AGENDA - General Committee - 20110118PUBLIC RELEASE January 14, 2011 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, January 18, 2011 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST II APPROVAL OF AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Customer and Legislative Services Department be approved as presented. III ADOPTION OF MINUTES None IV DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION V ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION VI DELEGATIONS (a) Steve Hinder, Chair, 2011 A & B Courier Run For Southlake pg. 1 Re: 10th Annual A & B Courier Run For Southlake (b) Svetoslava Topouzova, Resident pg. 7 Re: Request to Convert the Area at Bayview Ave. and St. John’s Sideroad into a Community Park General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Page 2 of 9 (c) Isobel Ralston and Jan Oudenes, Residents pg. 10 Re: Exclusion of Golf Course from Aurora’s Tree Permit Process (d) David LeClair, Representing Aurora Selkies & Masters pg. 11 Swim Club Re: Proposed Pool Allocation Policy (e) Chris Endicott, Representing Aurora Selkies & Masters pg. 12 Swim Club Re: Proposed Pool Allocation Policy (f) Pedro Balzan, Representing Aurora Selkies & Masters pg. 13 Swim Club Re: Proposed Pool Allocation Policy (g) Director of Parks and Recreation Services pg. 14 Re: Pool Allocation – General Committee Report PR11-001 VII PRESENTATIONS BY THE COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE VIII CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION IX NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION - COUNCILLORS X CLOSED SESSION THAT Council resolve into a Closed Session to consider: ¾ Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; Re: Morris v. Johnson et al. - Defamation Action ¾ A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; Re: Acquisition of Balance of Case Woodlot XI ADJOURNMENT General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Page 3 of 9 AGENDA ITEMS 1. CAO11-002 – Awarding of Contracts During the Election Recess pg. 15 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CAO11-002 be received for information. . 2. BBS11-001 – Award of Request for Proposal No. CLS2010-34 pg. 18 Customer Service Strategy RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive Report No. BBS11-001; and THAT Request for Proposal No. CLS2010-34 (the “RFP”) – for the consulting services related to the development of a Customer Service Strategy, be awarded to Atfocus Inc. at its bid price of $78,100 excluding taxes; and THAT the consulting fees be funded through the 2010 budget approved Capital Project 12016 – Customer Care Implementation Plan in the amount of $50,000 and the remaining $28,100 be funded by 2010 unspent consulting dollars by way of a budget carry-forward; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement with Atfocus Inc. for the provision of consulting services with respect to the RFP. 3. CFS11-001 – Extension of Infrastructure Projects Under the pg. 22 Economic Action Plan RECOMMENDED: 1) THAT report CFS11-001 be received; and 2) THAT the park development project previously approved for Davis Rd Park be reallocated to a park washroom project in Ada Johnson Park along with all of the previously approved Town funding of $83,334 and two thirds matching grant funding of $166,666; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Page 4 of 9 3) THAT the scope for the Improvements to the Aurora Community Centre project, be expanded to allow additional upgrades from existing funds; and 4) THAT the following resolution required by our funding partners be approved as follows: WHEREAS the federal and provincial governments are providing a one- time extension of the deadline for funding of projects under the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, Build Canada Fund – Communities Top-up and the Recreational Infrastructure Canada/Ontario Recreation Program from March 31, 2011 to October 31, 2011; and WHEREAS all funding from the government of Canada and Ontario will cease after October 31, 2011; and WHEREAS The Corporation of the Town of Aurora has asked the provincial government for an extension to federal and provincial funding to October 31, 2011 for the following projects: Program Project Project Title Eligible Cost 772 Energy Management & Building System Retrofits $740,400 Infrastructure Stimulus Fund 16142 Ada Johnson Park Washroom Facility $250,000 Build Canada Fund – Communities Intake 2 28051 Trail Network Connections $325,000 2058 Rehabilitation of Aurora Park Infrastructure $946,686.50 2059 Upgrading of Sheppards Bush Areas Parking Lot and Fitness Trail $612,563 2060 Improvements to Aurora Community Centre Arena $402,188 Recreation Infrastructure Canada/Ontario 2063 Rehabilitation of Confederation Park $124,988 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Corporation of the Town of Aurora attests that it will continue to contribute its share of the required funding for the aforementioned projects; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT actual claims for all eligible costs incurred by March 31, 2011 for the aforementioned projects must be and will be submitted no later than April 30, 2011; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Page 5 of 9 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT The Corporation of the Town of Aurora will ensure that the projects will be completed by October 31, 2011; and 5) THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any agreement or documents required by the grant funding partners. 4. CLS11-001 – Pending List pg. 27 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive report CLS11-001; and THAT Council identify items that are no longer of interest to the current Council; and THAT Council direct staff to remove these identified items from the list. 5. CLS11-004 – Post 2010 Election Report Re: Accessibility pg. 43 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive report CLS11-004 for information. 6. IES11-001 – Solar Photovoltaic Development Project at the pg. 51 Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive Report No. IES11-001 for information; and THAT Council authorize staff to prepare and submit an Ontario Power Authority (OPA) application for a Feed in Tariff (FIT) Contract for the proposed solar photovoltaic system at the Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex. 7. IES11-002 – Award of RFP No. IES2010-73 – Architectural pg. 68 Consulting Services for a New Operations Centre RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive report no. IES11-002; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Page 6 of 9 THAT Council approve the award of RFP No. IES2010-73 for the services of an architect for a facility and site space needs assessment, analysis, options, recommendations and preliminary design work in the amount $98,475, excluding taxes, to OneSpace Unlimited Incorporated in accordance with the Purchasing By-law. 8. IES11-003 – Extension of Tender No. PW2007-123 – The pg. 71 Maintenance and Emergency Responding to Sanitary Lift and Water Booster Stations within the Town of Aurora RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive report No. IES11-003; and THAT Tender No. IES2007-123 – for the Maintenance and Emergency Responding to Sanitary Lift and Water Booster Stations within the Town of Aurora as awarded to American Water Canada Corporation, be extended for one additional year at the unit prices tendered. 9. IES11-004 – Janitorial Services Contract for Town of Aurora pg. 75 Facilities RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive report No. IES11-004; and THAT Council approve award of RFP IES2010-71 for janitorial supplies and services to Royal Building Cleaning Ltd. in the amount of $1,883,080, excluding taxes, over a five (5) year period. 10. IES11-005 – Implementation of a Work Order Management/ pg. 78 Asset Management System (WAMS) RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive report No. IES11-005; and THAT Council authorize increasing the current contract with GHD Inc. by $152,825 to a revised amount of $231,445, excluding taxes, to support Phase 2 activities. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Page 7 of 9 11. PL11-001 – Application for Zoning By-law Amendment and pg. 85 Site Plan Approval WED Investments Ltd., 974672 Ontario Limited and 668390 Ontario Ltd. (The Kaitlin Group Ltd.) Lots 123, 124, 125, 126 and Part of Lot 22 Registered Plan 246, 15277, 15283 and 15291 Yonge Street and 10, 12, and 14 Centre Street Zoning By-law Amendment File: D14-16-97 Site Plan File: D11-01-07 RECOMMENDED: THAT staff report PL11-001 be received; and THAT an Implementing Zoning By-law be brought forward for Council’s consideration for enactment respecting File D14-14-97 (WED Investments Ltd.) to rezone the subject lands from “Central Commercial (C2) Zone” to “Central Commercial (C2-18) Exception Zone” to permit a 6/7 storey mixed use development with ground floor commercial and 74 apartment units including site specific zoning provisions; and THAT Site Plan Application, File D11-10-07 (WED Investments Ltd.) be approved to permit the construction of the 6/7 storey mixed used development, and that Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Site Plan Agreement); and THAT water and sanitary servicing capacity for a total of 74 units be allocated to this development. 12. PL11-002 – Applications to Amend the Official Plan and pg. 102 Zoning By-law P.A.R.C.E.L. Inc. Plan M-42, Block B & Part of Block A Official Plan Amendment File Number: D09-03-08 Zoning By-law Amendment File Number: D14-14-08 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL11-002 be received; and THAT Council endorse in principle the applicant’s revised development proposal subject to further negotiations; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Page 8 of 9 THAT Council direct Staff to represent the Town’s position at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) and engage in mediation with the applicant if necessary. 13. PL11-003 – Regional Modifications and Approval of the pg. 137 2C Secondary Plan (OPA # 73) RECOMMENDED: THAT staff report PL11-003 be received; and THAT Council endorse the Region’s proposed modifications to the 2C Secondary Plan (OPA 73) with the suggested revision as outlined within modification # 7; and THAT Council determine its position pertaining to the parkland requirements for the 2C Secondary Plan. 14. PL11-004 – Application for Site Plan Approval pg. 181 (Revised Submission) Irwin Industrial Agencies Limited 221 Don Hillock Drive Lot 11, Plan 65M-3974 File: D11-09-08 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive report PL11-004; and THAT Site Plan Application D11-09-08 (revised) be approved to permit the construction of a 2,108.56 m2 (22,697.11 ft2) office and warehouse; and THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the site plan agreement. 15. PR11-001 – Pool Allocation pg. 191 RECOMMENDED: THAT the 2008 draft of the Pool Allocation Policy be used only as a guideline for the allocation of permits until excess pool capacity exists; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Page 9 of 9 THAT staff prepare a report on the advantages and disadvantages of implementing three-year pool permits for Swim Clubs. 16. Memorandum from the Director of Building & By-law Services pg. 251 Re: Memorandum regarding Animal Control Services 1 Year Contract Extension RECOMMENDED: THAT the Memorandum from the Director of Building & By-law Services regarding the Animal Control Services 1 Year Contract Extension be received for information. ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, January 18, 2011 ➢ New Item 17 Memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer Re: Posting of Offsite Education Meeting Material ➢ Withdrawn Delegations (e) Chris Endicott, and (f) Pedro Blazan Re: Item 15 - Proposed Pool Allocation Policy Additional Delegations: ➢ (h) Mark Zoebelein, Representing Aurora Selkies & Masters Swim Club Re: Item 15 - Proposed Pool Allocation Policy ➢ (i) Liz Holtby, Representing Aurora Selkies & Masters Swim Club Re: Item 15 - Proposed Pool Allocation Policy ➢ (j) Mark Emery/Peter Smith, Representing P.A.R.C.E.L. Inc. Re: Item 12 — Applications to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law P.A.R.C.E.L. Inc. ➢ (k) N. Jane Pepino, Representing P.A.R.C.E.L. Inc. Re: Item 12 — Applications to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law P.A.R.C.E.L. Inc. ➢ (1) Susan Walmer, Representing Ratepayers of Aurora Yonge South (RAYS) Re: Item 12 — Applications to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law P.A.R.C.E.L. Inca ➢ (m) John Green, Representing Ratepayers of Aurora Yonge South (RAYS) Re: Item 12 — Applications to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law P.A.R.C.E.L. Inc. ➢ (n) Warren McClure, Representing Ratepayers of Aurora Yonge South (RAYS) Re: Item 12 — Applications to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law P.A.R.C.E.L. Inc. ➢ (o) Don Given, Malone Given Parsons Ltd., Representing Aurora 2C Landowners Group Re: Item 13 - PL11-003 Regional Modifications and Approval of the 2C Secondary Plan (OPA 73) ➢ (p) Claudio Brutto, Representing Aurora Leslie Developers Group, East of Leslie Re: Item 13 - PL11-003 Regional Modifications and Approval of the 2C Secondary Plan (OPA 73) ➢ (q) Jim Kyle, Manager, Policy Planning Re: Item 13 - PL11-003 Regional Modifications and Approval of the 2C Secondary Plan (OPA 73) ➢ Revised Item for Closed Session Re: Morris v. Johnson et al. — Defamation Action / 1 Municipal Dtive, Box 1000, AT TROT A Aurora, ON L4G 6J1 V j((-� Phone: 905.727-3123 ext. xxxx w .e-aurora.ca yowYei good Cowpan MEMORANDUM DATE: January 18, 2011 TO: Mayor and Members of Council FROM: Neil Garbe, Chief Administrative Officer RE: Posting of Offsite Education Meeting Material RECOMMENDATION Town of Aurora Office of the Chief Administrative Officer THAT Council receive this memorandum for information; THAT Council direct staff to post on the Town's website the agenda and all materials distributed at the Special Council Offsite Education Meeting held on January 14 & 15, 2011. COMMENTS At the Council meeting on December 14, 2010 Council determined that a closed session meeting be held on January 14 & 15, 2011 for educational purposes and passed the required resolution. Section 2.8 of the Town's Procedural By -Law sets out how closed session matters are to be dealt with. Section 2.8 (12) states as follows: The agenda or any other support items for consideration by Council or its committees in closed session shall not be released to the public in advance of the closed session meeting or prior to the time agreed upon for public ratification by Council. Upon receiving direction from Council, staff will post on the Town's website the agenda and all materials distributed at the Council Offsite Education Meeting held on January 14 & 15, 2011. Neil Garbe, Chief Administrative Officer Customer and Legislative Services Town Clerk 905-727-3123 info@e-aurora:ra Town of Aurora 1 Municipal Drive, Box 1000. Aurora. ON L4G 6,11 DELEGATION REQUEST Requests for delegation status, any written submissions and background information for consideration by Council or committees of Council must be submitted to the Clerk's office by PLEASE PRINT COUNCIL/COMMITT ,�EE/ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE:tn ems S A ny g L 1 SUBJECT: t� R c, PC.e F (� Oc � L III NAME: H A R K 20 C-- 8 r- I_ E t n1 r` — ADDRESS: StreetAddress PHONE: HOM �e Town/City Postal Code 4.- BUSINESS:_ E-MAIL ADDRESS: DO YOU REQUIRE ANY ACCESSIBILITY ACCOMMODATION r\3a NAME OF GROUP OR PERSON(S) BEING REPRESENTED (if applicable) e BRIEF STATEMENT OF ISSUE OR PURPOSE OF DEPUTATION c-^ (A 0. S \Q� /� ' f l o S @Pl rt Zyu Into s. I-.l" w �.S Personal information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Municipal Act, as amended. The information is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public, pursuant to Section 27 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Town Clerk, Town of Aurora 1 Municipal Drive Sox 1000 Aurora, ON L4G 6,11 Telephone 905 727-3123. <Te Commuiuty ,err, r',0j°e04aWPA 7 DELEGATION REQUEST Customer and Legislative Services Town Clerk 905-727-3123 info@e-aurora.ca Town of Aurora 1 Municipal Drive, Box 1000. Aurora, ON L4G 6,11 Requests for delegation status, any written submissions and background information for consideration by Council or committees of Council must be submitted to the Clerk's office by 4.30 P.M. ON THE MONDAY PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED MEETING PLEASE PRINT COUNCILICOMMITTEEIADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE: T men S Q L, i$ l l SUBJECT: NAME: L 1 2 is © 1—T P, `% ADDRESS: l Street Address , ToWn/Ctty Postal Code PHONE: HOME:_ BUSINESS: FAX NO.: E-MAIL ADDRES: DO YOU REQUIRE ANY ACCESSIBILITY ACCOMMODATION N o NAME OF GROUP OR PERSON(S) BEING REPRESENTED (if applicable) A A0A A SEI,K� SS d MASTEPS Swkltt CLo BRIEF STATEMENT OF ISSUE OR PURPOSE OF DEPUTATION Personal information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the kunicipal Act, as amended. The information is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public, pursuant to Section 27 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Town Clerk, Town of Aurora 1 Municipal Drive Box 1000 Aurora, ON L4G 6,11 Telephone 905 727-3123. u0n=A Ly . —� Town of Aurora 1 Municipal Drive, Box 1000 ario AumoRA Aurora, G 6A 1!!` L4G J1 ,yowrreiscgood ca-pa'ty Phone: 905-727-3t23 ext. 4217 Fax: 905-726A732 Delegation Request www.e-aurora.ca Please complete the following form. You may submit to the Town of Aurora by EITHER: • Printing and faxing a copy to 905-7264732 • Saving this file to your computer and emailing it to councilsecretariatstaffhDe-aurora.ca Once your delegation request is received, the Customer and Legislative Services Department will contact you to confirm receipt. Date January 17, 20f1 J Meeting date January 18, 2011 Subject General Committee Meeting - Item 12 - Re: D09-03-08 and D14-14-08 (P.A.R.C.E.L) Name IMarkEmery/Peter Smith Address Town / City Province �— — Postal Code �— Phone (daytime) �— Phone (evening)— Fax number Email address �r Do you require any Accessibility Accommodation? CI Yes 0 No Name of group or person(s) being represented, if applicable: P.A.R.C.E.L.Inc. J Brief statement of issue or purpose of deputation: Make presentation to outline the development proposal. Personal information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Municipal Act, as amended. The information is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public, pursuant to Section 27 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Town Clerk, Town of Aurora, 1 Municipal Drive, Box 1000, Aurora, Ontario, L4G 6,11, Telephone 905-727-3123. AURORA ,yowYe uv yood Gorutsasry Town of Aurora 1 Municipal Drive, Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6A Phone: 906-727-3123 ext. 4217 Fax: 905-726-4732 Delegation Request ww,,,.e-aurora.ca Please complete the following form. You may submit to the Town of Aurora by EITHER: * Printing and faxing a copy to 905-726-4732 • Saving this file to your computer and emailing it to oouncilsecretariststawe-aurora.ca Once your delegation request is received, the Customer and Legislative Services Department will contact you to confirm receipt. Date January t7, 2011 Meeting date January 18, 2011 Subject General Committee Meeting - Item 12 - Re: D09-03-08 and D14-14-08 (P.A.R.C.E.L) Name N. Jane Pepino Address - Town / City Province Postal Code Phone (daytime) Phone (evening) -- J Fax number - Email address Do you require any Accessibility Accommodation? [; Yes V, No Name of group or person(s) being represented, if applicable: P.A.R.C.E.L.Inc. Brief statement of issue or purpose of deputation: to any questions regarding the applications. Personal information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Municipal Act, as amended. The information is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public, pursuant to Section 27 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Town Clerk, Town of Aurora, 1 Municipal Drive, Box 1000, Aurora, Ontario, L4G 6.11, Telephone 905-727-3123. 2C SECONDARY PLAN OPA 73 Presentation to Committee Jan 18, 2011 Presented by: Don Given, Malone Given Parsons Ltd. Presented for: Aurora 2C West Landowners GroupTown of Aurora19/01/20111 PURPOSE OF PRESENTATION►Support the Region`s modifications to OPA 73.►Request Council to remove the proposed Community Park south of St. John`s Sideroad.19/01/20112 AURORA 2C WEST LANDOWNERS GROUP19/01/20113 AURORA 2C WEST LANDOWNERS GROUP► Control 97% of the developable land west of Leslie St.► Have been actively involved in the Town`s 2C Secondary Plan process.► Are generally supportive of the adopted Plan with the exception of two main issues:• Hartwell Way should be continuous mid-block collector from 2B.• Community Park should be removed and relocated elsewhere.19/01/20114 CHRONOLOGY OF 2C► York Region’s Official Plan has consistently planned for significant growth in Aurora.► The1991 Aurora Official Plan stated that west of Bayview Ave. there was only a 10 year supply of land and additional growth would need to be accommodated east of Bayview Ave.► As such, both Official Plans were appealed by landowners east of Bayview Ave. These appeals were eventually withdrawn on the basis of an agreement that 3 secondary plan areas west of Bayview Ave. would be defined and brought into the urban area.► The 1996 Growth Management study for Aurora again indicated lands east of Bayview Ave. were needed to accommodate growth.► OPA 17 and ROPA 3 were adopted in 1996 expanding the Town’s urban boundary to include lands known as Bayview Southeast (Area 2A) and northeast (Area 2B).19/01/20115 CHRONOLOGY OF 2C► Although Area 2C was identified in the study as need for growth, the 2C lands were not included in urban boundary at this time.► Some landowners in the 2C lands appealed OPA 17 & ROPA 3 on this basis.► While planning for Area 2B, Council passed a resolution to plan 2B comprehensively considering the ultimately development of the 2C lands. ► Policies were added to the 2B Secondary Plan that related to:• The need for a expanded Neighbourhood Park or Community Park in the 2C lands;• A single collector road crossing from 2B to 2C;• Schools, including a possible Catholic high school; and,• the concept of a wildlife park.► In 2000, OPA 30, the Secondary Plan for the Area 2B lands was approved by the OMB.19/01/20116 LAND USE SCHEDULE FOR 2B SECONDARY PLAN19/01/20117 CHRONOLOGY OF 2C► Shortly after the adoption of the 2B Secondary Plan, the Town purchased land on the east side of Leslie St. south of Wellington St. (Leslie Street Farm) for a community park.► Subsequent to that decision, Council purchased land on the north side of Wellington St. west of Leslie St. and construct what is now known as the Stronach Recreation Centre / Stewart Barnett Park.► The Stronach Centre / Stewart Barnett Park substantially satisfies any need for a community park in the 2C lands.► In January 2009, staff released the DRAFT Parks and Recreation Master Plan prepared by Monteith + Brown Planning Consultants which recommended the following:``THE MOST PRUDENT AND FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE COURSE OF ACTION FOR THE TOWN TO CONSIDER WOULD BE TO DESIGNATE ITS LESLIE STREET FARM PROPERTY FOR A FUTURE COMMUNITY PARK DESIGNATION``19/01/20118 LOCATION OF COMMUNITY PARKS19/01/2011935 HaLeslie St. Farm12 HaStronach Centre /  Stewart Barnett Park CHRONOLOGY OF 2C► Again in 2003 Aurora’s Five Year Official Plan Review established the need for expansion into the Area 2C lands.► The Official Plan Review recommended that the lands west of Leslie St. were needed for residential uses and the lands east were to be maintained for employment uses.► Instead of supporting staff’s recommendation for a urban expansion into 2C, Council in 2003 adopted a resolution requiring an environmental study be undertaken before requesting the Region to expand the urban boundary.► After a lengthy terms of reference process, in 2005 Aurora retained North South Environmental Inc. to complete the Natural Heritage Study.► A June 2005 prehearing on the OPA 17 and ROP 3 appeals concluded that all the 2C lands should be planned comprehensively but should be completed in a diligent and expeditious manner.19/01/201110 CHRONOLOGY OF 2C► January 2006 Minutes of Settlement were reached with the appellants of OPA 17 and ROPA 3. A series of studies and updates were agreed to including Planning Justification, Servicing Study and Natural Heritage Evaluation.► June 2006 Aurora requested York Region to include the 2C lands in the urban area of the Regional Official Plan.► 2006 – 2009 Aurora 2C Landowners continually requested Aurora to prepare a Secondary Plan for 2C.► January 2008 Region adopted Official Plan Amendment 53 (OPA 53), expanding the Town’s urban boundary to include the 2C lands.► September 2008 Region released its Growth Plan Conformity population and employment forecasts which allocated a population of 70,400 people to Aurora by 2031.19/01/201111 CHRONOLOGY OF 2C► Given that no Secondary Plan and OPA had been initiated by the Town for the 2C lands, in November 2008 the Aurora 2C Landowners Group applied for an Official Plan Amendment.► Official Plan Amendment dealt with all the 2C lands west of Leslie St. comprehensively and included the Hartwell Way connection as planned for during the planning for 2B.► No community park was including in the application.► May 2009 Landowners appealed application to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) because the municipality refused to make a decision on the application and the timing of a Town-wide Secondary Plan was unknown.► Sept 2009 Town retained The Planning Partnership to prepare the 2C Secondary Plan.► A series of prehearings were held in 2010 and the Town committed to having a Secondary Plan completed by September 2010.► Landowner were supportive of giving the Town time to complete it’s secondary plan process. OMB scheduled a hearing for February 2011 which all parties agreed to.19/01/201112 AURORA 2C LANDOWNERS GROUP SUBMISSION19/01/201113 CHRONOLOGY OF 2C► The Aurora 2C Landowners Group fully participated in the 2C Secondary Plan process and on numerous occasions provided our options particularly expressing no support for a Community Park within these lands.► The Town`s consultants did not recommend a Community Park in the 2C lands west of Leslie St. and recommended that Hartwell Way be a continuous road between 2B and 2C.► The Town`s Steering Committee recommended that a community park be located south of St. John`s Sideroad.► Council endorsed the location of the community park and removed the Hartwell Way crossing when they adopted OPA 73 in September 2010.► At that time, Council had hoped to purchased the 6 – 8 hectares needed for the Community Park from Emmanuel Convalscents.19/01/201114 LAND USE PLAN – OPA 7319/01/201115 2C WEST LANDOWNERS POSITION► Since the adoption of OPA 73, TACC Developments have acquired the Emmanuel lands and are not interested in selling land for a Community Park.► Cost to acquire parkland could range between $7.5 to $10 million.► This does not seem like a reasonable business decision for Aurora.► The Aurora 2C West Landowners Group continues to believe the Town should reactivate their interest in the Leslie St. Farm lands that were originally purchased for Community Parkland.19/01/201116 REQUESTS► OPA 73 be modified to:1. Reinstate Hartwell Way as a continuous mid-block collector from 2B as recommended by the Region and Aurora Staff.2. Remove the Community Park south of St. John’s Sideroad.3. Continue to work with the Landowners on other minor modifications with a goal to settle the 2C Secondary Plan prior to the scheduled OMB hearing in June 2011.19/01/201117