MINUTES - Council - 20211214 1 Town of Aurora Council Meeting Minutes Date: Time: Location: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Aurora Town Hall Council Members: Mayor Tom Mrakas (Chair) Councillor Harold Kim Councillor Wendy Gaertner* Councillor John Gallo* Councillor Rachel Gilliland Councillor Sandra Humfryes Councillor Michael Thompson* Other Attendees: Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer Allan Downey, Director of Operations* Rachel Wainwright-van Kessel, Director of Finance* Techa van Leeuwen, Director of Corporate Services* Lisa Warth, Acting Director, Community Services* David Waters, Director of Planning and Development Services* Eliza Bennett, Acting Manager, Corporate Communications* Doug Bertrand, Manager, Facilities* Lisa Hausz, Manager, Economic Development and Policy* Patricia De Sario, Town Solicitor* Michael de Rond, Town Clerk Samantha Yew, Deputy Town Clerk Ishita Soneji, Council/Committee Coordinator *Attended electronically _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 2 The Mayor relinquished the Chair to Councillor Kim at 8:32 p.m. during the consideration of Motion 10.2, Re: Financial Support of the Aurora Historical Society for Hillary House Rehabilitation, and reassumed the chair at 8:46 p.m. 2. Land Acknowledgement Mayor Mrakas acknowledged that the meeting took place on the traditional territory of the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe peoples whose presence here continues to this day. He further noted that Aurora is part of the treaty lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit and the Williams Treaties First Nations and thanked them for sharing the land. 3. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Councillor Humfryes Seconded by Councillor Thompson That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services, be approved. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Carried (7 to 0) 4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof Councillor Humfryes declared a pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50 respecting the third clause of the motion for item 9.2, Report No. FIN21-052 – 2022 Final Approved Budget, as a family member is employed by Central York Fire Services; therefore, she did not take part in the discussion of, or vote on, any question in respect of the matter. 5. Community Presentations 5.1 Greg Stanisci, Manager of BI and Data Analytics, York Region Police; Re: The New Community Safety Data Portal Presentation Council consented to permit fifteen minutes for the presentation. Deputy Chief Paulo Da Silva introduced the York Region Police's new Community Safety Data Portal noting its purpose to enable the public to be more engaged in the safety and wellbeing of their communities. Greg 3 Stanisci, Manager of BI and Data Analytics, demonstrated how to navigate the portal and provided an overview of the features including seasonal alerts, community safety maps, road safety maps, and various dashboard data regarding crime statistics and trends. It was noted that training sessions regarding the portal will be offered through the Community Safety Data Portal Academy, and more information regarding registration is available at www.yrp.ca. Superintendent Sony Dosanjh was also present to respond to questions. Moved by Councillor Gilliland Seconded by Councillor Humfryes That the presentation be received for information. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Carried (7 to 0) 6. Delegations None. 7. Consent Agenda Moved by Councillor Gilliland Seconded by Councillor Gaertner That the Consent Agenda items, 7.1 to 7.8 inclusive, be approved. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Carried (7 to 0) 7.1 Council Meeting Minutes of November 23, 2021 1. That the Council meeting minutes of November 23, 2021, be adopted as circulated. Carried 4 7.2 Council Closed Session Minutes of November 16, 2021 1. That the Council Closed Session minutes of November 16, 2021, be adopted as circulated. Carried 7.3 Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of November 16, 2021 1. That the Council Closed Session Public meeting minutes of November 16, 2021, be adopted as circulated. Carried 7.4 Council Closed Session Minutes of November 23, 2021 1. That the Council Closed Session minutes of November 23, 2021, be adopted as circulated. Carried 7.5 Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of November 23, 2021 1. That the Council Closed Session Public meeting minutes of November 23, 2021, be adopted as circulated. Carried 7.6 Council Closed Session Minutes of November 30, 2021 1. That the Council Closed Session minutes of November 30, 2021, be adopted as circulated. Carried 7.7 Council Closed Session Public Meeting Minutes of November 30, 2021 1. That the Council Closed Session Public meeting minutes of November 30, 2021, be adopted as circulated. Carried 7.8 Memorandum from Councillor Gaertner; Re: Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board Meeting Highlights of October 22, 2021 1. That the memorandum regarding Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board Meeting Highlights of October 22, 2021, be received for information. Carried 5 8. Standing Committee Reports Moved by Councillor Gaertner Seconded by Councillor Gilliland That the Standing Committee Reports, items 8.1 to 8.2 inclusive, be received and the recommendations carried by the Committee with the exception of sub-item 8.1.5, which was discussed and voted on separately as recorded below. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Carried (7 to 0) 8.1 General Committee Meeting Report of November 30, 2021 8.1.1 CMS21-034 - Public Art Master Plan - Status Update Report 1. That Report No. CMS21-034 be received for information. Carried 8.1.2 FIN21-045 - Q3 2021 Procurement Report Report 1. That Report No. FIN21-045 be received for information. Carried 8.1.3 Mayor's Golf Classic Funds Committee Meeting Minutes of November 5, 2021 Minutes 1. That the Mayor's Golf Classic Funds Committee meeting minutes of November 5, 2021, be received for information. Carried 8.1.4 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2021 Minutes 6 1. That the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting minutes of November 10, 2021, be received for information. Carried 8.1.5 Aurora Town Square Project Monitoring Task Force Meeting Minutes of November 16, 2021 Minutes Moved by Councillor Gilliland Seconded by Councillor Thompson 1. That the Aurora Town Square Project Monitoring Task Force meeting minutes of November 16, 2021, be received for information. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Carried (7 to 0) 8.1.6 Mayor's Golf Classic Funds Committee Meeting of November 18, 2021 Minutes 1. That the Mayor's Golf Classic Funds Committee Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2021 be received for information. Carried 8.1.7 Anti-Black Racism and Anti-Racism Task Force Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2021 Minutes 1. That the Anti-Black Racism and Anti-Racism Task Force Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2021, be received for information. Carried 7 8.1.8 Community Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2021 Minutes 1. That the Community Advisory Committee meeting minutes of November 18, 2021, be received for information. Carried 8.1.9 FIN21-049 - Procurement Modernization Project Update Report Attachment 1 Attachment 2 1. That Report No. FIN21-049 be received for information. Carried 8.1.10 CS21-059 - Fence By-law Exemption Request – 32 Knowles Crescent Report Attachment 1 Attachment 2 1. That Report No. CS21-059 be received; and 2. That an exemption to the Town’s Fence By-law No. 4753-05.P to permit a recently constructed non-compliant fence in the rear yard at 32 Knowles Crescent, be denied; and 3. That staff report to Council at a future meeting outlining proposed amendments to the Fence By-law No 4753-05.P on a process to address future fence exemption requests. Carried 8.1.11 CS21-089 - Pending List Review Report Attachment 1 1. That Report No. CS21-089 be received; and 2. That items marked “Completed” be removed from the Pending List. Carried 8 8.1.12 OPS21-021 - Tree Removal Permit Application - 144 Temperance Street Report Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 1. That Report No. OPS21-021 be received; and 2. That the Tree Removal Permit Application for 144 Temperance Street be approved. Carried 8.1.13 PDS21-152 - Application for Removal of (H) Holding Provision, Gillam Residence Ltd. Partnership - 15520 Yonge Street, Plan 246 PT Lot 4, File Number: ZBA(H)-2021-01, Related File Number: SPM-2021-01 Report Figures 1-9 1. That Report No. PDS21-152 be received; and 2. That the Application to Remove the (H) Holding Provision File ZBA(H)-2019-01 for Gillam Residence Ltd. Partnership at 15520 Yonge Street be approved; and 3. That the amending by-law to remove the (H) Holding provision be presented for enactment at a future Council meeting. Carried 8.1.14 PDS21-155 - Application for Site Plan Approval, Horseshoe Properties Inc., 130 Industrial Parkway North, File Number: SP-2021- 05 Report Figures 1-7 1. That Report No. PDS21-155 be received; and 2. That Site Plan Application File SP-2021-05 to permit the development of a building addition for warehousing with a Gross Floor Area of 1,163.08 m² (12,519 ft²) be approved in principle, subject to the following conditions: i. Resolution of all outstanding minor technical comments from internal departments and external agencies including 9 the Region of York and the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning & Development Services, prior to execution of a site plan agreement; and ii. Execution of a site plan agreement between the Owner and the Town ensuring all Town and external agency requirements are satisfied, including the payment of fees and securities and Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland. Carried 8.1.15 New Business Motion No. 1 1. That the comments from Delegation 6.1, by Susan Morton- Leonard and Lynn Browne, regarding train whistle cessation in Aurora, be referred back to staff to report back to Council. Carried 8.2 Budget Committee Meeting Reports of November 2021 8.2.1 Budget Committee Meeting Report of November 8, 2021 1. That the Budget Committee meeting report of November 8, 2021, be received for information. Carried 8.2.2 Budget Committee Meeting Report of November 15, 2021 1. That the Budget Committee meeting report of November 15, 2021, be received for information. Carried 8.2.3 Budget Committee Meeting Report of November 20, 2021 1. That the Budget Committee meeting report of November 20, 2021, be received for information. Carried 10 9. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) 9.1 Presentation from Manager, Economic Development & Policy; Re: Economic Development Marketing Campaign Lisa Hausz, Manager, Economic Development and Policy, presented an overview of the Emerging Aurora marketing campaign intended to build awareness for Aurora investment, talent, and workforce and to identify initiatives, projects, and programs that support the Economic Development Strategic Plan. She further highlighted details of the various marketing elements and presented two video projects as part of the campaign. Moved by Councillor Humfryes Seconded by Councillor Kim 1. That the presentation regarding Economic Development Marketing Campaign be received for information. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Carried (7 to 0) 9.2 FIN21-052 - 2022 Final Approved Budget Council consented to vote on the third clause of the main motion separately. Main motion Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Councillor Humfryes 1. That Report No. FIN21-052 be received; and 2. That Council approve the 2022 operating budget as follows: a. The operating budget, excluding Central York Fire Services, as amended by this report, and as summarized in Attachment 1; and b. The water, wastewater and storm water rates to fully fund each of these services as summarized in Table 2; and 11 c. That the necessary tax and water billing bylaws be enacted at a future Council meeting; and 3. (voted on separately) 4. That Council approve the 2022 capital budget as follows: a. The capital budget authority and planned spending by project as detailed in the budget binder tabled on October 26th, 2021 and as amended in this report and as summarized in Attachments 2 and 3; and b. The capital budget authority and planned spending for the roads, facilities, fleet and storm sewer rehabilitation & replacement capital programs as detailed in the budget binder tabled on October 26th, 2021, as summarized in Table 2 and subject to the rules detailed in this report; and c. The funding sources for each capital project as reviewed and recommended by Budget Committee on November 20, 2021; and 5. That the reconciliation of the 2022 operating budget to the full accrual basis of accounting, as required under Ontario Regulation 284/09, as summarized in Attachment 4 be endorsed. Amendment Moved by Councillor Gallo Seconded by Councillor Gaertner That the main motion be amended by adding the following clause: "That the safe restart funding amount allocated to the Aurora Armoury be tabled until more information is provided to a Closed Session meeting in January 2022." Yeas (3): Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, and Councillor Gilliland Nays (4): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Defeated (3 to 4) 12 Yeas (6): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Nays (1): Councillor Gallo Main motion Carried (6 to 1) Third clause of main motion Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Councillor Gilliland 3. That a total budget of $12,294,900 be approved for 2022, representing the Town’s share for Fire Services; Yeas (6): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, Councillor Gilliland, and Councillor Thompson Absent (1): Councillor Humfryes Carried (6 to 0) 9.3 FIN21-051 - 2021 Interim Forecast Update As of October 31, 2021 Moved by Councillor Gilliland Seconded by Councillor Thompson 1. That Report No. FIN21-051 be received for information. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Carried (7 to 0) 10. Motions 10.1 Councillor Kim; Re: Naming Policy Review Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Councillor Humfryes Whereas the Town of Aurora has not reviewed the policies regarding facility and street naming since 2007; and 13 Whereas the Town would benefit from a fulsome review and modernization of the various naming policies; 1. Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That staff review our current naming policies and report back to Council with policy recommendations; and 2. Be It Further Resolved That staff report back by the end of the first quarter of 2022. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Carried (7 to 0) 10.2 Mayor Mrakas; Re: Financial Support of the Aurora Historical Society for Hillary House Rehabilitation Moved by Mayor Mrakas Seconded by Councillor Humfryes Whereas the Aurora Historical Society is facing considerable financial pressure relating to its repair and rehabilitation of Hillary House; and Whereas balances in the Heritage Reserve Fund will be planned for specific projects recommended to or by Council during the annual budget process, or other times through-out the year, having consulted with the Heritage Advisory Committee; and Whereas the Town has $321,300 in funding available within its Heritage Reserve Fund from which financial support may be offered to the Aurora Historical Society; and 1. Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That the Town match any funding obtained by the Aurora Historical Society for the rehabilitation of the Hillary House up to a maximum of $150,000; and 2. Be It Further Resolved That the matching funds to the Aurora Historical Society be funded through a contribution from the Heritage Reserve Fund; and 3. Be It Further Resolved That upon confirmation of the proposed amount to be provided to the Aurora Historical Society and the scope of the 14 capital works to be funded by the grant that the Heritage Advisory Committee’s endorsement be sought at that time. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Carried (7 to 0) 11. Regional Report 11.1 York Regional Council Highlights of November 25, 2021 Moved by Councillor Gilliland Seconded by Councillor Kim 1. That the York Regional Council Highlights of November 25, 2021, be received for information. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Carried (7 to 0) 12. New Business Councillor Gaertner inquired about additional yard waste pick up for debris caused by high winds, and staff provided a response noting additional pick-up cannot be scheduled at this time. It was mentioned that residents can take yard waste items to the Bloomington Yard Waste Depot. Councillor Gilliland extended appreciation to the Community Services department for their prompt response to recent inclement weather and cancelling any outdoor events to ensure everyone's safety. Mayor Mrakas and Members of Council discussed about the appointment of a Council representative to the Hillary House Board of Directors. New Business Motion No. 1 Moved by Councillor Gilliland Seconded by Councillor Gaertner 15 That Councillor Sandra Humfryes be appointed to the Hillary House Board of Directors as Council's representative. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Carried (7 to 0) 13. By-laws 13.1 By-law Number 6397-21 - Being a By-law to levy Interim Property Taxes for the 2022 taxation year. Moved by Councillor Gilliland Seconded by Councillor Kim That By-law 13.1 be enacted. Yeas (7): Mayor Mrakas, Councillor Kim, Councillor Gaertner, Councillor Gallo, Councillor Gilliland, Councillor Humfryes, and Councillor Thompson Carried (7 to 0) 14. Closed Session None. 15. Confirming By-law 15.1 By-law No. 6398-21 Being a By-law to confirm actions by Council resulting from a Council meeting on December 14, 2021 Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Councillor Gilliland That the confirming by-law be enacted. Carried 16. Adjournment Mayor Mrakas, on behalf of Council, extended appreciation and best wishes to David Waters, Director of Planning and Development Services, on his retirement and Eliza Bennett on her role as Acting Manager of Corporate Communications. 16 Mayor Mrakas, on behalf of Council, extended best wishes to all residents and businesses for a happy and safe holiday season, and reminded everyone to follow the public health safety guidelines. Moved by Councillor Gaertner Seconded by Councillor Thompson That the meeting be adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Carried Tom Mrakas, Mayor Michael de Rond, Town Clerk