MINUTES - Committee of Adjustment - 20150108AukORA
NO. 15-01
Council Chambers
Aurora Town Hall
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Hank Gosar (Chair), Grace Marsh (Vice Chair), Roy
Harrington, Carl Barrett and David Mhango
Justin Leung (Acting Secretary -Treasurer) and Jeff
Healey (Planner)
Chair called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
Moved by Roy Harrington Seconded by David Mhango
THAT the Agenda as circulated by the Secretary -Treasurer be approved.
Committee of Adjustment Minutes of December 11, 2014
Meeting Number 14-12
Moved by Carl Barrett
Seconded by Grace Marsh
THAT the Committee of Adjustment Minutes from Meeting Number 14-12
be adopted as printed and circulated.
Committee of Adjustment Meeting No. 15-01
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Minor Variance application: MV-2014-37 (Samadi)
302 Ridge Road
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The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of Zoning By-law No. 2213-78,
as amended, to allow the construction of a detached dwelling within a zone with
the symbol 'ORM' affixed to it.
The Chair read through the purpose of the application. In attendance was the
agent Amir Samadi.
The Chair asked the agent if he had read and understood the recommended
conditions. Mr. Samadi indicated that he did.
The Committee inquired about the footprint of the new building and on the
impervious area of the property. Mr. Samadi responded that the footprint of the
new building would be larger than the current building, thus the reason they
needed to seek a Variance. In terms of the impervious area, their proposed
construction would need exceed the allowable impervious area percentage.
Moved by Grace Marsh
Seconded by Roy Harrington
THAT minor variance application MV-2014-37 be APPROVED subject to
conditions contained in the report.
Minor Variance application: MV-2014-38 (Brookfield Homes (Ontario)
Aurora Ltd)
23 Cobb Street
The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of Zoning By-law No. 2213-78,
as amended, to allow a reduction in exterior side yard setback.
The Chair read through the purpose of the application. In attendance was the
agent Jamie Lopes.
Mr. Lopes explained that the lot does not support sufficient width. As these are
comer lots, they are treated with upgraded exterior work to ensure the exterior
is visually appealing as per a requirement of architectural control set forth by
the municipality.
Committee of Adjustment Meeting No. 15-01
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Moved by Carl Barrett
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Seconded by David Mhango
THAT minor variance application MV-2014-38 be APPROVED.
Minor Variance application: MV-2014-39 (Brookfield Homes (Ontario)
Aurora Ltd)
39 Cobb Street
The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of Zoning By-law No. 2213-78,
as amended, to allow a reduction in exterior side yard setback.
The Chair read through the purpose of the application. In attendance was the
agent Jamie Lopes.
Mr. Lopes stated that this Variance was the same as the previous Variance
application. However, the difference is that this property is in a different zone.
Moved by Grace Marsh
Seconded by Roy Harrington
THAT minor variance application MV-2014-39 be APPROVED.
4.) Minor Variance application: MV-2014-43 (Arnold Lane)
15236 Yonge Street
The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of Zoning By-law No. 2213-78,
as amended, to allow a reduction in the required parking spaces for a
commercial use.
The Chair read through the purpose of the application. In attendance was the
agent Sandro Soscia.
Mr. Soscia described the property as being the location of a former hardware
store. The property has never had its own allocated parking. The property existed
will continue to operate as a retail type. The space is now to be subdivided in
to two units. On -site parking exists on Temperance Street and immediately
behind the property.
The Committee asked for clarification on what properties the owner possessed in
the immediate area. Mr. Soscia responded that in addition to the subject
property, that the building in the back and the comer property on the southwest
comer of Yonge Street and Wellington Street were also held by the same owner.
Committee of Adjustment Meeting No. 15-01
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Moved by Grace Marsh
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Seconded by David Mhango
THAT minor variance application MV-2014-43 be APPROVED.
Minor Variance application: MV-2014-44A-B (Regional Municipality of York)
14019 Bathurst Street
The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of Zoning By-law No. 2213-78,
as amended, to allow the construction of a new structure within Oak
Ridges Moraine and for an increase in the maximum height for an accessory
building or structure.
The Chair read through the purpose of the application. In attendance was the
agent Iva Danilovic.
Ms. Danilovic that the subject property had an existing water supply system. This
Variance application deals with a proposed upgrade to boast disinfectant
treatment of water for anticipated future demand. The second Variance for
increased height was being requested so vehicles and personnel would be able
to access equipment.
The Committee asked if any trees were to be impacted and on the re-
chlorimination process described in the application.
Ms. Danilovic stated that no trees on the subject property would be affected and
that re-chlorimation process was necessary as the water was travelling up from
Toronto. Due to this further distance, residue could collect in the water so it had
to be treated.
Moved by Roy Harrington
Seconded by Carl Barrett
THAT minor variance application MV-2014-44A-B be APPROVED.
6.) Minor Variance application: MV-2014-41 (Coutts)
14314 Yonge Street
The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of Zoning By-law No. 2213-78,
as amended, to allow a reduction in a minimum lot area. (Note: this application
relates to Consent application C-2014-03).
Committee of Adjustment Meeting No.15-01
Thursday, January 8, 2015
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The Chair read through the purpose of the application. In attendance was the
agent Claudio Brutto.
The Chair asked the agent if he had read and understood the recommended
conditions. Mr. Brutto indicated that he did.
Mr. Brutto then described that a minor change was being proposed to the
application. The original piece to be severed and conveyed was now slightly
larger so as to allow for two road accesses. These accesses relate to two draft
plan of subdivisions currently being reviewed and processed by the Town
Planning Department. Mr. Brutto stated that the new sketch showing this change
meets the four tests of a minor variance as stipulated by the Planning Act
The Committee then asked staff to comment. Staff responded that as this
proposed change had only been submitted to staff today, staff had not done a
thorough review of the proposal. As such, staff were unable to comment on it.
The Committee asked that if they choose to deal with the original application,
would the applicant have to return to present their new proposed application.
Staff responded that a re -circulation may be necessary.
Mr. Brutto stated that the shortfall was from 8.2 to 8.23 hectares for the subject
property as a result of the proposed severance and conveyance. This and
Consent application C-2014-04 (Frattaroli) was to allow for a condo road access
for the Frattaroli lands in exchange for the Coutts family to meet a financial
obligation as pending sale of their subject lands to Brookfield Homes.
The Committee then recommended that the application be approved subject to
an additional condition that staff review this new proposal and support the
proposed changes.
Staff responded that this was sufficient to be added. In addition, this new
proposal, if approved, would be shown in future public planning meetings to
Council and residents.
Moved by Grace Marsh Seconded by David Mhango
THAT minor variance application MV-2014-41 be APPROVED with an
additional condition that Planning staff review the amended proposal and
approve it in its new iteration.
7.) Consent application: C-2014-03 (Coutts)
14314 Yonge Street
The applicant submitted consent application to permit lot conveyance and to
allow for a new lot addition.
Committee of Adjustment Meeting No. 15-01
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Page 6 of 8
The Chair read through the purpose of the application. In attendance was the
agent Claudio Brutto.
Mr. Brutto indicated that this application was related to the previous Variance
application and that its purpose had been explained previously.
Moved by Grace Marsh Seconded by Roy Harrington
THAT consent application C-2014-03 be APPROVED subject to
conditions contained in the report with an additional condition that
Planning staff review the amended proposal and approve it in its new
8.) Minor Variance application: MV-2014-42A-B (Frattaroli)
14288 Yonge Street
The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of Zoning By-law No. 2213-78,
as amended, respecting to allow a reduction in a minimum lot area and lot
frontage. (Note: this application relates to Consent application C-2014-04).
The Chair read through the purpose of the application. In attendance was the
agent Claudio Brutto.
The Chair asked the agent if he had read and understood the recommended
conditions. Mr. Brutto indicated that he did.
Mr. Brutto that it would be prudent to carry the previous condition to the Coutts
related applications to this application as well due to the change in numbers with
their proposal as it related to the Coutts applications. Frattaroli family is giving a
portion of their lands to the Coutts family to facilitate access to their lands. The
proposal is for single family homes on the subject property. There will be a
singular road access for both Coutts and Frattaroli developments so as to funnel
all traffic to that access point adjacent to Gilbert Drive.
The Committee then asked about the piece of land shown in white on the
diagram attached to the application.
Mr. Brutto responded that this was a property owned by the Colin family. Due to
a knoll which extends onto their property, development is currently not possible
there. However, the municipality has made provisions for access to be given by
either the Coutts or Frattaroli family owned lands if development to the Colin
lands occurred in future.
Committee of Adjustment Meeting No. 15-01 Page 7 of 8
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Moved by David Mhango Seconded by Roy Harrington
THAT minor variance application MV-2014-42A-B be APPROVED subject
to conditions contained in the report with an additional condition that
Planning staff review the amended proposal and approve it in its new
9.) Consent application: C-2014-04 (Frattaroli)
14288 Yonge Street
The applicant submitted consent application to permit lot conveyance and to
allow for a new lot addition.
The Chair read through the purpose of the application. In attendance was the
agent Claudio Brutto.
Mr. Brutto indicated that this application was related to the previous Variance
application and that its purpose had been explained previously.
Moved by David Mhango Seconded by Carl Barrett
THAT consent application C-2014-04 be APPROVED subject to
conditions contained in the report with an additional condition that
Planning staff review the amended proposal and approve it in its new
• Staff informed the Committee that applications were currently being received for
Town Committees for the 2014-2018 term. The deadline to receive application is
January 9, 2015 for Town Statutory Committees, including Committee of
Adjustment. Received applications would then be brought to the February 5
General Committee in closed session. Decision on new Committee appointments
would be at the February 9 Council meeting. As such, the current Committee
would sit in the February 12 meeting with the new Committee convening for the
March 12 meeting.
Committee of Adjustment Meeting No. 15-01
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Moved by Grace Marsh
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:27 p.m.
Confirmed in open session this 12t" day of February 2015.
Hank Gosar, Justin Leung,
Committee Chair Acting Secretary -Treasurer
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