Boundary of Oak Ridges Moraine Area Ontario Regulation 01/02" Municipal BoundaryRoad Oak Ridges Moraine BoundaryProposed Road "Boundary of Oak Ridges Moraine ConservationPlan Area Ontario Regulation 140/02 CREATED: 09/28/2011 APPROVED BY: DW UPDATED: 04/21/2020 UPDATED BY: ML DRAWN BY: CF & JS FILE NAME: Schedule_H_Site_Specific_Policy_Areas.mxd Schedule "B" Schedule "H" of the Official Plan Official Plan Amendment No. 23